
Terms for subject Environment containing area | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Environment in Areas under Serious Threaterityisen uhanalaisten alueiden ympäristönsuojelua käsittelevä neuvoa-antava komitea
alluvial areavesijättömaa-alue
area emission sourcehajapäästö
area exposed to noisemelualue
area monitoringympäristön tarkkailu
area monitoringpaikallinen tarkkailu
area of potential pollutionmahdollinen saastumisalue
area of potential pollution Area which is supposedly causing dangers to human health and environmentmahdollinen saastumisalue
area sourcehajapäästö
area under stress Areas that are flooded by rising number of tourists or other kinds of pressure and suffer from insufficient or inappropriate planning and management. Damage frequently arises from a lack of understanding or interest of the value of such siteskuormitusalue
area under stresskuormitusalue
area with environmental constraintsympäristörajoitteinen alue
arid areaaridi alue
arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areasaridit ja semiaridit alueet sekä subhumidien alueiden kuivat osat
Biogenic Emissions in the Mediterranean AreaVälimeren alueen biogeeniset päästöt
Biogenic Emissions in the Mediterranean AreaVälimeren alueen biogeenisten päästöjen tutkimushanke
breeding arealisääntymisalue
building area Land and other places on, under, in or through which the temporary and permanent works are to be executed and any other lands or places needed for the purposes of constructionrakennusalue
building arearakennuspinta-ala
built-up area Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open spaceasutusalue
built-up arearakennettu alue
built-up areaasutusalue
built-up area Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open spacerakennettu alue
Caribbean Area A geographical region bordered on the south by South America and Panama, and on the west by Central America, and consisting of the West Indian, and nearby, islands and the Caribbean Sea, a part of the western Atlantic OceanKaribian meri
Caribbean AreaKaribian meri
catchment area 1. An area from which surface runoff is carried away by a single drainage system. 2. The area of land bounded by watersheds draining into a river, basin or reservoirvesialue
catchment areavaluma-allas, sadealue, vesialue
central park areakeskuspuistoalue
central park area The core area of a park or of a reserve where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystemkeskuspuistoalue
clean air area Areas where significant reductions in ozone forming pollutants have been achieved through industrial initiatives to control and/or prevent pollution, through implementation of transportation improvement plans, national efforts to reduce automobile tailpipe emissions and lower the volatility (evaporation rate) of gasolinesaastumattoman ilman alue
clean air areasaastumattoman ilman alue
coastal area The areas of land and sea bordering the shoreline and extending seaward through the breaker zonerannikkoalue
Community action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, English Channel, Baltic Sea and Northeast Atlantic Oceanyhteisön toiminta rannikkoseutujen ja rannikkovesistöjen ympäristön suojelemiseksi Irlanninmerellä, Pohjanmerellä, Kanaalissa, Itämerellä ja Atlantin valtameren koillisosassa
conservation areasuojelualue
contaminated area Any site or region that is damaged, harmed or made unfit for use by the introduction of unwanted substances, particularly microorganisms, chemicals, toxic and radioactive materials and wastessaastunut alue
contaminated areasaastunut alue
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaHelsingin yleissopimus
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaItämeren alueen merellisen ympäristön suojelua koskeva yleissopimus
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaHelsingin sopimus
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaHelsingin yleissopimus
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992vuoden 1992 Itämeren alueen merellisen ympäristön suojelua koskeva yleissopimus
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaItämeren alueen merellisen ympäristön suojelua koskeva yleissopimus
deforestation of large areasryöstöhakkuu
deforestation of large areasliikahakkuu
development arearakenteilla oleva alue
development area Area which has been given special help from a government to encourage business and factories to be set up thererakenteilla oleva alue
development areakehitysalue, rakenteilla oleva alue
disposal areasvedenpoistopaikka
distribution areaalue
distribution area 1. The overall geographical distribution of a talon. 2. The range occupied by a community or other grouppinta-ala
distribution area 1. The overall geographical distribution of a talon. 2. The range occupied by a community or other groupalue
drinking water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwaterjuomaveden suojelualue
drinking water protection areajuomaveden suojelualue
dry sub-humid areasubhumidin alueen kuiva osa
dry sub-humid areasubhumidien alueiden kuivat osat
dumping arealoppusijoitusalue
ecological sensitive areaekologisesti herkkä alue
ecologically sensitive area Area where it is likely that a change in some parts of the system will produce a recognizable responseekologisesti herkkä alue
ecologically sensitive areaekologisesti herkkä alue
ecologically stressed areaekologisesti kuormitettu alue
electrification of rural areasmaaseudun sähköistäminen
electrification of rural areasmaaseudun sähköistys
Environmentally Sensitive Areaympäristöllisesti herkkä alue
estuarine conservation area Estuarine area which has been reserved by legislation to protect part or all of the enclosed environment for conservation, scientific, educational and/or recreational purposessuojeltava joensuualue
estuarine conservation areasuojeltava joensuualue
fallow areaviljelemätön maa-alue
fallow area Land area normally used for crop production but left unsown for one or more growing seasonsviljelemätön maa-alue
feeding arearuokailualue
forest areametsäalue
hazard area Any site or region in which there is a physical or chemical agent capable of causing harm to property, persons, animals, plants or other natural resourcesvaarallinen alue
hazard areavaarallinen alue
Important Bird Arealintujen suojelun kannalta tärkeä alue
Important Bird AreaKansainvälisesti arvokas lintualue
industrial area Areas allocated for industry within a town-planning scheme or environmental plan. The range of industries accommodated in a plan may include: light industry, service industry, general industry, hazardous, noxious or offensive industry, waterfront industry, extractive industry. Standards are usually defined for industrial areas relating to access and roads, drainage, car parking, aesthetics, landscaping, buffer zones, noise levels, and air and water pollutionteollisuusalue
land restoration in mountain areas Measures adopted to control erosion and degradation phenomena in the mountain regions caused by the loss of forest cover due to acid rain, uncontrolled forest cutting, winter skiing resorts construction, etc.maan saneeraus vuoristoalueilla
land restoration in mountain areasmaan saneeraus vuoristoalueilla
landfill areakaatopaikka
land-management intervention area Any expanse of land which requires a person or agency with authority to interpose or interfere in how it is used or administratedmaanhallintainterventioalue
land-management intervention areamaanhallintainterventioalue
landscape protection area Area where landscape is protected for its particular features in order to maintain its role in contributing to the wider enjoyment of the countrysidenäköalapaikka
landscape protection areanäköalapaikka
landscape protection areamaisemansuojelualue
listed areasuojeltu kohde
listed areasuojeltu alue
marine conservation area Any section of a sea or ocean designated for special protection, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystemsmeriluonnonsuojelualiue
marine conservation areameriluonnonsuojelualiue
marine protected areasuojeltu merialue
marine protected areamereinen suojelualue
Mediterranean Area The collective islands and countries of the inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia that is linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar and includes the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seasVälimeren alue
Mediterranean AreaVälimeren alue
mixed use area Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber productionmonikäyttöinen alue
mixed use areamonikäyttöinen alue
moulting areasulkasatoalue
mountainous areavuoristoseutu
mountainous area Area characterized by conspicuous peaks, ridges, or mountain rangesvuoristoseutu
multiple use management area 1. Coordinated management for the most judicious and harmonious use of the land on a long term basis under the concept of combining two or more uses and/or purposes with attention to sustainability and nonimpairment of the natural resources and land area. 2. Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber productionmonikäyttöisen alueen hallinta
multiple use management areamonikäyttöisen alueen hallinta
natural arealuonnonvarainen alue
natural area An area in which natural processes predominate, fluctuations in numbers of organisms are allowed free play and human intervention is minimalluonnonvarainen alue
natural areaerämaa-alue
natural arealuonnonalue
natural areas protection Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintainedluonnonvaraisten alueiden suojelu
natural areas protectionluonnonvaraisten alueiden suojelu
nesting areapesimisalue
nesting area A place where birds gather to lay eggspesimisalue
noise areameluvyöhyke
non-built-up areahaja-asutusalue
non-built-up area Areas which are not intensely developed for housing, commerce, industry, etc.haja-asutusalue
non-intervention areaskoskematon luonnonmetsä
open sea and tidal areasavomeri- ja vuorovesialueet
peripheral park area A zone of the park where scientific research is allowed. Beyond this there is a buffer zone which protects the whole reserve from agricultural, industrial and urban developmentkaukana keskustasta sijaitseva paikoitusalue
peripheral park areakaukana keskustasta sijaitseva paikoitusalue
permanent monitoring areamonitorointialue
permanent monitoring areamaaperän seuranta-alue
Pilot projects in the field of environmental protection of areas prone to flash floodsKokeiluhankkeet hyökytulvariskialueiden ympäristönsuojelun alalla
polluted areasaastunut vyöhyke
polluted atmospherical areasaastunut ilma-alue
potential recreation areavirkistyskäyttöön soveltuva alue
preservation areasuojelualue
priority areaensisijainen alue
protected area Portions of land protected by special restrictions and laws for the conservation of the natural environment. They include large tracts of land set aside for the protection of wildlife and its habitat; areas of great natural beauty or unique interest; areas containing rare forms of plant and animal life; areas representing unusual geologic formation; places of historic and prehistoric interest; areas containing ecosystems of special importance for scientific investigation and study; and areas which safeguard the needs of the biosphererauhoitettu alue
protected areasuojelualue (zona protecta)
protected water catchment areasuojeltu vedenottoalue
protection areasuojelualue
Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterraneanpöytäkirja Välimeren erityisistä suojelualueista ja biologisesta monimuotoisuudesta
quiet area in a conurbationhiljainen alue taajamassa
quiet area in an agglomerationhiljainen alue taajamassa
quiet area in open countryhiljainen rakentamaton alue
recreational area A piece of publicly owned land, especially in a town, used for sports and gamesulkoilualue
recreational area"virkistysalue, ulkoilualue"
recreational area A piece of publicly owned land, especially in a town, used for sports and gamesvirkistysalue
regional development areaalueellinen kehitysvyöhyke
research natural arealuonnonsuojelualue
residential area Area that has only private houses, not offices and factoriesasuinalue
residential area with traffic calmings"asuinalue, jossa liikennettä on vähennetty"
residential area with traffic calmings Residential zones where raised areas are built across roads so that vehicles are forced to move more slowly along itjossa liikennettä on vähennetty
river catchment areavaluma-alue
rural area"maaseutu, haja-asutusalue"
rural area Area outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town, village, or any other designated residential or commercial area such as a subdivision, a business or shopping center, or community developmenthaja-asutusalue
semi-arid areasemiaridi alue
semi-arid areapuolikuiva alue
semi-natural areaosaksi luonnontilassa oleva alue
sensitive area Areas of a country where special measures may be given to protect the natural habitats which present a high level of vulnerabilityherkkä alue
sensitive natural area Terrestrial or aquatic area or other fragile natural setting with unique or highly-valued environmental featuresherkkä luonnonalue
sensitive natural areaherkkä luonnonalue
service area The area served by a particular public facility such as school, library, police station, park, etc.palvelualue
SOx Emission Control Arearikkioksidipäästöjen valvonta-alue
spawning areakutualue
special protection areaerityinen suojelualue
specially protected areas of Mediterranean importanceVälimeren kannalta tärkeinä pidettävät erityiset suojelualueet
sulphur oxides management arearikkioksidien hallinta-alue
terrestrial area Subdivisions of the continental surfaces distinguished from one another on the basis of the form, roughness, and surface composition of the landmaa-alue
terrestrial areamaa-alue
unpolluted air areasaastumattoman ilman alue
urban area Areas within the legal boundaries of cities and towns; suburban areas developed for residential, industrial or recreational purposeskaupunkialue
volcanic areatuliperäinen alue
volcanic area No definition neededtuliperäinen alue
water catchment areaveden valuma-alue
water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwatersuojeltu vedenottoalue
water-deficiency areaaridi alue
water-shortage areaaridi alue
wide area network A system of interrelated computer and telecommunications devices linking two or more computers separated by a great distance for the exchange of electronic datamaanlaajuinen t. maiden välinen verkko
wilderness arealuonnonalue
wilderness arealuonnonvarainen alue
wintering areatalvehtimisalue
wooded areametsämaa
wooded areametsitetty ala