
Terms containing animation | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActiveX AnimationActiveX-animaatio (An animation that utilizes ActiveX technology)
comp., MSanimation effectanimaatiotehoste (A special visual or sound effect added to text or an object. For instance, a user can have the text bullet points fly in from the left, one word at a time, or hear the sounds of applause when a picture is uncovered)
comp., MSAnimation Libraryanimaatiokirjasto (A library that developers can use in their applications throughout the new Windows user interface)
comp., MSAnimation PainterAnimaatiosivellin (A feature that replicates the animation associated with a source object to one or more target objects)
ITanimation programgraafinen animaatio-ohjelmisto
ITanimation programanimaattori
ITanimation programanimaatio-ohjelma
comp., MSanimation schemeanimaatiomalli (Adds preset visual effects to text on slides. Ranging from subtle to exciting, each scheme usually includes an effect for the slide title and an effect that is applied to bullets or paragraphs on a slide)
comp., MSanimation styleAnimaatiotyyli (An abstract grouping of similar animation effects)
comp., MSanimation timeranimaation ajastin (A component to provide timing services used in conjunction with the animation manager. It dynamically throttles the frame rate based on application and system load or in low-power mode)
market.chain animationfranchise-ketjun myynninedistäminen
comp., MSdependent animationriippuvainen animaatio (An animation that changes the value of a property and runs on the UI thread)
cultur., commun.electronic animationelektroninen animaatio
comp., MSentry animation effectensimmäinen animaatiotehoste (An animation effect that is applied to text or pictures entering a PowerPoint presentation)
comp., MSexit animation effectviimeinen animaatiotehoste (An animation effect that is applied to text or pictures exiting a PowerPoint presentation)
market.franchise chain animationfranchise-ketjun myynninedistäminen
comp., MSGIF animationGIF-animaatio (A file containing a series of graphics that are displayed in rapid sequence in a Web browser)
ITgraphic animation packageanimaatio-ohjelma
ITgraphic animation packageanimaattori
ITgraphic animation packagegraafinen animaatio-ohjelmisto
comp., MSindependent animationitsenäinen animaatio (An animation that changes the value of a property and runs on a separate, hardware-accelerated system thread)
comp., MSrecalculation animationuudelleenlaskennan animaatio (An animation effect that plays when the value of a cell is recalculated. The old value slides out of the bottom as the new value slides in from the top)