
Terms for subject Proverb containing twelves | all forms
it is not spring until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisiesсправжня весна приходить тоді, коли нога ступить на дванадцять маргариток
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveвласність – це дев'ять пунктів закону
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveкоза з вовком тягалася: тільки шкурка зосталася
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveсила закону не знає
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveсильні та багаті, рідко винуваті
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveхто сильніший, той і правіший
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveчия сила, того й правда
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveде гроші судять, там право в кут
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveколи золото випірнає, правда потопає
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveщо вільно панові, то невільно Іванові
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveщо ігуменові можна, то братії зась
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveслабкий з дужим не борись, голий з багатим не дружись
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveколи золото випливає, правда потопає
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveяструб ловить кури безкарно, а голуба і за просо б'ють
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveцар повелів, а бояри засудили
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveхто маже, той і їде
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveсильні та багаті рідко винуваті
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveловить яструб безкарно кури, а голуба і за просо б'ють
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveз багатим не судися, а з дужим не борися
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveвласність – дев'ять пунктів закону
possession is eleven points of the law, and they say there are but twelveбаран, не мути воду вовкові!