
Terms for subject Microsoft containing unit | all forms | exact matches only
allocation unitблок виділеної пам'яті (The smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to hold a file)
angular unitодиниця вимірювання кутів (The unit in which angles are expressed in ShapeSheet cells)
assignment unitsодиниця призначення (The percentage of a work resource's time, or units, that the resource is assigned to a task)
base unitбазова одиниця (A fundamental unit of measure in a system of measurement from which other units are derived)
biometric unitбіометричний модуль (A software object that consists of three software plug-in components: a sensor adapter, engine adapter and storage adapter. These adapters are plug-ins for the Windows Biometric Service and are used to capture and process biometric samples, as well as create, store, and match biometric templates)
Business Unit SettingsПараметри організаційної одиниці (A sub-area of the Settings module where business units, users, security roles, teams, facilities and equipment, resource groups, and queues are managed)
central processing unitцентральний процесор (The computational and control unit of a computer. The CPU is the device that interprets and executes instructions. Mainframes and early minicomputers contained circuit boards full of integrated circuits that implemented the CPU. Single-chip central processing units, called microprocessors, made possible personal computers and workstations)
change unitодиниця змінення (The minimal unit of change tracking in a store. In change propagation, only the units that are changed must be sent; whereas, in conflict detection, independent changes to the same unit are considered a conflict)
child business unitдочірній підрозділ (A business unit that is immediately under another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
consistency unitодиниця синхронізації (The minimal unit of data synchronization. Because all changes that have the same consistency unit are sent together, synchronization can never be interrupted with part of a consistency unit applied)
default unitодиниця вимірювання за замовчуванням (The unit of measure used to display a value if no units of measure are explicitly specified)
measurement unitодиниця вимірювання (The size or distance in the real world)
page unitодиниця вимірювання сторінки (The size or distance on the printed page)
parent business unitголовна організаційна одиниця (A business unit that is immediately above another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
unit availabilityдоступність ресурсу (Amount of time, expressed as a percentage or a decimal number, that a resource can be scheduled for assigned work. It refers to the availability of a resource; for example, a resource may be available 50%, 100%, or 300% of full time)
unit groupгрупа одиниць вимірювання (A compilation of the different measurements that a product is available in. A unit group contains the base unit in which a product is available, for example, a two-liter. It then lists all the different increments that this base unit is packaged in for sale, such as an individual two-liter bottle or a case of 6 two-liter bottles, and also indicates which measurement is the primary unit)
unit of measureодиниця вимірювання (The type of measurement system used in a drawing. In formulas, used after a number to specify the unit of measure that the number represents)
unit of measurementодиниця вимірювання (A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement)
unit priceціна за одиницю (The amount per unit an item is sold for)
U.S. unitамериканська одиниця вимірювання (A unit used in the United States' measurement system, such as inches, feet, yards, and miles)
US unitамериканська одиниця вимірювання (A unit used in the United States' measurement system, such as inches, feet, yards, and miles)