
Terms containing Stack | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSBluetooth stackBluetooth-pino (The core portion of the Bluetooth protocol stack implementation that enables devices to locate each other and establish a connection. Through this connection, devices can exchange data and interact with one another through various applications)
industr., construct.breaker stackvälikalanteri
comp., MScall stackkutsupino (The series of method calls leading from the beginning of the program to the statement currently being executed at run time)
agric., mech.eng.checkerboard stackingsakkilautamainen pinoaminen
commun.C-plane stackC-tason pino
comp., MSdevice stacklaitepino (A chain of device objects that represent the drivers for a device. Each device stack contains a device object for each driver that is part of handling input/output (I/O) to a particular device. The parent bus driver has a physical device object (PDO), the function driver has a functional device object (FDO), and each filter driver has a filter device object (DO))
transp.double stack wagonkaksikerroskonttivaunu
comp., MSdriver stackohjaimen pino (A device object that forwards input/output request objects (IRPs) to other device objects. Stacking always occurs from the bottom up and is taken down from the top)
comp., MSdual stackkaksoispino (For Windows CE .NET, an IP protocol stack that supports IPv4 and IPv6 independently or jointly. The DNS name resolution may yield both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Algorithms are used to determine source and destination addresses, thus determining which stack - IPv4 or IPv6 - to use)
life.sc.effective stack heightefektiivinen piipunkorkeus
life.sc.effective stack heighttehoisa piipunkorkeus
el.epitaxial stacking faultepitaksiaalinen kerrosvika
environ.excessive height of chimney stackssavupiippujen liiallinen korkeus
chem.exhaust gas stackpoistokaasupiippu
mech.eng.exhaust stackpakoputki
commun.fanned stacking of letterslimittäminen
mater.sc.gene stackinggeenien pinoaminen
life.sc., industr.GM stackuseita muunnostapahtumia sisältävä kasvi
life.sc., industr.GM stackgeenimuunnospakka
ITgoal stacktavoitelista
agric.hay stackheinäsuova
tech., industr., construct.machine stackkonekalanteri
chem.Maintain air gap between stacks/pallets.Jätä pinojen/kuormalavojen väliin ilmarako.
commun., ITmessage stacksanomapino
industr., construct.panel stacking devicelevyjen pinoamislaite
industr., construct.panel stacking devicelevyjen pinkkauslaite
chem.polishing stackkiillotuskalanteri
chem.polishing stackkiillotustela
commun., ITpop a stack,toottaa pinosta
commun., ITpop a stack,tohakea tieto pinosta
commun.protocol stackyhteyskäytäntöpino
commun.protocol stackprotokollapino
IT, transp.push-down stackpinomuisti
commun., el.record-stacking heightlevypakan korkeus
el.rectifier stacklevytasasuuntaaja
comp., MSrow stacksarjapino (The position of cards whereby cards are placed in descending order, alternating between red cards and black cards. For example, you can play the two of hearts on the three of clubs)
environ.soil-or-waste stackpoistoputki
environ.soil-or-waste stackviemäriputki
environ.soil-or-waste stacklaskuputki
agric.sparkling wine in stacksvin en piles
agric.sparkling wine in stacksvin sur lattes
agric.sparkling wine in stackskuohuviinipino
comp., MSsplit stack layoutjaettu pinoasettelu (A layout style in which each end of the ToolStrip is the base of a stack, with some items stacked at the head and other items stacked at the tail. Items are stacked from the ends in)
environ.stack analysissavukaasuanalyysi
mater.sc., mech.eng.stack conveyorpinoamislaite
met.stack cuttingpakettileikkaus
mech.eng.stack dampersavuhormin liukuluukku
agric.stack densitypinotiheys
environ.stack dischargepiippupäästö
mun.plan., earth.sc.stack effecthormivaikutus
life.sc., environ.stack effluentspäästöt
industr., construct., chem.stack emissionsavupiippusäteily
industr., construct., met.stack fluesavukanava
ITstack frameaktivointitietue
comp., MSstack framepinon kehys (The activation record for an assembly language routine, established by its prolog)
gen.stack gasjätekaasu
gen.stack gassavukanavakaasu
ecol.stack gas cleaningsavukaasujen puhdistus
environ.stack-gas desulfurizationsavukaasujen rikinpoisto
mater.sc., mech.eng.stack heighttapulointikorkeus
comp., MSstack layoutpinoasettelu (A layout style in which adjacent items align against each other as though they were stacked, always taking up the free space in between the items)
agric.to stack manurekasata lantaa
med.stack monitorpoistopiippumonitori
met.stack mouldingtapulikaavaus
met.stack mouldstapuloida muotteja
agric.stack of caskstynnyripino
agric.stack of caskstynnyrikerros
industr., construct., met.stack of disksaihiolasipino
forestr.stack of logstukkikasa
mech.eng.stack pipepakoputki
comp., MSStack Selector Web PartPinovalinta-WWW-osa (A feature that enables users to show more than one view in a single location on a dashboard, and provides a control to switch between them)
agric.stack silo forming ringsäilöntämuotti
agric.to stack the haytehdä heinäkasa
mater.sc.stacking and unstacking machinepinoamislaite
mater.sc.stacking and unstacking machinepinoamiskone
transp.stacking areaodotustila
agric.stacking bottlespinovarastointi
mech.eng.stacking cranepinoamisnosturi
mech.eng.stacking cranehyllykkönosturi
agric.stacking densitypinotiheys
mater.sc., mech.eng.stacking densitytapulointitiheys
met.stacking factortäyttökerroin
chem., el.stacking faultpinovirhe
el.stacking-fault methodoksidipaksuuden mittaus pinovirhemenetelmällä
mater.sc., industr., construct.stacking machinepinoamislaite
mater.sc., industr., construct.stacking machinepinoamiskone
mech.eng.stacking mechanismtaittomekanismi
transp., industr.stacking straddle carrierlukki
industr., construct.stacking tablenostolava
transp., polit.stacking testpinoamiskoe
agric., industr., construct.stacking woodpinotavara
agric.straw stackolkiauma
agric.straw stackolkisuova
forestr.to pile in stackskasata kokoon (taaplata)
forestr.to pile in stackskasata (taaplata)
pow.el.valve device stackventtiilipakka
el.valve device stackventtiiliryhmä
fish.farm.wet stackpinottus suolakala
comp., MSWindows Bluetooth stackWindowsin Bluetooth-pino (A Bluetooth stack that is built in the Windows operating system. It also supports third-party driver development)