
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Organisation | all forms
account for organizationsasiakastili (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
department organization codeosaston organisaatiokoodi (A code that represents the department in which an employee performs a job)
large organizationsuuri yritys (An organization with more than 1000 employees and more than 500 personal computers)
matrix organizationmatriisiorganisaatio (An organizational structure in which employees report to multiple managers for different purposes, such as to one manager for administrative purposes and to another for project purposes)
medium organizationkeskisuuri organisaatio (An organization with between 50-999 employees and between 25-499 personal computers)
Microsoft Account for OrganizationsMicrosoft-asiakastili (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
organization chartorganisaatiokaavio (A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures)
Organization Chartorganisaatiokaavio (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. The assistant shape and the Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout)
Organization Configuration nodeOrganisaation määrityssolmu (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
organization hierarchyorganisaatiohierarkia (A structure that orders organizations using a superordinate-subordinate relationship)
organization modelorganisaatiomalli (Internal control, data access, and performance reporting structures designed to divide responsibility for human and operations resources and work processes)
scope of organization controlorganisaation ohjauksen vaikutusalue (The direct or indirect amount of control that an operating unit has over the output of a process)
small organizationpieni organisaatio (An organization with between 1-49 employees and 24 or less personal computers)
View-Only Organization ManagementOrganisaation hallinta – vain tarkastelu (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)