
Terms for subject Microsoft containing author | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishNorwegian Bokmål
Advanced Author rolerollen Avansert forfatter (A collection of rights that allows the user to view, add, and change pages, documents in libraries, discussion boards, themes, and borders, as well as manage tasks and recalculate links. A default role)
Application Authorprogramforfatter (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, modify, and retire applications)
Author Lists rightrettigheten Redigere lister (A right that allows a user to add, modify, or remove items in a list, document library, discussion board, or survey)
Author MarksForfattermerker (A feature that identifies the author of unread new or changed content in a shared notebook)
Author rolerollen Forfatter (A collection of rights that enables a user to view, add, and modify pages, and items in a list, document library, discussion board or survey)
co-authoringsamtidig redigering (A process by which multiple authors edit a shared document simultaneously, or collaborate effectively even when they are not online at the same time)
Real-time Co-authoringsamtidig redigering i sanntid (The ability of multiple authors, who are editing a shared document, to simultaneously see text and formatting changes made by co-authors as they add them)