
Terms containing anti | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
comp., MSanti-bullying supervision policyovervåkingspolicy for å motvirke mobbing (" E-mail policy settings that administrators use to prevent a bully from sending e-mail messages to specific people by adding the bully's e-mail address as an entry on the "victim's" supervision list. This functionality supports anti-harassment policies in schools and other organizations.")
pwr.lines.anti-climbing deviceklatrehinder
pwr.lines.anti-climbing guardklatrehinder
light.anti-collision lightantikollisjonslys
PSPanti-pumping device"antipumpe"
PSPanti-pumping devicesperre mot gjeninnkobling
comp., MSanti-shakevibrasjonsreduksjon (An image stabilization technique that's used to reduce the appearance of camera shake in a video image)
comp., MSanti-spam stampingantisøppelpoststempling (" Functionality in Exchange Server 2007 that helps the messaging administrator diagnose spam-related problems by applying diagnostic metadata, or "stamps," such as sender-specific information, puzzle validation results, and content filtering results, to messages as they pass through the anti-spam features that filter inbound messages from the Internet.")
light.anti-Stokes luminescenceanti-Stokes-luminescens
cablesanti-twist cablesnofri kabel