
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Zone | all forms | exact matches only
debug zone maskhata ayıklama bölgesi maskesi (A named bit mask in application source code that is used to turn a debug zone on or off)
default zonevarsayılan bölge (The zone to which all Macintosh clients on the network are assigned by default)
desired zoneistenen bölge (The zone in which AppleTalk network integration appears on the network)
full zone transfertam bölge aktarımı (The standard query type supported by all DNS servers to update and synchronize zone data when the zone has been changed. When a DNS query is made using AXFR as the specified query type, the entire zone is transferred as the response)
hot zoneetkin bölge (The interaction area of a particular object or location with which a pointer or pointing device's hot spot must come in contact)
IntelliSense in ZoneBölgede IntelliSense (A Visual Basic IntelliSense feature that displays certain items in the statement completion list in a different color if they do not have enough permission to run in the security zone specified. This design-time support allows you to run applications in partial trust)
primary zonebirincil bölge (A copy of the zone that is administered locally)
secondary zoneikincil bölge (A read-only copy of a DNS zone that is transferred from an authoritative DNS server to another DNS server to provide redundancy)
secure zonegüvenli bölge (A DNS zone that is stored in Active Directory and to which access control list (ACL) security features are applied)
store zonedepolama bölgesi (A classification of store areas. Store zones provide a way to order and prioritize store areas for items as they arrive in inventory)
stub zonesaplama bölgesi (A copy of a zone that contains only the resource records required to identify the authoritative DNS servers for that zone. A DNS server that hosts a parent zone and a stub zone for one of the parent zone`s delegated child zones can receive updates from the authoritative DNS servers for the child zone)
time zonesaat dilimi (A geographical area that observes the same local time. The local time has a positive, zero, or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset can be different during standard time and daylight saving time)
United Parcel Service zoneUnited Parcel Service bölgesi (A geographical division used by the U.S.-based carrier, UPS, to determine shipping time and costs)
UPS zoneUPS bölgesi (A geographical division used by the U.S.-based carrier, UPS, to determine shipping time and costs)
Web Part zoneWeb Bölümü bölgesi (A container with a set of properties that can be configured to control the organization and format of Web Parts on a Web Part Page)
zone elevationbölge yükseltmesi (A situation that occurs when a Web page loaded in one URL security zone loads a page from a less restrictive zone in a frame or a new window. For example, if a page from the Internet zone loads a page from the Local Machine zone, a zone elevation has occurred)
zone endpointbölge uç noktası (An endpoint that represents a connection and communication endpoint for a zone and is inbound outbound or bidirectional type. A zone endpoint delegates communication to endpoints on logical servers within the zone)
zone signing keybölge imzalama anahtarı (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets within a zone, below the zone apex)
zone transferbölge aktarması (The process whereby a secondary DNS server obtains information about a zone or domain from the primary server)
zone walkingbölge taraması (The process of repeating NSEC queries in order to retrieve all the names in a DNS zone)