
Terms containing totál | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
math.coefficient of total determinationkvadrert multippel korrelasjonskoeffisient
PSPtotal clearing timebrytetid
light.total cloud amounttotal skymengde
math.total correlationbruttokorrelasjon
magn.total current densitytotal strømtetthet
magn.total electric currenttotalstrøm
light.total flux of a sourcetotal lysfluks
transf.total lossestotaltap
immigr.total migrationsamlet migrasjon
environ.total organic carbon The amount of carbon covalently bound in organic compounds in a water sampletotalt organisk karbon
environ.total parameter The sum of parameters that must be taken into account when assessing water quality - organoleptic factors, physico-chemical factors, toxic substances, microbiological parameterstotalparameter
comp., MStotal price variancetotalt prisavvik (The sum of line price variance amounts for a vendor invoice when compared with related purchase order lines)
comp., MSTotal Quality Management diagramdiagram for total kvalitetsledelse (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
comp., MStotal rowtotalrad (A special row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions useful for working with numerical data)
comp., MStotal slacktotalslakk (The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays the project)
light.total energy transmittance of glazing materialtransmittans for solstråling
light.total turbidity factor according to Linketotal turbiditetsfaktor