
Terms for subject Microsoft containing hard | all forms | exact matches only
Edit Virtual Hard Disk Wizardмайстер керування віртуальним жорстким диском (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)
hard affinityжорстка відповідність (A mechanism by which a thread can only run on a fixed set of one or more processors)
hard deleteстроге видалення (The process of permanently removing an item from the store or moving it to the dumpster when dumpster functionality is enabled. The dumpster is enabled/disabled by means of a registry setting on the computer running Exchange)
hard disk driveжорсткий диск (A hardware device, or a logical partition of it, that reads data from and writes data to hard disks)
hard linkжорстке посилання (A directory entry for a file)
hard mountжорстке підключення (The processes during which an NFS client will infinitely try to mount a file system to make it available for access. NFS clients which hard mount a file system could encounter problems if the NFS server becomes unavailable)
hard resetапаратне скидання (A type of reset on a mobile device that clears all installed software and restores the device to its original factory configuration)
Hard RockХард-рок (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 79)
hybrid hard diskгібридний жорсткий диск (A hard disk that contains a small amount of solid-state nonvolatile memory which, when used as a cache, can realize significant benefits such as faster booting, extended battery life, and a more rugged PC)
New Virtual Hard Disk Wizardмайстер створення віртуального жорсткого диска (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)