
Terms for subject Environment containing chemical | all forms | exact matches only
alternative chemicalkorvaava yhdiste
basic inorganic chemicalsepäorgaaninen peruskemikaali
basic organic chemicalorgaaninen peruskemikaali
bleached chemical pulpvalkaistu kemiallinen massa
Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals AgencyEuroopan kemikaaliviraston valituslautakunta
Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agencyvalituslautakunta
bulk chemicalsirtokemikaali
bulk chemicalsbulkkikemikaali
chemical addition Chemical reaction in which one or more of the double bonds or triple bonds in an unsaturated compound is converted to a single bond by the addition of other atoms or groupslisäys
chemical additionlisäys
chemical alternativekorvaava yhdiste
chemical analysiskemiallinen analyysi
chemical analysis The complex of operations aiming to determine the kinds of constituents of a given substancekemiallinen analyysi
chemical characterizationkemiallinen luonnehdinta
chemical composition The nature and proportions of the elements comprising a chemical compoundkemiallinen koostumus
chemical compoundyhdiste
chemical contamination The addition or presence of chemicals to, or in, another substance to such a degree as to render it unfit for its intended purpose. Also refers to the result(s) of such an addition or presencekemiallinen saastuminen
chemical contaminationkemiallinen saastuminen
chemical conversionkemiallinen muuntuminen
chemical conversionkemiallinen muuttuminen
chemical conversionkemiallinen konversio
chemical corrosivitykemiallinen syövyttävyys
chemical corrosivity The tendency of a metal to wear away another by chemical attackkemiallinen syövyttävyys
chemical decontamination Removal of chemical substances from a building, a watercourse, a person's clothes, etc.kemiallinen puhdistus
chemical degradation The act or process of simplifying or breaking down a molecule into smaller parts, either naturally or artificiallykemiallinen hajoaminen
chemical degradationkemiallinen hajoaminen
chemical element elements and their compounds ; A substance made up of atoms with the same atomic number; common examples are hydrogen, gold, and ironalkuaineet
chemical elementalkuaineet
chemical elementsalkuaineet
chemical engineering The branch of engineering concerned with industrial manufacture of chemical products. It is a discipline in which the principles of mathematical, physical and natural sciences are used to solve problems in applied chemistry. Chemical engineers design, develop, and optimise processes and plants, operate them, manage personnel and capital, and conduct research necessary for new developments. Through their efforts, new petroleum products, plastics, agricultural chemicals, house-hold products, pharmaceuticals, electronic and advanced materials, photographic materials, chemical and biological compounds, various food and other products evolvekemian tekniikka
chemical engineeringkemian tekniikka
chemical falloutkemiallinen laskeuma
chemical fallout The sedimentation of chemical substances accumulated in the atmosphere as a result of industrial emissionskemiallinen laskeuma
chemical fertiliser Fertilizer manufactured from chemicals; excessive use of them can cause pollution, when all the chemicals are not taken up by the plants and the excess is leached out of the soil into rivers and may cause algal bloomkemiallinen lannoite
chemical fertiliserkeinolannoite
chemical fertiliserkemiallinen lannoite
chemical floculationkemiallinen hiutaloittaminen
chemical floculationkemiallinen flokkaus
chemical hazardkemiallinen vaara
chemical in the environment The presence in the environment of any solid, liquid or gaseous material discharged from a process and that may pose substantial hazard to human health and the environmentympäristön kemikaalit
chemical in the environmentympäristön kemikaalit
chemical industry Industry related with the production of chemical compounds. The chemical processing industry has a variety of special pollution problems due to the vast number of products manufactured. The treatment processes combine processing, concentration, separation, extraction, by-product recovery, destruction, and reduction in concentration. The wastes may originate from solvent extraction, acid and caustic wastes, overflows, spills, mechanical loss, etc.kemian teollisuus
chemical industrykemian teollisuus
Chemical Inspectoratekemiallinen tarkastusvirasto
Chemical InspectorateKemikaalientarkastuslaitos
chemical installationkemiallinen laitos
chemical installation Building where chemicals are manufacturedkemiallinen laitos
chemical measurement of pollution The quantitative determination of the presence, extent or type of pollutant substances in the environment by studying the actions or reactions of known chemicals to those pollutantssaasteen kemiallinen mittaus
chemical measurement of pollutionsaasteen kemiallinen mittaus
chemical namekemiallinen nimi
chemical oceanographykemiallinen oseanografia meritiede
chemical oceanographykemiallinen oseanografia (meritiede)
chemical oxygen demandkemiallinen hapenkulutus
chemical oxygen demand The quantity of oxygen used in biological and non-biological oxidation of materials in water; a measure of water qualitykemiallinen hapentarve
chemical oxygen demandkemiallinen hapentarve
chemical oxygen demandCOD
chemical pest controlkemiallinen tuholaisten torjunta
chemical pest control Control of plants and animals classified as pests by means of chemical compoundskemiallinen tuholaisten torjunta
chemical plantkemiallinen tehdas
chemical plant Plants where basic raw materials are chemically converted into a variety of productskemiallinen tehdas
chemical policykemikaaleja koskeva politiikka
chemical pollutantkemiallinen saastuttaja
chemical pollution Pollution caused by substances of chemical nature, including chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, metals as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.kemiallinen saaste
chemical pollutionkemiallinen saaste
chemical process The particular method of manufacturing or making a chemical usually involving a number of steps or operationskemialliset prosessit
chemical processkemialliset prosessit
chemical processeskemialliset prosessit
chemical product A substance characterized by definite molecular compositionkemiallinen tuote
chemical propertieskemialliset ominaisuudet
chemical property Properties of a substance depending on the arrangement of the atoms in the molecule, e.g. bio-availability, degradability, persistence, etc.kemialliset ominaisuudet
chemical propertykemialliset ominaisuudet
chemical reactionkemialliset reaktiot
chemical reaction A change in which a substance is transformed into one or more new substanceskemialliset reaktiot
chemical reactionskemialliset reaktiot
chemical reagentskemialliset reagenssit
chemical reductionvähennys
chemical reductionkemiallinen pelkistys
chemical reduction Chemical reaction in which an element gains an electronvähennys
chemical risk Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by contact with any substance of a defined molecular compositionkemiallinen vaara
chemical riskkemiallinen vaara
chemical structurekemialliset rakenteet
chemical structurekemiallinen rakenne
chemical structure The arrangement of atoms in a molecule of a chemical compoundkemialliset rakenteet
chemical structureskemialliset rakenteet
chemical subject to notificationilmoitettava kemikaali
chemical subject to the PIC procedurePIC-menettelyä edellyttävä kemikaali
chemical substitutekorvaava yhdiste
chemical suppressorkemiallinen vaimennin
Chemical Time bombkemiallinen aikapommi
chemical transformationkemiallinen muuntuminen
chemical transformationkemiallinen muuttuminen
chemical transformationkemiallinen konversio
chemical treatment Processes that alter the chemical structure of the constituents of the waste to produce either an innocuous or a less hazardous material. Chemical processes are attractive because they produce minimal air emissions, they can often be carried out on the site of the waste generator, and some processes can be designed and constructed as mobile unitskemiallinen käsittely
chemical treatmentkemiallinen käsittely
chemical treatment of wastekemiallinen jätteen käsittely
chemical warfare agentkemiallisessa sodankäynnissä käytettävä aine
chemical waste Any by-product of a chemical process, including manufacturing processes. Often this by-product is considered a toxic or polluting substancekemiallinen jäte
chemical weapon Chemical agents of warfare include all gaseous, liquid or solid chemical substances which might be employed because of their direct toxic effects on man and animals. Chemical weapons also include the chemical's precursors, the munitions and devices designed to deliver them, and any equipment specifically designed for their use in warfare. Nerve agents (chemicals of the same family as organophosphorous insecticides) are the most lethal of the classical chemical warfare agents, killing by poisoning the nervous system and disrupting bodily functions. Other chemical weapons include blister agents, vesicants, choking agents, etc.kemiallinen ase
chemicals actkemikaalilaki
chemicals in the environmentympäristön kemikaalit
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradekansainvälisen kaupan kohteina olevia tiettyjä vaarallisia kemikaaleja ja torjunta-aineita koskevan ilmoitetun ennakkosuostumuksen menettelystä tehty Rotterdamin yleissopimus
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeRotterdamin yleissopimus kansainvälisen kaupan kohteina olevia tiettyjä vaarallisia kemikaaleja ja torjunta-aineita koskevan ilmoitetun ennakkosuostumuksen menettelystä
direct chemical analysissuora kemiallinen analyysi
EC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicityEY:n asetus olemassaolevista kemikaaleista
EC regulation on existing chemicalsEY:n asetus olemassaolevista kemikaaleista
environmental chemicals legislationympäristökemikaaleja koskeva lainsäädäntö
existing chemical Chemical products existing before 18-09-1981, chemicals traded or introduced in the EC defore 18.09.1981 concerning Chemikaliengesetzolemassaolevat kemikaalit
existing chemicalolemassaolevat kemikaalit
existing chemicalsolemassaolevat kemikaalit
halogen chemical processeshalogeenien kemiallinen prosessi
hazardous chemical export Transporting substances capable of producing adverse health effects, fires or explosions to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign tradevaarallisten kemikaalien vienti
hazardous chemical exportvaarallisten kemikaalien vienti
household chemicalkotitalouskemikaali
household chemical No definition neededkotitalouskemikaali
National Chemicals Inspectoratekemiallinen tarkastusvirasto
National Chemicals InspectorateKemikaalientarkastuslaitos
physical and chemical compatibilityfysikaalinen ja kemiallinen yhteensopivuus
physico-chemical analysisfysikokemiallinen analyysi
physico-chemical analysisfysikaalis-kemiallinen analyysi
physico-chemical properties analysisfysikaalis-kemiallinen ominaisuusanalyysi
replacement chemicalkorvaava yhdiste
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Tradekansainvälisen kaupan kohteina olevia tiettyjä vaarallisia kemikaaleja ja torjunta-aineita koskevan ilmoitetun ennakkosuostumuksen menettelystä tehty Rotterdamin yleissopimus
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeRotterdamin yleissopimus kansainvälisen kaupan kohteina olevia tiettyjä vaarallisia kemikaaleja ja torjunta-aineita koskevan ilmoitetun ennakkosuostumuksen menettelystä
severely restricted chemicalankaran sääntelyn alainen kemikaali
sludge from chemical processeskemiallisten reaktioiden liete
special chemicalerikoiskemikaali
speciality chemical Various fine chemical products like glue, adhesives, resins, rubber, plastic compounds, selective herbicide, etc.erikoiskemikaali
speciality chemicalerikoiskemikaali
substitute chemicalkorvaava yhdiste
testing of chemicalskemikaalien testaus
testing of chemicals The determination of the efficacy and the toxicity of chemical productskemikaalien testaus
toxic and dangerous waste chemical oxidationongelmajätteen kemiallinen hapetus