
Terms containing adaptive | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
comp., MSadaptive brightnessadaptiv lysstyrke (Automatic display adjustment that changes the brightness of your PC screen (laptop and desktop) using light environment information provided by the ambient light sensor)
light.adaptive colorimetric shiftadaptivt kolorimetrisk forandring
light.adaptive perceived colour shiftadaptasjonsbetinget oppfattet fargeforandring
comp., MSadaptive compressiontilpasset komprimering (Data compression software that continually analyzes and compensates its algorithm, depending on the type and content of the data and the storage medium)
comp., MSadaptive formatdynamisk format (" A type of format that uses Extensible Application Markup Language ("XAML") to optimize the layout of a page. By declaring a document adaptive, "Avalon" automatically optimizes the document to best use the available screen space.")
comp., MSadaptive layoutdynamisk oppsett (A layout that has been pre-defined for different orientation or size thresholds)
comp., MSAdaptive SQMAdaptiv SQM (An extension to SQM that allows Microsoft to cause clients sending reports matching a pattern to perform some predefined action)
comp., MSadaptive updatedynamisk oppdatering (An update process that uses an analysis of historical information accumulated over all previous updates to determine which documents are likely to have changed. Only this content is accessed during the crawl)