
Terms containing allocation | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
math.allocation of a sampledisponering av et utvalg
environ.allocation plan The formulation and application of such measures as laws, economic plans, urbanism, etc., to ensure a balance between the population's needs and the country's resourcesarealbruksplan
math.allocation ruleallokering regelen
comp., MSallocation unittildelingsenhet (The smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to hold a file)
comp., MSbandwidth allocation protocolBandwidth Allocation Protocol (A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) control protocol that is used on a multiprocessing connection to dynamically add and remove links)
math.dynamic treatment allocationdynamisk behandling allokering
comp., MSfile allocation tablefiltildelingstabell (A file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems to organize and manage files)
comp., MSfixed percentage allocation methodmetode for fast prosentfordeling (A method for calculating allocations based on a specified percentage)
comp., MSfixed weight allocation methodmetode for fast vektfordeling (A method for calculating allocations by using weighted values)
comp., MSgenerated allocationgenerert fordeling (A method of allocating posted amounts to destination accounts based on a set of predefined rules)
comp., MSitem allocation keyvarefordelingsnøkkel (A product family grouping that is used for forecast and demand scheduling)
math.optimum allocationoptimal allokering
comp., MSresource allocationressursallokering (The process of distributing a computer system's facilities to different components of a job in order to perform the job)
comp., MSstorage allocationlagringstildeling (In operating systems, the process of reserving memory for use by a program)
environ.time allocation The act of assigning various hours of one's day, week or year to particular activities, especially those falling within the categories of work and leisuretidsallokering