
Terms for subject Microsoft containing message | all forms | exact matches only
bounce messageзвіт про недоставку (A non-delivery notification that is sent to an e-mail sender when a message cannot be delivered to the intended recipient either temporarily or permanently)
broadcast messageширокомовне повідомлення (A network message sent from a single computer that is distributed to all other devices on the same segment of the network as the sending computer)
Change Message FontЗмінити шрифт повідомлень (A button in the Options dialog box, Instant Messages tab, where the user can change the font of the text of instant message conversations)
confirmation messageпідтвердження (An alert that is shown to prompt the user to agree to the action being taken)
Display Emoticons in Instant MessagesВідображати смайлики в миттєвих повідомленнях (An item on the Edit menu that converts specific text strings to emoticons in instant messages)
DSN messageповідомлення про стан доставки (The text that explains the delivery status of an e-mail message, and may recommend user action)
e-mail messageповідомлення електронної пошти (A message that is sent over a communications network such as a local area network or the Internet)
express messageекспрес-повідомлення (For Message Queuing, a message that uses fewer resources and is faster than a recoverable message. However, because express messages are mapped to memory, they are lost if the computer storing them fails)
federated instant messageфедеративне миттєве повідомлення (An instant message with a federated contact)
federated instant messagingфeдеративний обмін миттєвими повідомленнями (Pertaining to federated instant messaging)
federated instant messagingфедеративний обмін миттєвими повідомленнями (Instant messaging with federated contacts)
group instant messageгрупове миттєве повідомлення (An instant message session with multiple parties)
incoming instant message alertсповіщення про миттєве повідомлення (A notification that the user receives when someone sends an instant message to that user)
instant messageмиттєве повідомлення (A message sent in real time through a network to a private chat area)
instant messageнадсилати миттєве повідомлення (To send an instant message)
instant message conversationрозмова за допомогою миттєвих повідомлень, сеанс обміну миттєвими повідомленнями (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
instant message sessionсеанс обміну миттєвими повідомленнями (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
instant messagingмиттєві повідомлення (Pertaining to a message sent in real time through a network to a private chat area)
Intelligent Instant Message Filterінтелектуальний фільтр миттєвих повідомлень (A security feature of Office Communications Server, or Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, that administrators can configure to prevent specified types of URLs and files from being transferred in an instant message conversation)
Intelligent Message FilterУдосконалений фільтр повідомлень (The underlying technology of the Exchange Server content filter that evaluates inbound mail and assesses the probability that an inbound e-mail message is either a legitimate message or spam)
internal instant messagingвнутрішній обмін миттєвими повідомленнями (Instant messaging with internal users)
Internet Message Access Protocolпротокол IMAP (A method computers use to send and receive e-mail messages. It allows you to access e-mail without downloading it to your computer)
long messageзадовге повідомлення (" A message in a persistent chat room that exceeds the character limit. If the character limit is exceeded, the message will show as "long message.")
Message Authentication Codeкод автентифікації повідомлень (An algorithm that allows a receiver to ensure that a block of data has retained its integrity from the time it was sent until the time it was received)
message bodyвміст повідомлення (The content that is delivered in an e-mail message)
message digestвибірка повідомлень (A fixed-size result that is obtained by applying a one-way mathematical function (sometimes called a hash algorithm) to an arbitrary amount of data. If there is a change in the input data, the hash changes. The hash can be used in many operations, including authentication and digital signing)
message envelopeконверт повідомлення (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
message flowпередавання повідомлення (A series of contiguous processing steps through which one or more messages flow)
message handlerобробник повідомлень (A Component Object Model (COM) object that implements the ITranslate interface in an in-process COM object)
message headerзаголовок повідомлення (A hidden section of an e-mail message. From the time a message is first created, information about it is added to the message header, including technical details, such as who created the message and the software used to compose it)
message historyжурнал повідомлень (A list of messages that you have sent or received)
message itemелемент-повідомлення (An implementation of the Internet Message Format defined by RFC2822. A message item is stored in the Exchange store)
message labelпозначка повідомлення (An arrow label that indicates the message sent, its arguments and return values, and the sequencing of the message within the larger interaction (including call nesting, iteration, branching, concurrency, and synchronization))
Message Policyполітика повідомлень (A set of rules that are applied to e-mail messages. These rules govern how messages are processed and stored, based on a set of requirements. The requirements are typically based on regulatory requirements for an industry or geographic region)
Message Queuingчерга повідомлень (A Microsoft technology that enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline)
message ruleправило для повідомлень (A set of criteria for updating a project file with the information in Project Server workgroup messages. For example, project managers can specify that updates from all workgroup members be automatically accepted)
message sinkприймач повідомлень (A callback function that receives messages for a form or a control. Forms or controls that need to be notified of messages implement a message sink)
Message Traceтрасування повідомлень (A feature that enables you to search for a specific message using basic information, such as the sender, recipient, date, and message ID, to obtain the status of that message)
message transfer envelopeконверт передавання повідомлення (A MAPI message that holds the delivery information for a message)
message transfer systemсистемa передавання повідомлень (The X.400 term for a messaging system, which is a product that enables electronic communication over a network)
message waiting indicatorіндикатор нового повідомлення (A signal that indicates the presence of one or more unread messages. For voice mail systems, this is often a lamp on the phone or a stutter dial tone)
mobile messagingмобільні повідомлення (A feature that enables a customer to send a text message to any contact who uses a supported mobile device)
notification messageсповіщення (An e-mail message that is sent by a notification activity)
offline instant messageофлайнове миттєве повідомлення (An instant message that is transmitted while the sender or recipient is offline)
Out of Office messageповідомлення "Не на робочому місці" (The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant)
personal messageособисте повідомлення (" A customized message that someone sets in Windows Live Messenger, on Windows Live Home, or on their profile page. The status message is part of the "share anything" control. The information is distributed to any connected service.")
poison-message queueчерга шкідливих повідомлень (A subqueue of the application queue where poison messages get moved to be later processed by a poison-message handling application)
postmaster (" The logon name and therefore the email address of an account that is responsible for maintaining email services on a mail server. When an account holder is having trouble with email, a message to postmaster or ""postmasterадміністратор поштового сервера
quota messageповідомлення про перевищення квоти (An e-mail message that is automatically sent by Microsoft Exchange to the owners of a mailbox or a public folder when a size limit, which is called a storage quota, for the mailbox or public folder has been exceeded or is at risk of being exceeded)
Reestablish Instant Message ConnectionПоновити обмін миттєвими повідомленнями (An item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the IM client and IM server after disconnection)
Reestablish Instant Message Conversation…Поновити розмову… (The item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the selected participant to the current conversation after disconnection)
Send first name a quick messageНадіслати користувачу ім'я звістку (The message text box that is displayed on a contact's summary page)
Send an Instant Message...Надіслати миттєве повідомлення… (The item on the Actions menu that sends an instant message to the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Server Message Blockблок серверних повідомлень (A file-sharing protocol designed to allow networked computers to transparently access files that reside on remote systems over a variety of networks. The SMB protocol defines a series of commands that pass information between computers. SMB uses four message types: session control, file, printer, and message)
service messageслужбове повідомлення (A message that contains service-related content)
Share a quick messageДодати звістку (The link that prompts someone to enter a personal message to share, if the personal message field is currently empty. The personal message appears on someone's Profile page, and in Messenger)
status messageповідомлення стану (A message for the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console generated by an SMS/Configuration Manager component. Status messages differ from operating system events in that they represent the flow of activity within an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
status messageповідомлення для всіх (" A customized message that someone sets in Windows Live Messenger, on Windows Live Home, or on their profile page. The status message is part of the "share anything" control. The information is distributed to any connected service.")
status message IDідентифікатор повідомлення стану (A unique status message identifier. However, each instance of the same status message does not have a different ID. For example, if a certain message's ID is 62, it is 62 every time the message is generated. A status message has the same ID regardless of locale. Status Message Viewer maps each ID to locale-specific message text)
status message propertyвластивість повідомлення стану (An optional attribute of a status message that lets you differentiate among groups of messages when you are querying, finding, and filtering. A status message property can be Advertisement ID, Collection ID, Package ID, or User Name)
status message property valueзначення властивості повідомлення стану (An optional attribute of a status message property that is applied by the SMS component that generates the message. Status message properties let you differentiate messages associated with particular advertisements, collections, packages, and users when you are querying, finding, and filtering)
status message severityрівень повідомлення стану (An indication of the significance of a status, such as error, warning, or informational)
status message typeтип повідомлення стану (The nature of the status message, such as audit, detail, or milestone)
Status Message Viewerпереглядач повідомлень стану (A tool in the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console that is used to browse the status messages in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database)
Stop messageповідомлення про зупин (A character-based, full-screen error message displayed on a blue background. A Stop message indicates that the Windows kernel detected a condition from which it cannot recover. Each message is uniquely identified by a Stop error code (a hexadecimal number) and a string indicating the errors symbolic name. Stop messages are usually followed by up to four additional hexadecimal numbers, enclosed in parentheses, which identify developer-defined error parameters. A driver or device may be identified as the cause of the error. A series of troubleshooting tips are also displayed, along with an indication that, if the system was configured to do so, a memory dump file was saved for later use by a kernel debugger)
text messageтекстове повідомлення (A short alphanumeric message that is sent between mobile phones or devices using the SMS protocol)
video messageвідеоповідомлення (A short video sent as an email message to someone in the contact list)
Video MessagesВідеоповідомлення (The feature that gives users a rich way to send video messages asynchronously to another user)
voice messageголосове повідомлення (An electronic message with a primary content of digitized audio)
voice message originatorджерело голосових повідомлень (" An e-mail address that is used on call answering messages. The voice message originator is used as the "From" field for Unified Messaging messages and is the address to which non-delivery reports (NDRs) are sent.")
WSDL messageповідомлення WSDL (An abstract, typed definition of the data that is communicated during a WSDL operation)