
Terms for subject Microsoft containing search | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishNorwegian Bokmål
advanced searchavansert søk (" A feature that enables users to build robust, targeted queries that include search operators. The least complex of which are the Boolean operators many users are familiar with. In addition, customers can use advanced operators such as "contains:" or "inanchor:" or "site:" Customers can add operator upon operator and watch their query change in the search box.")
approvals search foldersøkemappe for godkjenninger (The search folder that is created by the ILM Add-in for Outlook 2007 and that provides the user with a way to see pending and completed approvals, and approval request updates)
Bing Smart SearchBing Smartsøk (The search feature for Windows 8.1 and beyond that enables a central search from the Start screen across the device used, the cloud, apps, and the web)
Calendar Event SearchSøk etter kalenderhendelse (A feature that enables a user to search for events in the Calendar using keywords, and use filters to refine the search)
Content SearchInnholdssøk (A Web Part that performs a search using a customizable query and presents the results in a custom view)
dynamic resource consumption for Searchdynamisk ressursforbruk for søk (The ability of Search to automatically consume fewer server resources such as memory and CPU when server resources are constrained due to transient load)
federated searchsamlet søk (A type of search that provides users with results from multiple search and retrieval systems)
full-text searchfulltekstsøk (A search for one or more documents, records, or strings based on all of the actual text data rather than on an index containing a limited set of keywords)
full-text search indexindeks for fulltekstsøk (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
global searchglobalt søk (A search operation that finds a desired string or record located anywhere in an application, document, or set of files)
in-app searchappinternt søk (An end-to-end search functionality in an app)
in-app search controlkontroll for appinternt søk (A control that developers use to implement the primary entry point for in-app search)
Instant SearchDirektesøk (A search feature associated with folders and programs that begins to display results as soon as a keyword is entered. When you enter text, files in the current view are automatically filtered to show only those that match what you typed)
mailbox searchpostbokssøk (One instance of a multi-mailbox search)
Multi-Mailbox SearchSøk i flere postbokser (A feature in Exchange 2010 and Outlook Live that enables users to search the mailboxes in their organization for e-mail and other message types that contain specific keywords. The results of a search are then copied to a mailbox that you have specified so that you can review, organize, and export the search results)
music searchmusikksøk (A Bing feature that allows the user to find out information about a recording song that is playing on the radio)
Quick SearchHurtigsøk (A search feature associated with folders and programs that begins to display results as soon as a keyword is entered. When you enter text, files in the current view are automatically filtered to show only those that match what you typed)
recent searchesnylige søk (Previous searches that are recommended to users based on what they are typing)
recovery searchgjenopprettingssøk (The administrator action of looking for recoverable items by specifying a set of search parameters. The results of the search can be selected for recovery)
saved searchlagret søk (A list of files that match specific search or filter information. You can save a search created in the Search folder. Whenever you open a saved search, it will search your computer again to find all files that match what you're looking for)
Search AlertsSøkevarsler (A feature that monitors a user's saved searches and sends regular E-mail summaries with new and updated matching results. The user can provide feedback on the results to tune the saved search query for better results)
search and pin calendarssøke etter og feste kalendere (A feature that enables a user to search for another user's or group's calendar and pin it to their calendar list)
search boxsøkeboks (A text box in which someone types words to begin a search)
Search BuilderSøkoppbygger (A Windows feature that helps users to build better queries by enabling them to click on suggested filters, based on what the user is typing, to add them to a search)
Search buttonsøkeknapp (The button next to a search box that someone clicks to search for something)
Search buttonSøk (The button next to a search box that someone clicks to search for something)
Search bySøk med (Pertaining to a search process enabled by a particular technology)
Search charmSøk-perle (A user interface element that provides access to search in apps or on the PC)
search connectorsøkekobling (A search location exposed via .osdx templates and made possible via the OpenSearch technology. It connects the local search indexer to a remote index and provides the end user with the ability to search for files on a Web site or on an intranet site from within Windows)
Search contractSøk-kontrakt (The contract that delivers a system-wide entry point to the Windows search experience)
Search-Driven NavigationSøkbasert navigasjon (A set of controls that helps users navigate directly to where they want to go in SharePoint, without having to navigate the hierarchy or edit the URL)
search enginesøkemotor (A program that searches for key words in documents, databases, Internet content or other files)
search filtersøkefilter (A term that can be added to a search to filter the results by a specific property (for example, by author). Relevant search filters appear under the search box in any open folder)
search foldersøkemappe (A virtual folder that displays items based on specified search criteria)
Search HistorySøkelogg (A feature in Bing that shows the words you searched for and the sites you've visited, along with the date and time of your search)
Search iconsøkeikon (An icon visible in some screens of the phone, tapped to activate the Search function. Context-sensitive)
search keysøkenøkkel (The value that is to be searched for in a document or any collection of data)
Search on WebSøk på nettet (​A feature that enables the user to start a web search from text that is selected within a document)
search pagesøkeside (A page from which you can find and go to other Internet sites or to documents on an intranet. Many search pages provide various ways to search, such as by topic, by keyword, or by matches to user queries)
Search PredictionSøkeforutsigelse (A feature that automatically corrects searches for misspellings, alternative spellings or other input that would otherwise reduce the number or quality of the results)
search previewforhåndsvisning av søk (A feature that displays a thumbnail preview next to each search result. Pointing to the preview enlarges it)
search providersøkeleverandør (A component or application that provides data to Windows Search)
search refinersøkepresisering (An advanced feature that enables a user to apply filters on properties such as people, folder, and attachments)
search resultssøkeresultater (The list of answers to a search request that match the search criteria specified by the user)
search schemasøkeskjema (A data structure that describes crawled properties, managed properties, and the mapping between them)
search scopesøkeomfang (The range and depth of a search on a portal site, desktop or other)
Search SuggestionsSøkeforslag (" Search suggestions appear when a user types in the search box. Do not use "autosuggest")
Search tasks and templatesSøk etter oppgaver og maler (The name of a search box where the user can enter keywords and look for tasks and templates that match the query)
search verticalvertikal søkeløsning (A targeted search experience that displays results that are custom filtered and formatted for a specific content type or class, such as people or videos)
Search Virtual FolderVirtuell søkemappe (A feature that allows the user to group search files by any criteria and display them in one place)
Suggested searchesforeslåtte søk (Keywords, phrases, or contacts that are suggested as users type)
vertical searchvertikalt søk (A type of search which is restricted to a specific domain, such as news search, image search, local search)
visual searchvisuelt søk (A type of search that returns richer results such as graphics and images, helping you find exactly what you're looking for, quickly and easily)