
Terms containing team work | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.ability to work in a teamTeamfähigkeit
gen.able to work as part of a teamteamfähig
gen.aptitude for team workFähigkeit zur Teamarbeit
gen.be able to work as a member of a teamteamfähig sein
melior., tech.machine-and-tractor team for reclamations workMeliorationsmaschinen-Abteilung
melior., tech.machine-and-tractor team for reclamations workMeliorationsmaschinenbrigade
melior., tech.machine-and-tractor team for reclamations workAbteilung für Meliorarationsmaschinen
melior., tech.machine-and-tractor team for reclamations workMeliorations-Abteilung
sport, bask.team workZusammenspiel der Mannschaft
handb.team workZusammenspiel
gymn.team workGesamtausführung
busin.team workTeamarbeit
busin.team workZusammenarbeit einer Gruppe
busin.team workGruppenarbeit
gen.team workGemeinschaftsarbeit
comp., MSTeam Work CenterTeamarbeitscenter (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
busin., ITwork teamArbeitsgruppe
gen.work teamBrigade
gen.work team leaderBrigadier
gen.work together as a good teambei der Arbeit gut aufeinander eingespielt sein