
Terms for subject Microsoft containing authorities | all forms
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authority information accessinformasjonstilgang for instans (A certificate extension that contains information useful for verifying the trust status of a certificate, as defined by the 2008 Memo of the Network Working Group. This information potentially includes Uniform Resource Locations (URLs) where the issuing CA's certificate can be retrieved, as well as a location of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder configured to provide status for the certificate in question)
Authority Key Identifiernøkkelidentifikator for instans (A certificate extension used by the certificate chaining engine to determine what certificate was used to sign a presented certificate. The AKI can contain the issuer name, serial number, public key information, or no information at all. By matching the information in a certificate's AKI extension to a CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension, a certificate chain can be built)
certification authoritysertifiseringsinstans (An entity entrusted to issue certificates that assert that the recipient individual, computer, or organization requesting the certificate fulfills the conditions of an established policy)
enterprise certification authorityvirksomhetssertifiseringsinstans (A computer service that issues digital certificates that can only be used inside a business or organization)
Health Registration Authoritytilstandsregistreringsinstans (A component of Network Access Protection (NAP) that validates statements of health (SoHs) and approves the issuance of a health certificate to clients that pass health policy verification)
intermediate certification authoritymellomliggende sertifiseringsinstans (A certification authority that has the ability to issue the intermediate certificates needed to certify the subject identified by the end certificate)
issuing certification authorityutstedende sertifiseringsinstans (In a public key infrastructure hierarchy, the certification authority that that issues certificates to users and computers)
local registration authoritylokal registreringsinstans (An intermediary between a software publisher and a certification authority (CA). The local registration authority can, for example, verify a publisher's credentials before sending them to the CA)
root authorityrotinstans (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
root certification authorityrotsertifiseringsinstans (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
Root certification authority certificaterotsertifiseringsinstanssertifikat (A certificate signed by the certification authority that is used to verify the authenticity of a server certificate created by the certification authority)
stand-alone certification authorityfrittstående sertifiseringsinstans (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
start-of-authority resource recordressurspost for Start of Authority (A record that indicates the starting point or original point of authority for information stored in a zone. The SOA resource record (RR) is the first RR created when adding a new zone. It also contains several parameters used by other computers that use DNS to determine how long they will use information for the zone and how often updates are required)
tax authorityavgiftsmyndighet (The governmental agency that taxes are paid to)
tax authorityskattemyndighet (The governmental agency that taxes are paid to)
Trusted Root Certification Authoritiesklarerte rotsertifiseringsinstanser (Implicitly trusted certification authorities. Includes all of the certificates in the Third-Party Root Certification Authorities store plus root certificates from the user organization and Microsoft)
trusted root certification authorityklarert rotsertifiseringsinstans (A root certification authority that appears in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities console of the Windows operating systems and is trusted by the operating system)