
Terms for subject Microsoft containing logon | all forms | exact matches only
anonymous logonанонімний вхід (A user who has connected to the computer without supplying a user name and password)
interactive logonінтерактивний вхід (The process of logging on to a local computer using a keyboard)
logon domainдомен входу (The domain used to authenticate a user logging on to a computer, program, or network)
Net Logon serviceслужба Net Logon (A user-mode service that runs in the Windows security subsystem. The Net Logon service passes the user`s credentials through a secure channel to the domain database and returns the domain security identifiers and user rights for the user. In addition, the Net Logon service performs a variety of other functions related to the user logon process, such as periodic password updates for computer accounts and domain controller discovery)
network logonвхід до мережі (The process of logging on to a computer by means of a network. Typically, a user first interactively logs on to a local computer, then provides logon credentials to another computer on the network, such as a server, that he or she is authorized to use)
postmaster (" The logon name and therefore the email address of an account that is responsible for maintaining email services on a mail server. When an account holder is having trouble with email, a message to postmaster or ""postmasterадміністратор поштового сервера
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding theім'я користувача