
Terms for subject Environment containing Animal | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishNorwegian Bokmål
animal behaviour Behaviour of animals in their normal environment, including all the processes, both internal and external, by which they respond to changes in their environmentdyrs adferd
animal biology The scientific study of the natural processes of animalsdyrebiologi
animal conservatory Areas for the conservation of rare or endangered animal speciesdyrereservat
animal corridor Line corridors (roads, paths, and hedgerows) which lack interior habitat but may serve as movement groups for organisms. Corridors may also provide an efficient migratory pathway for animals. The presence or absence of breaks in a corridor may be a very important factor in determining the effectiveness of its conduit and barrier functionsdyrekorridor
animal damage Harm caused to the environment by animals as, for instance, in the case of overgrazing, trampling, etc. Overgrazing damage is reduced by properly located watering facilities to decrease daily travel by livestock. Rotation of grazing areas allows time for recovery of grass. Some land can be easily restored if grazing is allowed only during one season. Animals may cause damage to crops when agriculture land borders on virgin territory or game reserves. In addition wild animals may bring disease in valuable domestic herds. Cattle overstocking has caused serious degradation of habitat, and cattle raising is thus, to some extent, counterproductivedyreskade
animal diseasedyresykdom
animal displacement The habit of many animal species of moving inside their habitats or of travelling, during migrations, to different biotopes, often considerable distances apart; in aquatic environments displacements can occur horizontally or vertically while in terrestrial environments animal populations that breed in the alpine or subalpine zones in summer, move to lower levels in winter; animal displacements usually follow circadian rhythms and are related to the necessity of finding breeding, resting and feeding areasfortrenging av dyr
animal dung as fuel Excrement from animals that may be dried and burned to generate energy or converted to liquid or gaseous fuels, such as methane, through chemical processeshusdyrgjødsel som drivstoff
animal ecology A study of the relationships of animals to their environmentdyreøkologi
animal excrement Waste matter discharged from the body of an animaldyreekskrement
animal experiment Investigation carried out in animals for research purposesdyreforsøk
animal foodstuff Any crops or other food substances for animal consumptiondyrefor
animal for slaughter Animals bred and killed for the production of foodslaktedyr
animal genetics The scientific study of the hereditary material of animals for theoretical and practical applications such as increased population, conservation and disease researchdyregenetikk
animal habitat The locality in which an animal naturally grows or lives. It can be either the geographical area over which it extends, or the particular station in which an animal is founddyrehabitat
animal healthdyrehelse
animal heritage The sum of the earth's or a particular region's non-human, non-vegetable, multicellular organisms viewed as the inheritance of the present generation, especially animal species deemed worthy of preservation and protection from extinctiondyrearv
animal housing Any kind of shelter, refuge affording protection to animalsdyrebolig
animal husbandry A branch of agriculture concerned with the breeding and feeding of domestic animalshusdyrbruk
animal life No definition neededdyreliv
animal manure Animal excreta collected from stables and barnyards with or without litter; used to enrich the soilhusdyrgjødsel
animal migration Movements that particular animals carry out regularly often between breeding places and winter feeding groundsdyremigrasjon
animal noise Noise caused by animals such as dogs kept in kennels or in private homes as petsstøy fra dyr
animal nutrition Ingestion, digestion and/or assimilation of food by animalsanimalsk føde
animal physiology Study of the normal processes and metabolic functions of animal organismszoofysiologi
animal population A group of animals inhabiting a given areadyrepopulasjon
animal product No definition neededanimalsk produkt
animal production No definition neededhusdyrproduksjon
animal protection Precautionary actions or procedures taken to prevent or reduce the harm to sentient, non-human species, posed, in most cases, by humansdyrebeskyttelse
animal remain Any substances or components left over from animal life, including body parts and, later, decomposed materialsanimalsk rest
animal reproduction Any of various processes, either sexual or asexual, by which an animal produces one or more individuals similar to itselfreproduksjon av dyr
animal resource No definition neededdyreressurs
animal rights Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to sentient, non-human species, including freedom from abuse, consumption, experimentation, use as clothing or performing for human entertainmentdyrs rettigheter
animal shelter A protection providing housing for animals in bad weatherleskur for dyr
animal species Species belonging to the animal kingdomdyreart
animal species reintroduction Attempts made to prevent the extinction of threatened species and populations by reintroducing them in their natural habitat. The reintroduction of species in a region requires a preliminary study to establish the reasons of their disappearance and the modifications that might have occurred in the biotopesgjeninnføring av dyrearter
animal textile fibre A filament or threadlike strand derived from animals that manufacturers use to produce clothes or other goods that require weaving, knitting or felting, which include silk, wool, mohair and other forms of animal hairanimalsk tekstilfiber
animal trade The process or act of exchanging, buying or selling animals, especially livestockdyrehandel
animal waste Discarded material from industries directly associated with the raising of animals, such as those wastes produced by livestock farming (manure, milk, etc.), meat production and animal testing (animal bodies, animal parts, feathers, etc.) and fur breeding (fur, blood, etc.)dyreavfall
aquatic animal Animal having a water habitatakvatisk dyr
crossing place for animals Bridges and tunnels provided for animals for crossing roads and railways. Railway and road infrastructures represent an hindrance to wildlife migrationpasseringssted for dyr
domesticated animal 1. Wild animal which has been trained to live near a house and not be frightened of human beings; 2. species which was formerly wild, now selectively bred to fill human needshusdyr
draught animaltrekkdyr
endangered animal species Animals, birds, fish or other living organisms threatened with extinction by natural or human-induced changes in their environmenttruet dyreart
farm animal Animals reared in farms for working and producing food such as meat, eggs and milkhusdyr
feeding of animals The act and effect of supplying animals with foodforing av dyr
fur animal Animals bred and slaughtered for their furpelsdyr
intensive animal husbandry Specialized system of breeding animals where the livestock are kept indoors and fed on concentrated foodstuffs, with frequent use of drugs to control diseases which are a constant threat under these conditionsintensivt husdyrbruk
introduction of animal species Animals which have been translocated by human agency into lands or waters where they have not lived previously, at least during historic times. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species, depending on their interspecific relationships and characteristics, may act as or carry parasites or diseases, prey upon native organisms, display toxic reactions, or be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communitiesinnføring av dyrearter
protection of animalsdyrevern
selective breeding of animals Breeding of animals having desirable charactersselektiv dyreavl
slaughtering of animals Killing of animals for foodslakting av dyr
test animal Animals on which experiments are conducted in order to provide evidence for or against a scientific hypothesis, or to prove the efficacy of drugs or the reaction to certain productsforsøksdyr
warm-blooded animal Animal which has a body temperature that stays the same and does not change with the temperature of its surroundingsvarmblodig dyr
wild animal Not domesticated animals living independently of manvilldyr