
Terms for subject Microsoft containing line | all forms | exact matches only
Cc lineрядок "Копія" (Text box located on the Compose page. Provides space for users to type the e-mail address(es) of those who will be the secondary recipient(s) of an e-mail message. Derives from the term carbon copy)
command lineкомандний рядок (A string of text written in the command language and passed to the command interpreter for execution)
command line interfaceінтерфейс командного рядка (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
command-line optionпараметр командного рядка (A string that is recognized by a shell command and modifies the way the command executes)
contract lineсервісна робота за договором (The specific description in a contract of the service support to be provided, including pricing and how support is to be allotted)
interrupt request lineлінія запиту на переривання (A hardware line over which a peripheral device, bus controller, other processor, or the kernel signals a request for service to the microprocessor)
join lineсполучна лінія (A line that connects fields between two tables and shows how the data is related. The type of join indicates which records are selected for the query's result set)
line chartлінійчата діаграма (A chart that shows trends in data at equal intervals, with values from one or more sets of data connected by lines)
line feedпереведення рядка (A control character that tells a computer or printer to advance one line below the current line without moving the position of the cursor or print head)
Line Item OrderНомер позиції (The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of contract line items)
line pencilолівець (A pencil tool that simulates the look and feel of drawing lines with a pencil)
line screen angleрастровий кут (The angle of the lines of dots for each of the halftone screens that are used in process color printing)
line screen frequencyрастрова частота (The fineness or coarseness of a halftone screen represented by lines per inch (LPI))
line spacingміжрядковий інтервал (The amount of space from the bottom of one line of text to the bottom of the next line)
link lineлінія зв'язку (On the Gantt Chart and Network Diagram, the line that appears between two tasks to indicate a task dependency)
outside line access codeкод виходу на зовнішню лінію (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
private lineприватна лінія (An additional phone number with a distinct ring tone that cannot be forwarded. A private line allows a person who delegates calls to have a direct, confidential line)
progress lineлінія стану (A visual representation of the progress of your project, displayed in the Gantt Chart view. Progress lines connect in-progress tasks, creating a graph on the Gantt Chart indicating work that is behind and peaks indicating work that is ahead)
signature lineрядок підпису (A control that allows users to digitally sign a form or document)
strip lineсмуга (Horizontal or vertical ranges that set the background pattern of the chart in regular or custom intervals. You can use strip lines to improve readability for looking up individual values on the chart, highlight dates that occur at regular intervals, or highlight a specific key range)
subject lineрядок теми (The part of a message header that is used by the sender to indicate the object of the message)
tag lineгасло (A brief, memorable statement that summarizes the purpose of an organization or emphasizes an important aspect of a product or service)
To lineрядок "Кому" (The part of a message header that contains the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
wall reference lineнульова лінія стіни (The line that extends from the wall begin point to the wall endpoint. Although the wall reference line is typically centered on the wall or aligned with one edge of the wall, you can locate it any distance you want from the wall)