
Terms containing the | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
environ.access to the courts The right of citizens to access to the organs of the governments where justice is administeredtilgang til domstol
environ.access to the seatilgang til sjø
comp., MSAdd a Person to the CallLegg til en person i samtalen (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
immigr.admission onto the territoryadgang til riket
gen.all theall
light.amplitude of fluctuation of the luminous flux of a source run on alternating currentflimmerfaktor
comp., MSangle brackets (Thevinkelparenteser
gen.at the beginninginnledningsvis
gen.at the timedaværende
gen.become the fiance offorlove seg med
gen.become the fiancee offorlove sig med
gen.become the husband ofgifte sig med
gen.become the wife ofgifte sig med
gen.bell that rings to anounce the big breakstorefri
gen.by the wayforresten
immigr.Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and ImmigrationSenter for informasjon, diskusjon og utveksling om grensepassering og innvandring
comp., MSChange the task status to Completed and close the formEndre statusen til Fullført og lukk skjemaet (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
immigr.Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European UnionDen europeiske unions pakt om grunnleggende rettigheter
environ.chemical in the environment The presence in the environment of any solid, liquid or gaseous material discharged from a process and that may pose substantial hazard to human health and the environmentkjemikalie i miljøet
comp., MSComplete the mergeFullfør flettingen (The heading for the last Mail Merge step, which allows the user to select how the merged publication or letters are produced)
el., sec.sys.Continuous Operating Temperature of the compoundkontinuerlig driftstemperatur for støpemassen
immigr.Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the status of refugeesGenève-konvesjonen 1951 og Genève-protokollen
environ.Court of Justice of the European Communities Institution set up under Treaty of Rome to ensure that in interpretation and application of the Treaty the law is observed. It consists of judges from each member state, appointed for 6-year periods, assisted by three Advocates General. It sits in Luxembourg, expressing itself in judgements when called upon to do so in proceedings initiated by member states, institutions of the EC and natural or legal persons. Procedures are generally inquisitorialDet europeiske felleskaps domstol
environ.data on the state of the environment No definition neededmiljøtilstandsdata
environ.degradation of the environment The process by which the environment is progressively contaminated, overexploited and destroyedmiljøødeleggelse
comp., MSdevice capability (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or theenhetsfunksjon
immigr.5+5 Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean5+5-dialog om migrasjon i det vestre Middelhavet
environ.disposal of the deadlikhåndtering
math.distribution of Sums which are Truncated from the Expectation of the ReciprocalSTER-fordeling
environ.effect on the environment Resultant of natural or manmade perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environmentmiljøeffekt
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-postadresse
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-postadresse
comp., MSEnd the callAvslutt samtalen (An infotip for the Hang Up button. The Hang Up button is a button on Phone Controls and Audio Controls)
environ.environmental protection in the enterprise Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken by non-governmental, business or industrial entities to prevent or reduce harm to the ecosystem and human healthmiljøvern i bedriften
immigr.European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European UnionDet europeiske grensekontrollbyrået
immigr.European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights andDen europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen
comp., MSfill in the blank questionspørsmål med tomme felt (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must enter a response in the blank space or spaces provided)
comp., MSflash the BIOSflashe BIOS (To update the computer's BIOS software with a new version)
gen.for the reason thatfordi
bot.glory-of-the-snowsnøstjerne (Chionodoxa forbesii Baker; Chionodoxa luciliae auct.; Chionodoxa siehei Stapf; Scilla forbesii (Baker) Speta)
comp., MShost view of the add-invertsvisning for tillegget (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the host's view of the methods and types used to communicate with an add-in)
gen.I am not in the moodJeg er ikke i humør til dette (for/to it coltuclu)
gen.in the hundredshundrevis
gen.in the middlemidt
gen.in the thousandstusenvis
comp., MSincremental publish to the Webtrinnvis publisering på nettet (A feature that allows you to publish updates to a previously published Web site quickly by publishing only those files you have updated)
comp., MSInfrastructure APIs for the Windows RuntimeInfrastruktur-APIer for Windows-kjøretid (A set of C++ APIs that are used by the Windows Runtime to gain access to operating system functionality. They are primarily designed for the infrastructure of the Windows Runtime, but they could be used in advanced C++ Windows Store app development)
comp., MSinternet e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-postadresse på Internett
comp., MSInternet Explorer for the desktopInternet Explorer for PC (The web browser component of Windows that provides a traditional and familiar browsing experience)
environ.irreversibility of the phenomenon That quality of a process that precludes a prior state from being attained againirreversibilitet
bot.jack-by-the-hedgelaukurt (Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande; Alliaria officinalis Andrz. ex M. Bieb.; Erysimum alliaria L.)
comp., MSless than sign (Themindre enn
bot.lily-of-the-valleyliljekonvall (Convallaria majalis L.)
gen.list on the stock exchangebørsnotere
comp., MSMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office SystemMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office System (A family of Microsoft Visual Studio add-in software that allows developers to use Visual Basic and Visual C to write code behind Word- and Excel-based applications)
comp., MSMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System RuntimeMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office System Runtime (A set of services and functions used by Visual Studio Tools for Office to enable managed-code customizations to run after they are deployed to client computers)
el.gen.minimum safe output of the unitminste tillatte avgitte effekt
gen.minister for the environmentmiljøvernminister
gen.number of the housenummer p˜ huset
environ.offence against the environment Unlawful acts against the environment, such as water contamination, hazardous waste disposal, air contamination, unpermitted installation of plants, oil spills, etc.miljøkriminalitet
gen.on the contraryderimot
gen.on the leftvenstre
gen.on the occasion ofi anledning av
gen.on the other side oftvers over
gen.on the righthšyre
comp., MSOpen the new opportunityÅpne den nye salgsmuligheten (Check box on Convert to Opportunity dialog box where the user chooses that the opportunity will be opened after they have converted it from a task)
light.optical thickness of the atmosphereatmosfærens optiske tykkelse
environ.organisation of the legal system The specific manner, form and institutions by which a government's ability to make, enforce and interpret laws are brought together into a coordinated wholerettsordenstruktur
el.mach.origin of the electrical installationleveringspunkt
math.Pareto distribution of the second kindPareto fordeling
math.Pareto distribution of the second kindLomax fordeling
bot.pellitory-of-the-wallvanleg blidnesle (Parietaria judaica L.; Parietaria diffusa Mert. & W. D. J. Koch; Parietaria officinalis auct.; Parietaria ramiflora Moench)
bot.pellitory-of-the-wallblidnesle (Parietaria judaica L.; Parietaria diffusa Mert. & W. D. J. Koch; Parietaria officinalis auct.; Parietaria ramiflora Moench)
el.gen.power demand from the systemeffektbehov
comp., MSPreparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRSForberedelse av åpningsbalanse på datoen for overgang til IFRS (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting perspective, the significant activities required of companies to prepare their opening balance sheet at the date of transition to IFRS within the context of a conversion from previous Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS))
comp., MSPrinciples for the data access and the testability of digital documentsPrinsippene for datatilgang og testbarhet for digitale dokumenter (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems)
environ.purification through the soil The act or process in which a section of the ground is freed from pollution or any type of contamination, often through natural processesrensing gjennom jordsmonnet
immigr.remain in the Member Statefortsatt opphold
environ.report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that regionmiljøtilstandsrapport
environ.report to the minister A written account or statement describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to any person appointed or elected to a high-level position within some political entityministerrapport
environ.research of the effects Investigation carried out to assess the results deriving from an action or condition; general term applying to many different fieldsvirkningsforskning
immigr.right to remain pending the decisionutsettende virkning
immigr.right to remain pending the examination of an applicationutsettende virkning
environ.rights of the individual Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to each and every member of a group or state, including the freedom to do certain things and the freedom from certain intrusions imposed by the collective bodyden enkeltes rettigheter
environ.state of the art Everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral description, by use or in any other way before the date of the patent application, or an application filed in a foreign country the priority of which is validly claimedaktuelt teknisk nivå
math.Statistical Package for the Social SciencesSPSS
gen.stay the nightovernatte
el., sec.sys.temperature range of the compoundtemperaturområde for støpemassen
gen.the AntarcticSšrpolen
gen.the AntarcticSydpolen
gen.the ArcticNordpolen
gen.the NetherlandsNederland
environ.theory of the environment A structured simulation or explanation based on observation, experimentation and reasoning that seeks to demonstrate, characterize or explain the actions and interactions of the total surrounding conditions of a given systemmiljøteori
environ.theory of the welfare state A political conception of government in a capitalist economy where the state is responsible for insuring that all members of society attain a minimum standard of living through redistribution of resources, progressive taxation and universal social programs, including health care and educationvelferdsstatsteori
comp., MSTip of the DayDagens tips (A tip that provides useful information about product features for the user. A new tip is displayed each day)
gen.to the lefttil venstre
gen.to the righttil hšyre
gen.turn of the yearårsskifte
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thebrukernavn
el.gen.utilisation factor of the maximum capacity of a unitenergiutnyttelsesfaktor for aggragat
environ.waste disposal in the ground The planned discharge, deposit or burial of refuse or other unserviceable material into the surface of the earth, as in a landfillavfallsdisponering i grunnen
environ.water infiltration into the ground The movement of surface water into soil or rock through cracks and poresvanninfiltrasjon i jorden
comp., MSWork on the goJobb hvor som helst (" Refers to being able to do your work from anywhere with your mobile device, whether you are in your office, at home, or traveling ("on the go").")
environ.working the soil Ploughing the soil for agricultural purposesjordarbeiding