
Terms containing ground | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
light.aeronautical ground lightaeronautisk bakkelys
gen.away groundbortebane
gen.camping groundleirplass
el., sec.sys.case ground protectionkapslingsvern
el., sec.sys.case ground protectionjordstrømsvern for kapsling
immigr.Convention grounds for persecutionkonvensjonsgrunnene for forfolgelse
environ.fishing ground Area of sea or freshwater where fish are caughtfiskebanke
el., sec.sys.frame ground protectionkapslingsvern
el., sec.sys.frame ground protectionjordstrømsvern for kapsling
pwr.lines.ground clearancemarkavstand
pwr.lines.ground clearancehøyde over mark
cablesground conductorjordleder
magn.ground-coupled interferencejordingskoblet interferens
el., sec.sys.ground differential protectiondifferensialvern for jordfeil
bot.ground-elderskvallerkål (Aegopodium podagraria L.)
cablesground electrodejordingselektrode
el.mach.ground electrodejordelektrode
el.mach.ground-electrode networkjordelektrodesystem
el.mach.ground faultjordfeil
isol.ground fault factorjordfeilfaktor
el., sec.sys.ground-fault protectionjordfeilvern
gen.ground frosttele
bot.ground-ivykrossknapp (Glechoma hederacea L.; Nepeta hederacea (L.) Trevis.)
el., sec.sys.ground overcurrent protectionoverstrømsvern for nøytral
el.mach.ground-return pathreturstrømbane i jord
el.mach.ground-return pathstrømbane i jord
gen.ground rulegrunnregel
el.mach.ground-surface voltage to groundjordoverflatespenning
immigr.grounds for persecutionkonvensjonsflyktning
el.mach.independent ground electrodeseparat jordelektrode
environ.leave on social groundsvelferdspermisjon
el.mach.line-to-ground voltagespenning mellom fase og jord
isol.overhead ground wiretoppjordline
pwr.lines.overhead ground wiretoppline jordline
pwr.lines.overhead ground wire peaktopplinefeste
el.mach.reference groundreferansejord
magn.reference-ground planejordreferanseplan
el.mach.resistance to groundresistans til jord
environ.spawning ground Area of water where fish come each year to produce their eggsgyteområde
gen.sports groundidrettsplass
isol.underground cable-route ground electrodelangsgående nedgravd jordelektrode
cablesuninsulated ground conductorlangsgående nedgravd jordleder
isol.voltage to ground during a ground faultjordfeilspenning mot jord
isol.voltage to ground during a short-circuitkortslutningsspenning mot jord
environ.waste disposal in the ground The planned discharge, deposit or burial of refuse or other unserviceable material into the surface of the earth, as in a landfillavfallsdisponering i grunnen
environ.water infiltration into the ground The movement of surface water into soil or rock through cracks and poresvanninfiltrasjon i jorden