
Terms containing annual | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
gen.annual accountårsregnskap
math.annual block maximum methodårlige maksimale metode
math.annual block maximum methodårlige blokk maksimal metoden
bot.annual knaweleittårsknavel (Scleranthus annuus L.; Scleranthus polycarpos L. (ssp. polycarpos))
math.annual maximum methodårlige maksimale metode
math.annual maximum methodårlige blokk maksimal metoden
bot.annual meadow-grasstunrapp (Poa annua L.)
gen.annual meetingårsmøte
bot.annual mercuryugrasbingel (Mercurialis annua L.)
bot.annual pearlworthårarve (Sagina micropetala Rauschert; Sagina apetala auct.; Sagina apetala Ard. ssp. erecta (Hornem.) F. Herm.)
comp., MSAnnual Report PreparationForberedelse til årsrapport (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting view, the general activities that define a typical effort to prepare an Annual Financial Report. Includes activities focused on obtaining the necessary information from multiple departments, to working with other departments (e.g., Legal and Public Relations) to ensure all required information is presented accurately, and up through the printing and distribution process)
comp., MSannual revenueårlig omsetning (The income that an account generates in one year as the result of buying or selling goods and services)
bot.annual sea-blitesaftmelde (Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort.)
bot.annual wall-rocketmursennep (Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC.; Brassica muralis (L.) Huds.; Sisymbrium murale L.)
bot.annual yellow-woundwortorientsvinerot (Stachys annua (L.) L.)