
Terms for subject Microsoft containing communications | all forms | exact matches only
asynchronous communicationasynkroninen tiedonsiirto (A form of data transmission in which information is sent and received at irregular intervals, one character at a time. Because data is received at irregular intervals, the receiving modem must be signaled to let it know when the data bits of a character begin and end. This is done by means of start and stop bits)
asynchronous communication layerasynkroninen yhteyskerros (The layer of AJAX functionality that takes care of communication between the browser and the server)
Communication HistoryViestintä (The section, located on the Business Contact Manager menu, that tracks interactions with customers by linking items to records)
Communication History folderViestintä-kansio (A folder, accessible from the Business Contact Manager menu, that contains all communication history items and the records they are linked to)
communication history itemviestintätapahtuma (An item such as an appointment, business note, e-mail message, file, or task that is linked to an Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project)
communications languageviestintäkieli (The language chosen by a company in which they want to receive e-mail messages and other business communications from Microsoft)
communications porttietoliikenneportti (A serial communications port used to connect a device, such as a modem, printer, or mobile device, to a computer)
communications porttietoliikenneportti (A serial communications port used to connect a device, such as a modem, printer, or mobile device, to a computer)
communications servertietoliikennepalvelin (The server through which Communicator connects with other users)
communications servicetietoliikennepalvelu (The program that runs the server through which Communicator connects with other users)
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicinelääketieteellinen kuvantaminen ja tiedonsiirto (A non-proprietary data interchange protocol, digital image format, and file structure standard for biomedical images)
initial communicationensiyhteydenotto (The first contact, for example by email or telephone, with a lead or customer)
interprocess communicationprosessien välinen tietoliikenne (The ability of one task or process to communicate with another in a multitasking operating system. Common methods include pipes, semaphores, shared memory, queues, signals, and mailboxes)
near field communicationlähikenttäviestintä (A communication technology based on short range (4cm or less) wireless data exchange)
near field communication sensorlähikenttätunnistin (A type of sensor (such as a proximity sensor) that uses near field communication (NFC))
Office Communications ServerOffice Communications Server -kone (A computer that runs Microsoft Office Communications Server software)
turnkey communications linekäyttövalmis yhteys (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
unified communicationsyhdistetty viestintä (A system that integrates platforms for communications including e-mail, voice mail, telephony, instant messaging, and voice and video conferencing)
Windows Communication Foundation application serviceWindows Communication Foundation -sovelluspalvelu (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
Windows Communications AppsWindowsin viestintäsovellukset (The download package that includes People, Messaging, Mail, and Calendar)