
Terms for subject Microsoft containing forward | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishNorwegian Bokmål
Call forwardingViderekobling (A group of options in the Options dialog box, on the Phone tabs, that controls the automatic forwarding of incoming phone calls)
Call Forwarding OffViderekobling av (The menu item that turns off the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
carry forwardoverføre (To transfer closing account balances from one accounting period to opening account balances in the subsequent accounting period)
carry-forward budgetoverført budsjett (The budget that is transferred from one fiscal year to the next and that is reserved for open purchase orders in the new fiscal year)
fast forwardspole fremover (To advance audio or video playback at a speed that is faster than normal)
forward mailboxpostboks til videresending (A mailbox used by the E-mail Router to route incoming Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail messages and create activities for individual users)
forward planningplanlegging fremover (A method for determining a production schedule by beginning with the production start date and working forward to determine the production completion date)
forward schedulingtidsplanlegging fremover (A method for determining a production schedule by beginning with the production start date and working forward to determine the production completion date)
forward slashskråstrek (The / character)
store-and-forward replicationlagre-og-videresend-replikasjon (A replication model, used by Active Directory, in which changes are not sent directly from one domain controller to all other domain controllers. Instead, a system of replication partners is created automatically by the system, taking advantage of the existing connections. Replication through neighboring systems is also called transitive replication)