
Terms containing actions | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
comp., MSaction argumenthandlingsargument (Additional information required by some macro actions - for example, the object affected by the action or special conditions under which the action is carried out)
comp., MSaction buttonhandlingsknapp (A ready-made button that the user can insert into his/her presentation and define hyperlinks for)
comp., MSAction CenterHandlingssenter (A comprehensive PC maintenance center that provides the user with a single point of entry for tasks and notifications associated with PC Health, i.e. security, diagnostics, problem reports and solutions, how to update the system (Windows Updates), performance, reliability, backup and restore, and complete PC backup (recovery and Rescue my PC))
comp., MSaction gesturehandlingsbevegelse (In Tablet PC Input Panel, a gesture (pen stroke) used to perform a basic action, such as inserting a space or deleting something)
environ.action group A collection of persons united to address specific sociopolitical or socioeconomic concernsaksjonsgruppe
comp., MSAction ItemsGjøremål (A feature that identifies a possible question or requested action in an email message and enables the user to take action on it from within the message)
comp., MSaction listhandlingsliste (The list that appears when you click the arrow in the Action column of the Macro object tab)
comp., MSaction loghandlingslogg (A record of the actions that have been taken during the lifetime of an incident to resolve the incident. Examples include comments by the analyst, communications from the user, attachments, and task outputs)
comp., MSAction PaneHandlingsrute (A control directly beneath the menu bar that contains commands that are particularly important for the user in a given context and are therefore promoted commands. These promoted commands are a subset of the commands available in the Actions menu on the menu bar)
gen.action planhandlingsplan
comp., MSaction queryredigeringsspørring (A query that copies or changes data)
comp., MSaction rowhandlingsrad (A row in the upper part of the Macro window in which you enter macro names, actions, conditions, and comments associated with a particular macro or macro group)
light.actinic action spectrum of optical radiations, for a specified actinic phenomenon, in a specified systemaktinisk aksjonsspektrum
comp., MSaction statehandlingstilstand (In an activity diagram, a type of state that has an internal action and at least one outgoing transition that involves the explicit events of completing the internal action)
comp., MSaction statementhandlingsuttrykk (The smallest executable entity within a programming language)
comp., MSaction tablehandlingstabell (A set of rules, stored as an ADO Recordset, that define how workflow items can change state. Each row in an action table represents a possible state transition in the workflow)
comp., MSaction typehandlingstype (A classification that describes what an action does)
comp., MSactions grouphandlingsgruppe (A set of commands on the actions pane that are grouped together logically with a label that characterizes the type of command. For example, the commands with the label "New" in the example below constitute an actions group)
comp., MSactions paneHandlinger-rute (A pane listing tasks or action that can be performed)
immigr.affirmative actionpositiv diskriminering
comp., MSapp custom actiontilleggshandling fra app (A type of custom action that is added to a host site by an app for SharePoint and that links to more functionality that is contained by the app)
comp., MSbusiness data actionforretningsdatahandling (A link that appears alongside business objects from the Application Registry. These links can open web pages, display the user interfaces of line-of-business applications, launch InfoPath forms, or, through custom actions, invoke any logic in a .NET assembly)
gen.civil actionsøksmål
environ.class action suits law Legal action initiated by a single person or a few people on behalf of a group with similar claim or claimslovgivning om kollektive søksmål
comp., MScustom actiontilleggshandling (A dropdown menu item or ribbon component that is added to a site page)
comp., MSendpoint action data policydatapolitikk for sluttpunktshandling (A policy that determines which XML elements in a document are valid for a particular action associated with an endpoint)
comp., MSendpoint action policypolitikk for sluttpunktshandling (A policy that determines which actions are valid for a particular endpoint)
comp., MSfallback actiontilbakefall (The action that an Exchange Server 2007 transport rule takes if a disclaimer cannot be applied to an e-mail message as, for example, when a message is encrypted)
comp., MSkey actiontastehandling (Term used to describe program behavior when a certain key is pressed on the keyboard. Key actions are associated with items within a source document)
proverbLess talk, more actionHandling betyr mer enn ord (coltuclu)
comp., MSobject-action paradigmobjekt-handling-paradigme (The basic interaction model for the user interface in which the object to be acted upon is specified first, followed by the command to be executed)
immigr.positive actionpositiv diskriminering
environ.public action A measure or provision taken on behalf and with the consent of the general populaceoffentlig tiltak
comp., MSSOAP actionSOAP-handling (A parameter that can be used to specify a URI that identifies the intent of a SOAP message)
environ.urban action program A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundingsbyhandlingsplan
comp., MSworkflow actionarbeidsflythandling (An element of workflow logic that specifies the event or task that should be performed by the workflow jobs started by the workflow)
comp., MSworkflow escalation actionvideresendingshandling for arbeidsflyt (An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee)