
Terms containing Audio | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
comp., MSAudio and Video Tuning Wizard...Justeringsveiviser for lyd og bilde (An item on the Tools menu (in a Conversation window) or Actions menu (in the main Communicator window) that runs a wizard that helps the user verify that the camera, speakers, and microphone are working properly on the user's computer)
comp., MSaudio calllydanrop (A call for transmitting audio data, including but not limited to speech)
comp., MSaudio CDlyd-CD (A compact disc containing audio information (as opposed to a CD-ROM containing data and files))
comp., MSaudio codeclydkodek (The digital encoding used to represent audio data)
comp., MSaudio conferencetelefonkonferanse (The audio portion of a meeting. The audio can be provided through a telephone conferencing service or by using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology)
comp., MSaudio conference linetelefonkonferanselinje (The bridge line that participants call to hear the audio portion of a Live Meeting session)
comp., MSaudio conferencing profileprofil ved telefonkonferanse (Audio settings for a user that are associated with a telephone conferencing provider or with an audio-video conferencing server)
comp., MSAudio ControlsLydkontroller (An item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for audio calls. Audio Controls include a Call menu for the currently selected person, microphone and speaker controls, Mute, Hang Up, and Transfer buttons)
comp., MSaudio filelydfil (A file containing digitized audio, such as voice or music)
comp., MSaudio frameaudioramme (One of the smaller parts (with their own headers and audio information) that make up an audio file)
comp., MSaudio input devicelydinnenhet (An audio input device records music and voice input into your computer. Examples of audio input devices are CD-ROM players and microphones)
comp., MSaudio mixinglydmiksing (The process of combining multiple streams of audio data into a single stream)
comp., MSaudio outpututsignal for lyd (Any sound produced by a computer; specifically, spoken output produced by a computer in response to some specific type of input. Such output may be generated using a combination of words from a digitized vocabulary or through the synthesis of words from tables of phonemes)
comp., MSaudio promptlydsignal (An audio cue to the user to begin recording audio data)
comp., MSAudio RepackagerGjeninnpakking av lyd (A component responsible for breaking audio source samples into small buffer chunks ready to be consumed by the audio queue)
comp., MSaudio stylelydstil (A combination of audio playback options that are identified by a style name. This allows you to configure playback with a single click)
comp., MSaudio typelydtype (One of the encoding formats for audio files, for instance Advanced Audio Coding (MP4), AIFF and WAV)
environ.audio-visual presentation An exhibition, performance, demonstration or lecture utilizing communication media directed at both the sense of sight and the sense of hearingaudiovisuell presentasjon
comp., MSaudio waveformlydbølgeform (A visual representation of an audio signal over time)
comp., MScomputer audiodatalyd (The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet)
comp., MSdigital audio tapedigitalt lydbånd (A magnetic-tape storage medium for recording digitally encoded audio information. In addition to the tape cassette, DAT indentifies a type of digital tape recorder and player)
comp., MSembedded audio clipinnebygd lydklipp (An audio clip that has been inserted into another file or Web page)
comp., MSillustrated audioillustrert lyd (A stream that combines audio with synchronized still images to make up an online slide show that runs at low bandwidths)
comp., MSmultichannel audioflerkanalslyd (An audio reproduction system that processes several, typically more than two, channels of sound. For example, 5.1 multichannel audio refers to a surround sound system in which there are five primary channels and a subwoofer channel)
comp., MSRed Book audiolydformatet Red Book (A standard compact disc format developed by Philips and Sony)
comp., MSRed Book audio formatlydformatet Red Book (A standard compact disc format developed by Philips and Sony)
comp., MSStart an Audio Conversation...Start en samtale... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
comp., MSWindows Media audio encoder librarylydkoderbibliotek for Windows Media (A static library of APIs that is used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage, retrieval, and delivery over a network)