
Terms for subject Microsoft containing on | all forms | exact matches only
add-onдодатковий пристрій (A device that is traditionally added to the base computer system to increase functionality, such as audio, networking, graphics, or SCSI controller)
add-onдодатковий компонент (A device that is traditionally added to the base computer system to increase functionality, such as audio, networking, graphics, or SCSI controller)
add-on deviceпристрій розширення (A device that is traditionally added to the base computer system to increase functionality, such as audio, networking, graphics, or SCSI controller)
Always on TopПоверх інших вікон (A user interface element that causes the application window to always be displayed over other open windows on the computer, even when it does not have focus)
Based on Location...Залежно від розташування… (An item on the Call Forwarding On menu, which is opened from the user's My Status menu. This item automatically forwards incoming calls based on the user's current location)
Call Forwarding OnУвімкнути перенаправлення викликів (The menu item that displays a menu of options that the user can select to turn on the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theадреса електронної пошти
email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theадреса електронної пошти
flash onзі спалахом (A flash mode when the phone's built-in camera flash is set to on)
log onувійти (To gain access to a specific computer, program, or network by identifying oneself with a username and a password)
Mail Migration add-onдодатковий компонент Mail Migration (A tool that allows users to upload email messages, email folders, and contacts from an email account on their PC to the cloud to facilitate access from multiple devices)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Add-Onдодатковий компонент для входу у служби Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that updates the Microsoft Online Services ID Sign-In Assistant to work with other Office programs)
Office on DemandOffice на вимогу (A feature that enables subscription customers to launch Office rich client applications online from a computer on which those applications are not already installed)
on-demand publishing pointпункт транслювання на запитом (A type of publishing point that streams content to clients by request. Content streamed from an on-demand publishing point is always delivered as a unicast stream)
on-demand workflowнеавтоматичний робочий цикл (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
on-handнаявний (A quantity type assigned to the quantity of an item that is located in inventory and is available to be sold)
on holdутримується (A status that indicates that an active telephone call has been temporarily suspended)
on muteбез звуку (A status showing on the phone when the speaker is turned off and the person on the other line can't hear you)
on-object UIконтекстний елемент інтерфейсу (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
on-object user interfaceконтекстний елемент інтерфейсу (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
on-premisesлокальний (Pertaining to an application on a local server or client computer, which usually hosts users for business/commercial usage)
on-premises messaging systemлокальна система обміну повідомленнями (The messaging system that an administrator runs on their own servers in their own company as compared to a messaging system that is run in the cloud (hosted))
on-screen keyboardекранна клавіатура (A keyboard representation on the screen that allows users to type using touch, a stylus, or other input device)
post on Facebookопублікувати на Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
post on Facebookопублікувати у Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
postmaster (" The logon name and therefore the email address of an account that is responsible for maintaining email services on a mail server. When an account holder is having trouble with email, a message to postmaster or ""postmasterадміністратор поштового сервера
powered onувімкнути живлення (Pertaining to the application of electrical power to a computer through use of the physical power switch)
Search on Webпошук в Інтернеті (​A feature that enables the user to start a web search from text that is selected within a document)
single sign-onєдиний вхід (An authentication process that permits a user to log on to a system once with a single set of credentials to access multiple applications or services)
Someone on Windows Liveкористувач Windows Live (The display name UI label used when there isn't a display name value available, as when data can't be retrieved or someone hasn't completely filled out their profile)
spam on IMмиттєві повідомлення зі спамом (Unsolicited commercial instant messages or presence subscription requests sent to multiple users)
strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,надійний пароль
turn onувімкнути (To activate or turn on)
user principal name (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: userім'я учасника-користувача
Work on the goпрацювати в дорозі (" Refers to being able to do your work from anywhere with your mobile device, whether you are in your office, at home, or traveling ("on the go").")
write on wallнаписати на стіні (To post a message on a friend's Facebook wall)