
Terms for subject Proverb containing disposition | all forms
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionгорбатого могила виправить
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionприроду тяжко одмінити
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionяке в колиску, таке в могилку
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionз чорної кішки білої не зробиш
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionякий удався, такий й згинеш
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionхто родився вовком, тому лисицею не бути
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionгадюка вмирає, а зілля хватає
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionхоч вовк линяє, та норов не міняє
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionкриве дерево не дужо випрямитись
the wolf may change his coat but not his dispositionгорбатого до стіни не приставиш