
Terms for subject Microsoft containing cloud | all forms | exact matches only
BlackBerry Business Cloud ServicesBlackBerryR Business Cloud Services (A smartphone service for BlackBerry devices using Office 365. The service is hosted by Research In Motion)
Cloud App Modelpilvisovellusmalli (An application-hosting architecture that relies on cloud-based services. Application logic and data are typically hosted on a distributed set of services on the Internet, connected through web APIs, and authenticated with server-to-server authentication technologies such as OAuth)
cloud-basedpilvipohjainen (Pertaining to operations that take place within the cloud)
cloud collectionpilvikokoelma (A description for music or videos stored in the cloud that users may access from their phone. Used for Xbox Music and any other potential cloud-based media services)
cloud computingpilvitekniikka (A type of computing that uses groups of servers and scalable resources, generally a platform as a service and software as a service, over the Internet)
Microsoft Cloud PartnerMicrosoft-pilvikumppani (An individual or organization that does business with, by, or on behalf of Microsoft and that is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network using cloud technology)
public cloudjulkinen pilvi (A cloud infrastructure typically owned and managed by an organization that sells cloud services. The resources are shared by the general public or a group of customers in order to optimize utilization rates)
Windows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for PartnersWindows Azure -käyttöympäristö Cloud Essentials -kumppaneille (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)