
Terms for subject Microsoft containing view | all forms | exact matches only
Access Control Entry Management Viewподання редагування записів керування доступом (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
ACE Management Viewподання редагування записів керування доступом (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
aerial viewвигляд із повітря (A map view created from aerial photos that shows buildings, roads, and geographical features)
aerial viewвигляд із супутника (A map view created from aerial photos that shows buildings, roads, and geographical features)
All Activity Associated Viewпов'язане подання всіх справ (A view in CRM that displays all activities associated with an entity)
Arrangement viewподання впорядкування (" A Windows view that provides easy results organization by date, type, author, tag or folder (Arrange "by Folder", "by Author", etc).")
assignment viewподання призначення (A view that shows the resources assigned to each task as well as the total and timephased work and cost information for each assignment. The two assignment views are the Task Usage and Resource Usage views)
associated viewпов'язане подання (The view of an entity that is displayed in the forms of other entities)
calendar viewподання календаря (A Project view that displays a project's tasks in a calendar format)
Classic viewКласичний вигляд (A display option of the Windows Control Panel that makes it look and work like it did in previous versions)
combination viewкомбіноване подання (A view containing two views. The bottom pane view shows detailed information about the tasks or resources in the top pane view. For example, the Gantt Chart view could be in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane)
Compatibility Viewрежим сумісності (A view mode in Internet Explorer that determines whether content is rendered as if users were viewing it in a previous version of Internet Explorer)
contemporary viewсучасний вигляд (A SharePoint view that provides an optimized mobile browser experience for users and renders in HTML5)
Datasheet viewвікно табличного подання даних (A window that displays data from a table, form, query, view, or stored procedure in a row-and-column format)
Design viewрежим конструктора (A window that shows the design of these database objects - tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existing ones)
Editing Viewподання редагування (A view in Web Companions and Applications that is optimized for editing a document, and looks like the traditional document view in the client application (i.e. contains full Ribbon))
Excel interactive viewінтерактивне подання Excel (An online view of data that provides an enhanced visual experience through tables, slicers, charts, and other Excel objects)
filtered viewвідфільтроване подання (A view to which a set of conditions have been applied to reduce the total number of displayed objects)
interactive view galleryколекція інтерактивних подань (A gallery of objects that provides different ways of visualizing data)
Joint List Viewкомбіноване подання списків (A feature that allows a view to be created from multiple lists of stored data)
lookup viewподання підстановки (The view used when a user clicks a lookup field)
named item viewподання іменованих елементів (A Web Part that renders named objects or named items in a workbook, such as tables, charts, slicers or a named range of cells)
personal viewособисте подання (A view of a list, SharePoint document library, or Web Part Page that is available only to a particular user)
PivotChart viewрежим зведеної діаграми (A view that shows a graphical analysis of data in a datasheet or form. You can see different levels of detail or specify the layout by dragging fields and items or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields)
PivotTable viewрежим зведеної таблиці (A view that summarizes and analyzes data in a datasheet or form. You can use different levels of detail or organize data by dragging the fields and items, or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields)
Presenter Viewрежим доповідача (A view for delivering a presentation that provides the presenter with additional options for viewing and controlling its delivery)
print layout viewрежим розмітки (A view of a document as it will appear on the printed page)
Protected Viewбезпечне подання (A feature that offers improved security by loading a document in a read-only view, rather than in the full editor, for scenarios that pose a greater potential security risk)
quick viewекспрес-подання (A view that provides one-click access to a subset of e-mail messages based on specific criteria, which include: flagged (messages that the customer has designated as requiring follow-up), photos (messages that contain photos), and social updates (messages that originate from a social networking service such as Facebook))
quick view formформа швидкого перегляду (A mini form that shows up within the main form, so that users can create a new record for an entity without leaving the context of the current process)
Reading Viewподання читання (A slide show mode that displays content in a manageable window that can be resized and features navigation buttons. This mode is optimized for reviewing presentations, allowing users to get the full experience, complete with animations and media, while performing other tasks, such as taking notes)
resource viewподання ресурсу (A view that displays resource information. Resource views include the Resource Sheet, the Resource Graph, the Resource Usage, and the resource forms views)
Schedule Viewподання планування (An Outlook Calendar view in which each calendar is listed vertically (not side-by-side). This view is optimized for viewing a schedule for a group and scheduling a meeting for a group)
shared viewспільне подання (A view of a list or Web Part Page that every user who has the appropriate permissions can see)
Show Extended ViewДодаткова інформація (The item on the View menu that displays additional information and actions for each contact in the user's contact list)
Simple Markup viewспрощене подання виправлень (A view for tracked changes that clearly identifies where changes and comments are in a document, and gives you easy access to them, without detracting from the readability)
single-pane viewсуцільне подання (A window in which only one view appears, such as the Task Sheet, Network Diagram view, Resource Graph view, or Calendar view)
split viewкомбінований режим (A view that allows the user to see both a form and a datasheet at the same time)
SQL viewрежим SQL (A window that displays the SQL statement for the current query or that is used to create an SQL-specific query (union, pass-through, or data definition). When you create a query in Design view, Access constructs the SQL equivalent in SQL view)
stage viewподання стадій (A high-level view in Visual Designer that shows the stages of a SharePoint workflow, rather than individual actions or conditions)
system viewсистемне подання (A view that is defined for all entities and cannot be deleted or shared)
task viewподання завдань (A view that displays task information. Task views include three task forms; examples include Calendar, Detail Gantt, Gantt Chart, Milestone Rollup, PA_PERT Entry Sheet, Task Entry, Relationship Diagram, Task Sheet, and Task Usage)
View allПереглянути все (" The link that appears above an incomplete content set and leads to the full list of items. For example, when a content module displays items 1–6, a "View all" link in line with the module label leads to a webpage that lists all items. The items that are available in preview are redundantly available in the list of all items, which may be paginated.")
View Barпанель подань (A screen element along the left edge of the Project window that provides buttons for the most commonly used views. The View Bar provides a convenient means of changing views by just clicking the icons that appear on the View Bar)
View-Only Organization ManagementКерування організацією лише в режимі перегляду (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
view stateстан перегляду (A mode of session state in which the entire session state is serialized and stored as a BLOB on the client then deserialized during every post-back. This has a tremendous hit in bytes over the wire (BoW), but is highly scalable in that it doesn't require storing information in the database)
viewing frustumвидимий простір (A 3-D volume in a scene positioned relative to the viewport's camera. Objects within the frustum are visible)
Web page report viewподання звіту веб-сторінки (A report type that contains a Web page)