
Terms for subject Environment containing NOISE | all forms | exact matches only
aerodynamic noise Acoustic noise caused by turbulent airflow over the surface of a bodyaerodynaaminen melu
aeroplane noise exposure indexlentomelualtistusindeksi
aeroplane noise exposure indexlentokonemelulle altistumisen indeksi
airborne noiseilmamelu
airborne noiseilmassa kantautuva melu
airborne noiseilmassa etenevä melu
airborne noise Noise caused by the movement of large volumes of air and the use of high-pressure airilmamelu
aircraft noise Effective sound output of the various sources of noise associated with aircraft operation, such as propeller and engine exhaust, jet noise, and sonic boomlentomelu
aircraft noiselentomelu
ambient noiseympäristömelu
animal noiseeläinmelu
animal noise Noise caused by animals such as dogs kept in kennels or in private homes as petseläinmelu
area exposed to noisemelualue
average level of street noisekatumelun keskitaso
background noise Noise coming from source other than the noise source being monitoredtaustamelu
background noisetaustakohina, taustamelu
background noisetaustamelu
background noise Noise coming from source other than the noise source being monitoredtaustakohina
commercial noisekaupallisen toiminnan aiheuttama melu
commercial noise Noise emitted from commercial activitieskaupallisen toiminnan aiheuttama melu
community noise equivalent levelkeskimääräinen melutaso
construction noise Noise resulting from construction activities such as site preparation, site clearance, demolition of existing buildings, piling, concreting, erection of structures, etc.rakennusmelu
construction noiserakennusmelu
construction site noiserakennuspaikkamelu
day-noise indicatorpäivämeluindikaattori
day-evening-night noise indicatorpäivä-ilta-yömeluindikaattori
degree of noise annoyancehäiritsevyys
domestic noisekotitalouden melu
domestic noise Noise caused by domestic facilities and activitieskotitalouden melu
effect of noisemelun vaikutus
environmental noiseympäristömelu
environmental noise The sound and the characteristics of sounds from all sources in the surrounding environmentympäristömelu
equivalent continuous noise levelekvivalenttinen jatkuva melutaso
European Commission Green Paper on future noise policyvihreä kirja tulevaisuuden melupolitiikasta
evening-noise indicatoriltameluindikaattori
habituation to noisemeluun tottuminen
health effect of noisemelun vaikutus terveyteen
health effect of noise Noise consequences on human health consist in loss of hearing and psychological effectsmelun vaikutus terveyteen
impulsive noiseimpulssikohina, impulssimelu
impulsive noise Noise characterized by transient short-duration disturbances distributed essentially uniformly over the useful passband of a transmission systemimpulssimelu
impulsive noiseimpulssimelu
industrial noiseteollisuusmelu
industrial noise Noise produced by industrial plants activitiesteollisuusmelu
industrial working noiseteollisuusmelu
intermittent noiseajoittainen melu
intermittent noise Noise occurring at regular or irregular intervalsajoittainen melu
low-frequency content of noisepienitaajuinen melu
neighbourhood noise General noise from a local source (such as the noise of a factory) which is disturbing to people living in the arealähiympäristön melu
neighbourhood noiselähiympäristön melu
night-time noise indicatoryöajan meluindikaattori
night-time noise indicatoryöajan melua kuvaava indikaattori
noise abatement Measures to reduce noise at the source, to encourage quieter technologies or equipment or to prevent or reduce the propagation of sound. Measures may include the isolation and damping of vibration sources; the replacement of components with quieter parts and material; the enclosure of particularly noisy components; the provision of noise barriers, etc.meluntorjunta
noise abatementmeluntorjunta
noise abatement"äänenvaimennus, meluntorjunta"
noise abatement measuremeluntorjuntatoimenpide
noise analysismeluanalyysi
noise analysis Determination of the frequency components that make up a particular noise being studiedmeluanalyysi
noise areameluvyöhyke
noise barrier Barriers for reducing the propagation of sound: they are widely used in industry and alongside roads and railways to shield receivers from noise sources. Barriers will not reduce the noise on the receivers side, but will increase it, unless the barrier is also covered in absorbing materialmelueste
noise climatemelutilanne
noise controlmeluntorjunta
noise control The process to control the audible sound to an acceptable levelmeluntorjunta
noise culturemelukulttuuri
noise deafnessmelun aiheuttama kuurous
noise disturbance Noise interferes with communication and interferes with thought processes. Noise interferes with sleep, it causes anger and frustration, and has been implicated as a contributor to various psychological and physiological problems. Noise detracts from the quality of life and the environmentmeluhäiriö
noise disturbancemeluhäiriö
noise effectmeluvaikutus
noise emissionmeluemissio
noise emission The release of noise into the environment from various sources that can be grouped in: transportation activities, industrial activities and daily normal activitiesmelupäästö
noise emissionäänipäästö
noise emissionmelupäästö
noise emission levy A mandatory sum of money levied by government upon producers of disturbing, harmful or unwanted sounds, frequently in the transportation or construction industries, to encourage reduction of sound levelsmelupäästömaksu
noise emission levymelupäästömaksu
noise emission standardmelupäästöstandardi
noise emission standardmeluemissiostandardi
noise evaluation scalemeluasteikko
noise eventmelutapahtuma
noise exposure planmelualtistussuunnitelma
noise exposure plan A formulated or systematic method to prevent the effects of being subjected to loud or harsh soundsmelualtistussuunnitelma
Noise Framework Directivemelua koskeva puitedirektiivi
noise-free technology Sound is radiated both as air-borne and as structure-borne; most sources produce both, thus various noise attenuation principles must be employed. Measures include: the replacement of components with quieter parts and material; the enclosure of particularly noisy components; the selection of quieter types of fan; the replacement of noisy compressed-air nozzles with quieter types; the choice of quieter transmission and cooling systemsmeluton teknologia
noise-free technologymeluton teknologia
noise from industryteollisuusmelu
noise generatoräänigeneraattori
noise immission Immission in the environment of acoustic vibrations that negatively affect human beings, animals, plants or other objectsmeluimmissio
noise immissionmeluimmissio
noise impact in daily lifejokapäiväinen meluhaitta
noise in the environmentympäristön melu
noise indexmelutunnusluku
noise indicatormeluindikaattori
noise legislation Legislation introduced by many governments to prevent or restrict the emission of noise from industrial, commercial and domestic premises; from motor vehicles and aircraft; and from consumer appliances and equipmentmelua koskeva lainsäädäntö
noise legislationmelua koskeva lainsäädäntö
noise level Physical quantity of unwanted sound measured, usually expressed in decibelsmelutaso
noise measurementmelunmittaus
noise measurement The process of quantitatively determining one or more properties of acoustic noisemelunmittaus
noise monitoring The systematic deployment of monitoring equipment for the purpose of detecting or measuring quantitatively or qualitatively the presence, effect, or level of noisemelunseuranta
noise monitoringmelunseuranta
noise peakmeluhuippu
noise pollutantmelusaaste
noise pollutant Noise in the environment which can be harmful to human beings, animals and plantsmelusaaste
noise pollution Harmful or unwanted sounds in the environment, which in specific locals, can be measured and averaged over a period of timemelusaaste
noise-producing apparatus and vehiclemelua aiheuttava laite ja ajoneuvo
noise protection Adoption of measures for controlling noise pollution, such as restriction of the emission of noise from industrial, commercial and domestic premises, from motor vehicles and aircrafts, the provision of noise barriers and buffer zones, the fitting of sound attenuation equipment, etc.meluntorjunta
noise reduction The reduction in the sound pressure level of a noise, or the attenuation of unwanted sound by any meanskohinanvaimennus
noise reductionmelunvaimennus
noise reduction The reduction in the sound pressure level of a noise, or the attenuation of unwanted sound by any meansmelunvaimennus
noise reduction technologymelun vähentämistekniikka
noise sourcemelulähde
noise spectrumkohinaspektri
noise spectrum The range of frequencies occurring in the noise emitted by a sourcekohinaspektri
noise test codelaiteryhmäkohtainen melunmittausmenetelmä
noise typemelutyyppi
noise with an impulsive characteriskumainen melu
noise zonemeluvyöhyke
noise zoningmeluvyöhykejako
radiated noisemelupäästö
radiated noiseäänipäästö
residual noisepohjakohina
residual noisejäännöskohina
rolling noisejyräysmelu
rolling noise Deeply resounding, reverberating noise caused by the friction between car tyres and road surfacesjyräysmelu
single-number noise emission valueyksilukuinen melupäästöarvo
special insulation against noiseerityinen äänieristys
steady noise Unceasing prolonged noise, without interruptionjatkuva kohina
structure-borne noiserunkoääni
structure-borne noise Sound that travels over at least part of its path by means of the vibration of a solid structurerunkoääni
tire noisevierintämelu
tire noiserengasmelu
tire-road noisevierintämelu
tire-road noiserengasmelu
traffic noise Noise emitted by vehicles (heavy vehicles, cars and motorcycles, tyre/road interaction)liikennemelu
traffic noise control Traffic noise can be controlled by reduction at source, by fitting motor vehicles with silencers, by installing barriers which interrupt the direct path of sound or by insulating dwellings exposed to high noise levels, such as those related to motorways or airportsliikennemelun valvonta
traffic noise controlliikennemelun valvonta
tyre noiserengasmelu
tyre noisevierintämelu
tyre-road noisevierintämelu
tyre-road noiserengasmelu
urban noisekaupunkimelu
urban noise Noise emitted from various sources in an urban environmentkaupunkimelu