
Terms containing current | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
el.active currentaktiv strøm
comp., MSalternating currentvekselstrøm (Electric current that reverses its direction of flow (polarity) periodically according to a frequency measured in hertz, or cycles per second. The rapid change from positive to negative electricity of 60 or more times each second)
magn.alternating-current Josephson effectjosephsoneffekt for vekselstrøm
magn.areic electric currentelektrisk strømtetthet
PSPbreaking current of a switching device or a fusebrytestrøm
el.capacitive currentkapasitiv strøm
transf.circulating currentsirkulerende strøm
magn.common mode currentasymmetrisk strøm
el.complex current reflection coefficientrefleksjonsfaktor for strøm
el.complex current reflection factorrefleksjonsfaktor for strøm
PSPconditional short-circuit current of a circuit or a switching devicebetinget kortslutningsstrøm
isol.conductor continuity fault currentstrøm i feilsted
transf.continuous rated currentkontinuerlig merkestrøm
PSPconventional fusing currentutløsningsstrømgrense også kalt øvre prøvingsstrøm; for sikring
PSPconventional non-fusing currentholdestrømgrense også kalt nedre prøvingsstrøm; for en sikring
el.mach.conventional non-operating current of a protective devicekonvensjonell ikke-utløsestrøm
PSPconventional non-tripping current of an over-current releaseholdestrømgrense for en overstrømsutløser
el.mach.conventional operating current of a protective devicekonvensjonell utløsestrøm
PSPconventional tripping current of an over-current releaseutløsningsstrømgrense for en overstrømsutløser
el.mach.continuous current-carrying capacitykontinuerlig strømføringsevne
comp., MScurrent conversationgjeldende samtale (A conversation that you are currently having, as opposed to a past conversation)
comp., MScurrent costgjeldende kostnad (The most recent price of a product or service)
magn.electric current densityelektrisk strømtetthet
comp., MScurrent directorygjeldende katalog (The first directory in which the operating system looks for programs and data files and stores files for output)
magn.current elementstrømelement
comp., MScurrent liabilitykortsiktig gjeld (An obligation that is due within a short period of time, usually one year or less, and which will be paid out of current assets)
math.current life tablenåværende liv tabellen
PSPcurrent-limiting circuit-breakerstrømbegrensende effektbryter
PSPcurrent-limiting fuse-linkstrømbegrensende sikringspatron
magn.current linkagestrømgjennomløp
magn.current probestrømtang
comp., MScurrent recordgjeldende post (The record in a recordset that you can modify or retrieve data from. There is only one current record in a recordset, but a recordset may have no current record, for example, after a record has been deleted from a dynaset-type recordset)
comp., MScurrent regiongjeldende område (The block of filled-in cells that includes the currently selected cell or cells. The region extends in all directions to the first empty row or column)
PSPcurrent setting of an over-current releasestrøminnstilling for overstrømsutløser
PSPcurrent setting range of an over-current releasestrøminnstillingsområde
math.current status datagjeldende status data
comp., MScurrent timegjeldende tidspunkt (The current position on a timeline, relative to the starting time)
el.mach.current-using equipmentforbruksapparat
comp., MScurrent versiongjeldende versjon (Version of a file most recently stored in a Visual SourceSafe database. The current version of the file has the highest version number)
PSPcut-off currentbegrensningsstrøm
cablescyclic current ratingtillatt syklisk last
light.dark currentmørkestrøm
PSPdefinite time-delay over-current releaseoverstrømsutløser med fastsatt forsinkelse
el.mach.design current of an electric circuitdimensjonerende laststrøm
el.mach.design current of an electric circuitdimensjonerende strøm
magn.differential mode currentsymmetrisk strøm
el.direct currentlikestrøm
magn.direct-current Josephson effectjosephsoneffekt for likestrøm
PSPdirect over-current releasedirekte overstrømsutløser
el.direction of electric currentstrømretning
magn.displacement currentforskyvningsstrøm
magn.displacement current densityforskyvningsstrømtetthet
el.mach.earth currentlekkstrøm
magn.eddy currentsvirvelstrømmer
el.mach.fault currentfeilstrøm
el., sec.sys.fault current interruption timeavbruddstid
isol.fibrillating currentterskelstrøm for hjertekammerflimmer
isol.freezing currentterskelstrøm for muskelkrampe
PSPfused short-circuit currentkortslutningsstrøm med strømbegrensende sikring
el.ideal current sourceideell strømkilde
transf.impedance voltage at rated current for the principal tappingkortslutningsspenning ved merkestrøm
PSPindirect over-current releaseindirekte overstrømsutløser
magn.induced currentindusert strøm
el.inductive currentinduktiv strøm
el., sec.sys.initial starting currentinitiell startstrøm
el., sec.sys.inrush currentinnkoblingstransient
el., sec.sys.inrush currentinnkoblingsstrøm
PSPinverse time-delay over-current releaseoverstrømsutløser med invers forsinkelse
el.Kirchhoff current lawKirchhoffs første lov
el.mach.leakage currentlekkstrøm
isol.let-go currentterskelstrøm for frigjøring
PSPlet-through currentbegrensningsstrøm
el.mach.limited-current sourcestrømbegrenset kilde
magn.linear electric current densitylineær elektrisk strømtetthet
magn.lineic electric currentlineær elektrisk strømtetthet
el., sec.sys.maximum input currentmaksimal inngangsstrøm
el., sec.sys.maximum output currentmaksimal utgangsstrøm
PSPmaximum prospective peak current of an AC circuitmaksimal forventet støtstrøm
transf.maximum rated through-currentmaksimum merkestrøm for lastkobler
el.mesh currentmaskestrøm
PSPminimum breaking currentminste brytestrøm
el., sec.sys.Minimum Igniting Currentminimum antenningsstrøm
el., sec.sys.neutral current protectionoverstrømsvern for nøytral
transf.no-load currenttomgangsstrøm
el.non-active currentikke-aktiv strøm
environ.ocean current A net transport of ocean water along a definable pathhavstrøm
PSPoperating current of an over-current releaseutløsningsstrøm for overstrømsutløser
PSPover-current discriminationoverstrømsselektivitet
PSPover-current releaseoverstrømsutløser
el.mach.overload current of an electric circuitoverlaststrøm
isol.partial conductor continuity fault currentforbigående feilstrøm ved lederbrudd
isol.partial short-circuit currentforbigående kortslutning
PSPpeak withstand currentstøtholdestrøm
isol.perception-threshold-currentfølbar terskelstrøm
PSPprospective breaking current for a pole of a switching device or a fuseforventet brytestrøm
PSPprospective current of a circuit and with respect to a switching device or a fuseforventet strøm
PSPprospective making current for a pole of a switching deviceforventet sluttestrøm
PSPprospective peak currentforventet støtstrøm
PSPprospective symmetrical current of an AC circuitforventet symmetrisk strøm
el.mach.protection by limitation of steady-state current and electric chargestrøm- og ladningsbegrensende beskyttelse
el.mach.protective conductor currentstrøm i beskyttelsesleder
transf.rated current of a winding of a transformer or shunt reactormerkestrøm
transf.rated current of an arc suppression coilmerkestrøm for slukkespole
transf.rated short-time currentkorttids merkestrøm
transf.rated through-currentmerkestrøm for lastkobler
el.reactive currentreaktiv strøm
isol.releasing currentterskelstrøm for frigjøring
el., sec.sys.residual current for protectionresidualstrøm
el., sec.sys.residual current for protectionsummeringsstrøm
el.mach.residual currentreststrøm
comp., MSresource current setgjeldende ressurssett (The collection of target resources at the time the request is received. Applies to "read", "delete" and "modify" operation types)
PSPreverse current release direct current onlytilbakestrømsutløser for likestrøm
el.mach.short-circuit currentkortslutningsstrøm
PSPshort-time withstand currentkorttidsholdestrøm
el.source currentkildestrøm
el., sec.sys.starting current ratiostartstrømsforhold
isol.stray currentvagabonderende strøm
transf.switched currentkoblingsstrøm
PSPtake-over currentkoordineringsstrøm
transf.tapping current of a windingreguleringsstrøm for vikling
isol.threshold currentfølbar terskelstrøm
el., sec.sys.through fault currentgjennomgående feilstrøm
PSPtime-current characteristicstrøm-tid-kurve sier vi ikke strøm/tid kurve ?
PSPtime-current zonestrøm/tid-område
PSPtime-current zone limitsstrøm/tid-områdegrenser
magn.total current densitytotal strømtetthet
magn.total electric currenttotalstrøm
el.mach.touch currentberøringsstrøm
magn.tube of currentstrømrør