
Terms containing trust certificate | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MScertificate trust chainZertifikatvertrauenskette (A sequence of certificates, where each certificate in the sequence is signed by the subsequent certificate. The last certificate in the chain is normally a self-signed certificate)
comp., MScertificate trust listZertifikatvertrauensliste (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
comp., MScertificate trust validationZertifikatvertrauensüberprüfung (The validation process that determines if a certificate chains to a root CA certificate that is trusted by the actual security context)
econ., amer.collateral trust certificateWertpapier eines Investment-Trusts
econ., amer.collateral trust certificateInvestmentzertifikat
law, ADR, amer.collateral trust certificatesWertpapiere e-s Investment Trust
econ., amer.equipment trust certificatesObligationen zur Finanzierung von Eisenbahnbedarf
busin.investment trust certificateInvestmentzertifikat
fin.investment trust share certificateInvestmenttrustzertifikat
fin.investment trust share certificateTrustzertifikat
fin.investment trust share certificateInvestmentzertifikat
fin.investment trust share certificateInvestmentfondszertifikat
fin.investment trust share certificateAnteilschein an Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
fin.real estate investment trust certificateImmobilienzertifikat
econ., amer.shares trust certificatesübertragbare Anteilscheine
econ., amer.trust certificateObligation (zur Finanzierung von Eisenbahnbedarf und anderen Kapitalanlagen)
fin.trust share certificateInvestmentfondszertifikat
fin.trust share certificateInvestmentzertifikat
fin.trust share certificateInvestmenttrustzertifikat
fin.trust share certificateAnteilschein an Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
fin.trust share certificateTrustzertifikat
comp., MSUser Self Trust Certificateautomatisch ausgestelltes Benutzerzertifikat (In the absence of a certification authority (CA) that is capable of issuing file encryption certificates, a certificate that is generated and digitally signed by applications on behalf of the user)
econ., amer.voting trust certificateStimmberechtigungsschein (zur treuhänderischen Übertragung des Stimmrechts an Aktienkapital)
econ., amer.voting trust certificate holderInhaber eines Stimmbindungs-Treuhandzertifikats (voting trust)