
Terms containing Account | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
comp., MSaccess accounttilgangskonto (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MSaccount aliaskontoalias (" A 20-character "short name" for a posting account in the chart of accounts. If the account format has an unusually large number of segments, entering aliases rather than accounts will speed up data entry.")
comp., MSaccount balancekontosaldo (The difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period)
comp., MSaccount certificationkontosertifisering (The process that associates user accounts with key pairs)
comp., MSaccount certification servicetjeneste for kontosertifisering (A Windows RMS Web service that creates and distributes RM account certificates)
comp., MSaccount domainkontodomene (A Windows NT domain that holds user account data)
comp., MSaccount entrykontooppføring (A record of the increase or decrease in economic value classified by a ledger account)
comp., MSaccount expirationkontoens utløpsdato (A time limit that is applied to the life of an account, so that it can be used only for a predetermined period of time)
comp., MSaccount for organizationskonto for organisasjoner (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
comp., MSaccount informationkontoopplysninger (The required information provided in order to authorize access to the enterprise application)
comp., MSaccount linkingkontosammenkobling (The process of linking Windows user accounts to Windows Live IDs or other online accounts, allowing seamless interaction between the two authentication models. As a result, users can be automatically logged into their online services when logging into Windows. They can also share with other users based on their Windows Live IDs (or other), granting them specific permissions to files and folders (read only, read-write, etc))
comp., MSaccount lockoutlåsing av konto (A Windows security feature that locks a user account if a number of failed logon attempts occur within a specified amount of time, based on security policy lockout settings. Locked accounts cannot log on)
comp., MSaccount managerkontoadministrator (The person who sets up and maintains the systems and records related to authorized users of multi-user computer networks or operating systems)
comp., MSaccount managerkontoansvarlig (A Microsoft employee who is the primary contact for the business relationship between the OEM and Microsoft)
comp., MSaccount mappingkontotilordning (Specifies maps between text in payment descriptions and the debit or credit account that you want the payment to be matched with when you use the Match Automatically function in the General Journal window)
comp., MSaccount numbernummer for forretningsforbindelse (The identifying alphanumeric characters that have been assigned to an account)
comp., MSAccount NumberNummer for forretningsforbindelse (A field label on the Details tab of an account that lists the number assigned to the account. The account number is included as a part of the company profile)
comp., MSaccount ownerkontoinnehaver (A person who signs up for an account. Some features, such as billing, purchasing account add-ons, and creating e-mail accounts, are available to the account owner only)
comp., MSaccount picturekontobilde (A graphical representation that's associated with a user account for Windows and Windows Live)
comp., MSaccount policykontopolicy (On local area networks and multiuser operating systems, a set of rules governing whether a new user is allowed access to the system and whether an existing user's rights are expanded to include additional system resources. An account policy also generally states the rules with which the user must comply while using the system in order to maintain access privileges)
comp., MSaccount reconciliationkontoavstemming (The practice of reconciling accounts)
comp., MSaccount recordforretningsforbindelsesoppføring (The location for storing account information, including information that is entered on the Account form, linked records, and history items)
comp., MSaccount rulekontoregel (A rule in an accounting system that controls the valid financial dimension value combinations when the requirements of the financial dimension structure condition are met)
comp., MSaccount setkontosett (A named group of ledger accounts)
comp., MSAccount Setup AssistantAssistent for kontooppsett (The assistant that helps users configure some of the most widely used e-mail accounts, such as POP, IMAP, Windows Live Hotmail, and Microsoft Exchange accounts)
comp., MSaccount statementkontoutdrag (A detailed report of the transactions and balance of an account)
comp., MSaccount structurekontostruktur (A configuration of the main account financial dimension and other financial dimensions)
comp., MSaccount updaterkontooppdatering (A feature of Windows 8 mobile broadband networking that is used to bind an account that a user has with a mobile broadband service provider both to a unique identifier that we use in Windows to identify that user, and to the user's SIM card)
comp., MSaccounting applicationregnskapsprogram (A program that helps a user perform tasks related to accounting)
comp., MSaccounting categoryregnskapskategori (A classifier used to group journal account entries according to their economic characteristics)
comp., MSaccounting currency unitregnskapsvalutaenhet (A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events)
comp., MSaccounting customerregnskapskunde (A customer in the accounting application that is linked to a Business Contact Manager account)
comp., MSaccounting dataregnskapsdata (Information from the accounting system)
comp., MSaccounting distributionregnskapsdistribusjon (A distribution of the financial consequence of an economic transaction to ledger accounts)
comp., MSaccounting eventregnskapshendelse (The occurrence of an accounting action in an accounting system)
comp., MSaccounting event liquidity classificationlikviditetsklassifisering for regnskapshendelse (The liquidity classification of an accounting event)
comp., MSaccounting journalregnskapsjournal (A journal that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events in an accounting system)
comp., MSAccounting LoaderRegnskapslaster (Software required to connect to the accounting system)
comp., MSaccounting periodregnskapsperiode (A division of a fiscal year that is reflected on financial statements)
comp., MSaccounting systemregnskapssystem (The accounting program)
comp., MSaccounts databasekontodatabase (A database which stores user accounts and their network access properties)
comp., MSaccounts receivablekundesamlekonto (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts customers owe for services or sales made on credit)
comp., MSActive Directory accountActive Directory-konto (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
comp., MSadministrator accountadministratorkonto (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
gen.annual accountårsregnskap
comp., MSbalance accountbalansekonto (An account that records transactions about assets and liabilities and that is used in the preparation of the balance sheet)
comp., MSbalance sheet accountbalansekonto (An account that describes the changes in value reported on a balance sheet)
comp., MSbeneficiary correspondent accounttilhørende konto for mottaker (A 20-digit number used to identify a Central Bank of Russian Federation account needed to facilitate international transactions)
comp., MSbridging accountmellomkonto (A ledger account into which transactions are entered as they await manual approval by the person who is specified in the journal line)
comp., MSbuilt-in administrator accountinnebygd administratorkonto (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
comp., MSbusiness accountforretningsforbindelse (The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service)
comp., MSChange Sign-In Account...Endre påloggingskonto... (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
comp., MSchild accountbarnekonto (An account optimized for children that parents can control and customize)
comp., MScomputer accountdatamaskinkonto (An account that is on a local system or domain)
comp., MSConnected AccountsTilkoblede kontoer (A feature that lets users receive and send mail from other e-mail accounts in Outlook Web App. They can add and delete those accounts, check their account synchronization status, and manage e-mail from those accounts in their Inbox using Inbox rules)
comp., MSconsolidation accountkonsolideringskonto (The main account in the parent legal entity that is used for ledger consolidation)
comp., MScontent access accountkonto for innholdstilgang (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MScorrespondent accounttilhørende konto (An account established by a banking institution to make transactions on behalf of another financial institution, usually for international transactions)
comp., MScost accountingkostregnskap (The branch of accounting concerned with identifying and evaluating the cost of producing a product)
comp., MScost accountingkostnadsregnskap (The branch of accounting concerned with identifying and evaluating the cost of producing a product)
comp., MScrawling accountkravlesøkkonto (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MScustomer account statementkundekontoutdrag (A form that can be sent to customers that includes the customer's balance and amount due for the statement period)
comp., MSdesignated accounttilordnet konto (The Microsoft Exchange Server user account that is the sender of control messages)
comp., MSdesktop dashboard accountinstrumentbordkonto for skrivebordsapper (An account that is required to certify desktop apps for Windows)
comp., MSdestination company accountmålfirmakonto (The legal entity that is the recipient of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
comp., MSe-mail accounte-postkonto (The server name, user name, password, and e-mail address used to connect to an e-mail service. You create the e-mail account using information provided by your mail administrator or Internet service provider (ISP))
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-postadresse
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-postadresse
environ.environmental accountingmiljøregnskap
comp., MSfax accountfakskonto (A collection of settings for sending and receiving faxes using a particular fax modem or fax server. Before you can send or receive faxes in Windows, you must set up a fax account)
comp., MSfully qualified account numberfullstendig kontonummer (A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are entered and validated)
comp., MSgroup accountgruppekonto (A collection of user accounts in a workgroup, identified by group name and personal ID (PID). Permissions assigned to a group apply to all users in the group)
comp., MSGuest accountgjestekonto (A built-in account used to log on to a computer running Windows when a user does not have an account on the computer or domain or in any of the domains trusted by the computers domain)
comp., MShardware dashboard accountinstrumentbordkonto for maskinvare (An account that is required to submit hardware certification packages, device metadata, service metadata, and drivers for Windows)
comp., MSintercompany accountkonserninternkonto (An account used to post intercompany transactions)
comp., MSInternational Bank Account NumberInternasjonalt bankkontonummer (An account number scheme that is recognized by banks internationally to facilitate credit transfers across national/regional borders)
comp., MSInternet accountInternett-konto (A generic term for a registered username at an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An Internet account is accessed via username and password. Services such as dial-in PPP Internet access and e-mail are provided by ISPs to Internet account owners)
comp., MSinternet e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-postadresse på Internett
comp., MSledger accountfinanskonto (An account in the general ledger that records financial transactions, balances, or totals that pertain to assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and owner equity)
comp., MSlimited accountbegrenset konto (A type of account that allows customers to use a limited set of Windows Live services without signing up for a new e-mail address or providing an existing alternate one. The ID that is created can't be used to send or receive e-mail. A customer with this account type can only reset their password if they subsequently add an alternate e-mail address to their account)
comp., MSliquidity accountlikviditetskonto (A ledger account that records cash transactions for a particular bank or for cash held at the company. For some companies, a liquidity account records transactions in liquid investments that can be sold from day to day)
comp., MSmain accounthovedkonto (A classifier of economic resource value based on the claims parties make on the economic resources owned by a legal entity and that is used to classify debit and credit entries in an accounting system)
comp., MSmain account categoryhovedkontokategori (A classifier of a main account)
comp., MSmain account derivation ruleavledningsregel for hovedkonto (A rule to determine a main account dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
comp., MSmanaged service accountadministrert tjenestekonto (A new type of domain account designed to provide applications such as SQL Server or Exchange with automatic password management and simplified service principal name (SPN) management)
environ.management accounting The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organizationregnskap for ledelsen
comp., MSMicrosoft accountMicrosoft-konto (A single set of sign-in credentials (email address and password) that provides user access to PCs running Windows and Live-connected services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Account for OrganizationsMicrosoft-konto for organisasjoner (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
comp., MSMicrosoft account loginsMicrosoft-kontopålogginger (In Windows 8 all windows portal experiences support and persist Live ID logins streamlining the partner experience when working with multiple services and sites)
comp., MSMy AccountMin konto (A web experience on Office.com that enables users to manage their Office licenses and subscriptions)
environ.national accounting Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economynasjonalt regnskap
environ.national environmental accounting The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countriesnasjonalt miljøregnskap
comp., MSneglected accountforsømt forretningsforbindelse (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
comp., MSnews accountnyhetskonto (An online account, usually provided by an Internet service provider (ISP), that lets users access newsgroups)
comp., MSnominal accountnominell konto (An account that is closed out each fiscal period and whose balance is transferred to retained earnings account)
comp., MSoffset accountmotkonto (In double-entry accounting, the account used to balance a transaction so that debits equal credits)
comp., MSon accounta konto (The extension of credit for purchases)
gen.on account offor
comp., MSon-account paymenta konto-betaling (A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan)
comp., MSon-account statementakontooppgave (A report of invoiced on-account transaction amounts for a project)
gen.on that accountderfor
comp., MSonline accountonlinekonto (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP))
comp., MSopposite accountmotpostkonto (An account used to balance the gross amount in part or in whole of one or more referenced accounts in an accounting equation)
comp., MSorganizational accountOrganisasjonskonto (A user account assigned by an organization (work, school, non-profit) to one of their constituents (an employee, student, customer) that provides sign in access to one or more of the organization's Microsoft cloud service subscriptions, such as Office 365 or Windows Azure. These accounts are stored in an organization's cloud directory (also known as Windows Azure Active Directory), and are typically deleted when the user leaves the organization. Organizational accounts differ from Microsoft accounts in that they are created and managed by admins in the organization, not by the user)
comp., MSparent accountoverordnet forretningsforbindelse (An account that is above other accounts in the hierarchy to which any action taken on the main account entity can propagate to)
comp., MSpartially qualified account numberufullstendig kontonummer (A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are not entered)
comp., MSPermanent Account Numberpermanent kontonummer (A 10-character alphanumeric identifier issued by the Indian Income Tax Department to all taxable entities for taxation and identification purposes)
comp., MSPOP-enabled accountPOP-aktivert konto (An account that can receive mail using the POP3 protocol)
comp., MSposting accountposteringskonto (A financial account that tracks assets, liabilities, revenue, or expenses)
comp., MSprofit and loss accountresultatkonto (A revenue or expense account whose balance will be transferred to a retained earnings account at the end of a fiscal year. Balances in profit and loss accounts determine the net income or net loss for the year)
comp., MSprovisioned credit card processing accountklargjort kredittkortbehandlingskonto (An account that has been set up and activated for processing credit card payments and which was set up by using Dynamics Live)
comp., MSQuick Share AccountKonto for rask deling (A feature to define the quick upload of images using a user-defined storing location (such as SkyDrive or Facebook) to be listed in the context menu)
comp., MSreal accountreell konto (An account balance that is carried forward into a subsequent fiscal period)
comp., MSrestricted accountbegrenset konto (An account that has restricted functionality. In Windows Live, these accounts are designed for children under the age of 13 and provide a limited set of features. For example, restricted accounts don't have permission to synchronize libraries across computers)
environ.satellite account A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial recordssatellittregnskap
comp., MSservice accounttjenestekonto (An account that is intended to be used to run a service. A service account has privileges beyond those provided when a service is run as part of the system, such as the ability to connect over the network to another computer)
comp., MSsource company accountkildefirmakonto (The legal entity that is the origin of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
comp., MSstandard accountstandardkonto (A type of user account that allows users to install software and change system settings that do not affect other users or the security of the computer. This account type is recommended for daily use)
comp., MSstatistical accountstatistisk konto (A classifier of economic resource quantity used to classify debit or credit entries in an accounting system)
comp., MSStorno accountingStorno-regnskapsføring (The practice of using negative numbers to reverse original journal account entries)
comp., MSsub-accountunderordnet forretningsforbindelse (An account, and its information, that is included within another account)
comp., MSsubledger journal account entrykontooppføring i underfinansjournal (An account entry in a subledger journal account)
gen.take account ofta hensyn til
gen.take into accountta hensyn til
comp., MStimer accounttimerkonto (A dedicated, administrator-level user account that performs scheduled administrative tasks)
comp., MSunattended service accountuovervåket tjenestekonto (The security account that is used when a data source is configured to connect as a single shared identity for all users)
comp., MSuser accountbrukerkonto (In Active Directory, an object that consists of all the information that defines a domain user, which includes user name, password, and groups in which the user account has membership. User accounts can be stored in either Active Directory or on your local computer)
comp., MSUser Account Controlbrukerkontokontroll (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
comp., MSuser mode accountkonto for brukermodus (The user account that the software uses to log on user mode)
comp., MSWindows Live accountWindows Live-konto (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)
comp., MSWindows Store developer accountWindows Store-utviklerkonto (An account that is required to submit an app in the Windows Store)
comp., MSWindows user accountWindows-brukerkonto (All the information that defines a user to the operating system, including the user name and any required password, membership in groups, and the rights and permissions that are associated with the user)
comp., MSworkflow execution accountutførelseskonto for arbeidsflyt (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)