
Terms for subject Microsoft containing multiple | all forms | exact matches only
dual-tone multiple-frequencyдвотоновий багаточастотний набір, DTMF (The signaling system used in telephones with touchtone keypads, in which each digit is associated with two specific frequencies)
multiple bit rateбітова швидкість багатопотокового передавання даних (A characteristic of a data stream in which the same content is encoded at several different bit rates in oder to optimize content delivery)
multiple-choice propertyвластивість із множинним вибором (A property that contains a set of predefined values. For example you could create a multiple-choice property named Shirt_Size and define the following possible values: S M and L)
multiple choice questionзапитання з кількома варіантами відповіді (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must select a response from a set of pre-defined options)
Multiple Connected Sessionсеанс із кількома підключеннями (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
multiple critical pathsкілька критичних шляхів (A series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Identify and track multiple critical paths to be more effective in managing conditions that could affect your project's finish date)
multiple projectsкілька проектів (Several project plans that may or may not be linked or consolidated. If you are working on several projects at one time, you can compare information about critical paths, resource sharing, or priorities among all of the projects)
Multiple Render Targetsбагатобуферний рендерінг (In computer graphics, a technique which submits different colours to multiple output colour buffers in a single pass writing up to four different colour values to four separate buffers)
multiple selectionвибір кількох елементів (The process of selecting nonadjacent and adjacent files and objects)
multiple-selection list boxсписок з множинним вибором (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
multiple TT hubUSB-концентратор з кількома трансляторами транзакцій (A USB 2.0 hub with one transaction translator (TT) for each downstream-facing port on the hub)