
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Management | all forms | exact matches only
Access Control Entry Management Viewподання редагування записів керування доступом (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
Access Levels ManagementКерування рівнями доступу (A UI element that displays a user's contacts and access level entries (ACEs) organized by access level)
ACE Management Viewподання редагування записів керування доступом (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
Active Directory Management Agentагент керування Active Directory (The Identity Lifecycle Manager management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Active Directory directory service)
Active Directory Rights Management ServicesСлужба керування правами AD RMS (A Microsoft technology designed to help enterprise customers control and protect critical digital information by offering easy-to-use, flexible, and persistent policy expression and enforcement)
active-state power managementкерування живленням в активному стані (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Advanced Power Managementавтоматичне керування живленням (An older power management technology used in mobile PCs before the implementation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Advanced Power Management is a software interface that functions between the BIOS power-management software that is specific to the hardware and a power-management policy driver that is run by the operating system)
Audit and Control Management Serverсервер відстеження й керування (A Microsoft Office product that provides non-intrusive auditing of changes made to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases, and supports alerts, notifications and automatic workflows based on user activities such as macro or formula changes)
Central Management Serverцентральний сервер керування (The server role (one per organization) on one Front End pool in the deployment that manages and deploys basic configuration data to all servers that are running Lync Server. Also provides Lync Server Management Shell and file transfer capabilities)
change managementкерування змінами (The practice of administering changes with the help of tested methods and techniques in order to avoid new errors and minimize the impact of changes)
contact managementкерування контактами (The process of managing business and/or social contacts in order to follow up, track conversations, etc)
content managementкерування вмістом (The collection, storing, and sharing of information in a single system where many users can access it)
Copy General Management System Analogсистема CGMS-A (A method for controlling the copying of broadcast media content that allows only one generation of copying)
customer relationship managementкерування зв'язками із замовниками (The process of building profitable customer relationships through the delivery of highly targeted interactions at all customer touch points by aligning marketing, sales and service functions and systems)
Data Management Gatewayшлюз керування даними (The gateway that allows IT to build connections to internal data sources so reports that are published to BI Sites in Office 365 will refresh either on-demand or on a scheduled basis, ensuring that customers are always looking at the latest view of their data)
database management systemсистема керування базою даних (A layer of software between the physical database and the user. The DBMS manages all access to the database)
Demand Managementкерування вимогами (A feature that captures and manages work proposals in a single location. Proposals move through a customizable, multi-stage governance process that may include review, selection of proposals for approval, and tracking the execution of approved proposals through to completion)
Deployment Image Servicing and Managementсистема обслуговування образу розгортання та керування ним (A framework that provides a single point for IT professionals and OEMs to service and maintain Windows images offline through a scriptable command line utility and an easily extensible infrastructure)
device managementкерування пристроєм (The exchange of requests and responses that control and configure the operational state of a device. Device management requires the use of a Communication Class interface)
digital rights managementкерування цифровими правами (Any technology used to protect the interests of owners of digital content and services (such as copyright owners). Typically, authorized recipients or users must acquire a license in order to use the content)
digital rights management componentкомпонент керування цифровими правами (The component of a player that handles all functions of digital rights management, such as decrypting packaged files or initiating license acquisition)
Directory Management Serviceслужба керування списками розсилки (A service used to manage distribution lists)
Discovery Managementкерування наданням відомостей (The role group that gives users the permissions needed to use Multi-Mailbox Search)
Distributed Scan Managementрозподілене керування скануванням (A feature that offers a collection of Web services, applications, and Windows services that work together to create an end-to-end experience that allows users to walk up to a copy room MFD and scan a document to a destination)
document managementкерування документами (The capability to view and manage SharePoint documents from Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
Emergency Management Servicesслужби аварійного керування (Services that enable the administrator to interact with a system that might not be available through the usual network mechanisms)
Exchange Management Consoleконсоль керування Exchange (The Exchange 2007 graphical user interface (GUI) from which administrators can perform tasks to configure and manage Exchange servers. The Exchange Management Console is based on Windows Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0)
Exchange Management Shellоболонка керування Exchange (A command-line interface and associated command-line plug-ins for Exchange Server that enable automation of administrative tasks. The Exchange Management Shell is built on Windows PowerShell technology, formerly codenamed Monad)
hosted management agentрозміщений агент керування (An Identity Lifecycle Management (ILM) component that consists of properties, rules, and rule extensions that determine how an object is processed and that provides services to client computers or organizations that connect from remote locations)
idle-state power managementкерування живленням у стані очікування (A power-saving mode which ensures the lowest possible power consumption by clearly defining what it means for a component to be active, and reserves power by placing inactive components in a very low-power state)
Information Rights Managementкерування правами доступу до інформації (A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send)
Internet Group Management Protocolпротокол керуваннями групами в Інтернеті (A protocol used by Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighboring multicast routers)
Key Management Serviceслужба керування ключами (An optional Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server component that is installed on a designated server in an administrative group. It provides centralized administration and archival of private keys, and maintains every user s private encryption key in an encrypted database. The keys are used for encrypting e-mail messages and signing messages with digital signatures)
management agentагент керування (A component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed in the metadirectory. A single management agent can have one or more run profiles that determine the management agent's behavior, such as how or when the management agent runs)
management consoleконсоль керування (A network-enabled host running Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management software. This software requests information from SNMP agents)
management packпакет керування (A set of files that you install for use with Operations Manager and that allow you to monitor applications and add functionality to Operations Manager)
management systemсистема керування (A network-enabled host running Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management software. This software requests information from SNMP agents)
messaging records managementкерування поштовими записами (Records management technology in Exchange 2007 that helps organizations to reduce the risks that are associated with e-mail and other communications. MRM makes it easier to keep messages that are needed to comply with company policy, government regulations, or legal needs, and to remove content that has no legal or business value)
Microsoft Management Consoleконсоль керування MMC (A Microsoft management display framework that provides a unified view for administering multiple integrated network applications)
Microsoft Rights Management sharing applicationпрограма для спільного використання вмісту, що захищений Microsoft Rights Management (The application that permits consumption and creation of RMS-protected content on PCs or mobile devices)
Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portalпортал керування Multi-Factor Authentication (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
Outlook Live Management Agentагент керування Outlook Live (The Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Outlook Live. It is an ILM component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed)
power managementкерування живленням (Mechanisms in software and hardware to minimize system power consumption, manage system thermal limits, and maximize system battery life. Power management involves trade-offs among system speed, noise, battery life, processing speed, and power consumption)
Recipient ManagementКерування одержувачами (The role group that gives users the permissions to create and manage mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts. Members can also import new users, track messages sent and received by users, and manage Exchange ActiveSync settings for the organization)
Records ManagementКерування записами (The role group that gives users permissions to create and manage organization-wide rules, also known as transport rules. Members of the role group can also track messages sent and received by users)
Request Managementкерування запитами (A SharePoint feature that helps make smart routing decisions, based on routing rules that relate the nature of requests to the dynamic topology of its farm)
rights managementкерування правами (A technology that provides persistent protection to digital data using encryption, certificates, and authentication. Authorized recipients or users must acquire a license in order to consume the protected files, according to the rights, or business rules, set by the content owner)
risk management planплан керування ризиками (A document defining how risk will be managed throughout the project. It can include identified risks, probabilities, contingency plans and methods for implementing them, and a strategy for allocating resources if a risk event occurs)
Scan Managementкерування скануванням (A MMC snap-in tool under Print and Document Services that is used for managing network scanners, and configuring your Distributed Scan Server and how scans should be processed)
Settings Management Interfaceінтерфейс SMI (An interface used to retrieve and apply settings for Windows components. Windows System Image Manager and the CPI API use SMI to define the available settings in a Windows image)
Simple Network Management Protocolпростий протокол керування мережею (A network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. In Windows, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is used to provide status information about a host on a TCP/IP network)
SNMP Management Consoleконсоль керування SNMP (The interface through which a manager, either a user or a program, performs management activities)
software asset managementкерування програмними ресурсами (A best practice incorporating a set of proven processes and procedures for managing and optimizing the purchase, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and disposal of software applications within an organization. SAM practice helps to manage risk from counterfeit as well as improperly licensed software)
Total Quality Management diagramсхема керування якістю (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
UM ManagementКерування UM (The role group that gives users the permissions to manage Unified Messaging (UM) server configurations, UM properties on mailboxes, UM prompts, and UM auto attendant configuration)
user management administratorадміністратор керування користувачами (A Microsoft Online Services administrator who manages user accounts, groups, and password resets, manages support tickets, and monitors services health)
View-Only Organization ManagementКерування організацією лише в режимі перегляду (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portalпортал керування Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
Windows Management Instrumentationінструментарій керування Windows (The Microsoft extension to the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative)
Windows Management Instrumentation filterфільтр WMI (A query that is based on Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and used to filter the effect of a Group Policy object (GPO). WMI filters are written in WMI Query Language (WQL) and are evaluated on the target computer or user. If the filter evaluates to true, then the GPO is applied. Otherwise, the GPO is not applied. WMI filters are useful for exception management)
Work Management Serviceслужба керування співпрацею (A SharePoint shared service that aggregates tasks that systems such as SharePoint, Project Server, and Exchange assign to users)
Work Management Task Syncсинхронізація завдань із керування співпрацею (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)