
Terms for subject Electricity generation containing A | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishNorwegian Bokmål
auxiliary transformer of a power stationstasjonstransformator
auxiliary transformer of a unitenhetstransformator
available capacity of a power stationtilgjengelig stasjonsytelse
available capacity of a unittilgjengelig aggregatytelse
cold start-up of a thermal generating setkaldstart av varmekraftaggregat
economical load of a unitoptimal aggregatlast
energy capability of a reservoirmagasinets brutto energikapasitet
energy reserve of a reservoirtilgengelig energibeholdning
gross average heat rate of a unitspesifikt brutto varmeforbruk for aggregat
gross head of a hydroelectric power stationbrutto fallhøyde
gross output of a power stationbrutto stasjonseffekt
gross output of a setbrutto aggregateffekt
gross thermal efficiency of a unitbrutto termisk virkningsgrad for aggregat
hot start-up of a thermal generating setvarmstart av varmekraftaggregat
isolation of a unitovergang til isolert drift
load factor of a unitutnyttelsesgrad for aggregat
maximum capacity of a power stationmaksimal stasjonsytelse
maximum capacity of a unitmaksimal aggregatytelse
net average heat rate of a unitspesifikt netto varmeforbruk for aggregat
net head of a hydroelectric power stationnetto fallhøye
net output of a power stationnetto stasjonseffekt
net output of a setnetto aggregateffekt
net thermal efficiency of a unitnetto termisk virkningsgrad for aggregat
reserve power of a systemeffektreserve
spinning reserve of a systemroterende reserve
useful water capacity of a reservoirmagasinets brutto vannkapasitet
useful water reserve of a reservoirtilgjengelig magasinbeholdning
utilisation factor of the maximum capacity of a unitenergiutnyttelsesfaktor for aggragat