
Terms for subject Environment containing risks | all forms | exact matches only
acceptable fire riskakzeptables Brandrisiko
acceptable risk levelZulässiges Risikoniveau
acceptable risk level Level of risk judged to be outweighed by corresponding benefits or one that is of such a degree that it is considered to pose minimal potential for adverse effectsZulässiges Risikoniveau
acceptable risk levelzulässiges Risikoniveau
acute riskakute Gefahr
Advisory Committee on chemicals risk reductionberatender Ausschuss über die Risikoverringerung bei Chemikalien
analysis of riskRisikoanalyse
assessment of riskRisikobewertung
cancer risk The probability that exposure to some agent or substance will adversely transform cells to replicate and form a malignant tumorKrebsrisiko
cancer riskKrebsrisiko
chemical risk Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by contact with any substance of a defined molecular compositionChemierisiko
chemical riskChemierisiko
Commission Directive 93/67/EEC of 20 July 1993 laying down the principles for assessment of risks to man and the environment of substances notified in accordance with Council Directive 67/548/EECRichtlinie 93/67/EWG der Kommission vom 20. Juli 1993 zur Festlegung von Grundsätzen für die Bewertung der Risiken für Mensch und Umwelt von gemäß der Richtlinie 67/548/EWG des Rates notifizierten Stoffen
Commission Regulation EC No 1488/94 of 28 June 1994 laying down the principles for the assessment of risks to man and the environment of existing substances in accordance with Council Regulation EEC No 793/93 Text with EEA relevanceVerordnung EG Nr. 1488/94 der Kommission vom 28. Juni 1994 zur Festlegung von Grundsaetzen für die Bewertung der von Altstoffen ausgehenden Risiken für Mensch und Umwelt gemaess der Verordnung EWG Nr. 793/93 des Rates
cost/risk/benefit analysisKosten-Risiko-Nutzen-Analyse
Council Regulation EEC No 793/93 of 23 March 1993 on the evaluation and control of the risks of existing substancesVerordnung EWG Nr. 793/93 des Rates vom 23. Maerz 1993 zur Bewertung und Kontrolle der Umweltrisiken chemischer Altstoffe
damage risk mapSchadenrisikokarte
Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood RisksRichtlinie über die Bewertung und das Management von Hochwasserrisiken
disaster riskKatastrophenrisiko
disaster risk indexKatastrophenrisikoindex
ecological riskoekologische Gefahr
ecotoxicological riskökotoxikologisches Risiko
environmental risk Likelihood, or probability, of injury, disease, or death resulting from exposure to a potential environmental hazardUmweltrisiko
environmental risk assessment Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutantsUmweltrisikobewertung
environmental risk assessmentUmweltverträglichkeitsprüfung
environmental risk assessmentBewertung von Umweltrisiken
environmental risk assessmentPrüfung der Umweltverträglichkeit
environmental risk of existing substancesUmweltrisiken chemischer Altstoffe
European Forest Fire Risk Forecasting SystemEuropäisches Vorwarnsystem für Waldbrände
flood risk mapHochwasser-Risikokarte
flood risk mapHochwasser-Gefahrenkarte
high-risk area in environmental termsstark umweltgefährdetes Gebiet
high-risk processing plantVerarbeitungsbetrieb für gefährliche Stoffe
human-caused riskGefahr der Waldbrandentstehung durch den Menschen
human-caused risk scaling factorRisikoindex der Waldbrandentstehung durch den Menschen
hydrogeological riskhydrogeologisches Risiko
hydrological riskhydrologisches Risiko
integrated system for risk managementintegriertes System zum Risikomanagement
International Conference to discuss risks to the ozone layer resulting from atmospheric pollutionKonferenz zum Schutz der Ozonschicht
low-risk processing plantVerarbeitungsbetrieb für wenig gefährliche Stoffe
lower risk species IUCNWeniger gefährdete Arten
major risk The high probability that a given hazard or situation will yield a significant amount of lives lost, persons injured, damage to property , disruption of economic activity or harm to the environment; or any product of the probability of occurrence and the expected magnitude of damage beyond a maximum acceptable levelHauptrisiko
major riskHauptrisiko
major risk installation Installations whose functioning involves the possibility of major hazards such as chemical plants, nuclear, coal and oil power production plants, etc.Risikoanlage
major risk installationRisikoanlage
major technological risksgrössere technologische Risiken
management of risksRisikomanagement
natural risk Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by any aspect of the physical world other than human activityNaturrisiko
natural risk analysisNaturrisikoanalyse
natural risk analysis Analysis of the probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging phenomenon of natureNaturrisikoanalyse
natural risk analysisAnalyse der Risiken von Naturgefahren
natural risks prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert the probability of harm to humans, property or natural resources posed by conditions or events in the environment neither initiated nor formed by human activityNaturrisikoverhütung
natural risks preventionNaturrisikoverhütung
nuclear risk A risk connected to the functioning of nuclear power plants, by the storage or transportation of radioactive materials and involving the release of potentially dangerous levels of radioactive materials into the environmentAtomrisiko
partial risk factorpartieller Risikofaktor
phytosanitary risk management planRisikomanagementplan fürPflanzengesundheit
pollution risk Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by the introduction of an undesirable substance into the ecosystemUmweltverschmutzungsrisiko
pollution riskUmweltverschmutzungsrisiko
probabilistic risk assessmentprobabilistische Risikoanalyse
radiation risks at the joints between lead glass and metalStrahlengefahr besteht entlang der Verbindung Bleiglas - Metall
recommendation for risk reductionEmpfehlung für die Risikominderung
reduction in riskRisikominderung
residual risk Remaining potential for harm to persons, property or the environment following all possible efforts to reduce predictable hazardsRestrisiko
resource value at riskKlassifizierung der Brandwirkungen
risk aggregateRisikoanhäufung
risk analysis Technique used to determine the likelihood or chance of hazardous events occurring (such as release of a certain quantity of a toxic gas) and the likely consequences. Originally developed for use in nuclear and chemical industry where certain possible events, of low probability, could have extremely serious results. Attempts are being made to use concepts from probabilistic risk analysis to characterise environmental impacts, whose occurrence and nature are not easy to predict with any degree of accuracyRisikoanalyse
risk assessment The qualitative and quantitative evaluation performed in an effort to define the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by an action or by the presence or use of a specific substance or pollutantRisikobewertung
risk-benefit analysis A systematic process of evaluating and assessing the hazards of loss versus the possibility of financial gain or profitRisiko-Nutzen-Analyse
risk-benefit analysisRisiko-Nutzen-Analyse
risk characterizationRisikobeschreibung
risk communication The exchange of information about health or environmental risks among risk assessors and managers, the general public, news media, interest groups, etc.Risikokommunikation
risk exposure The situation or set of circumstances where the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal levelRisikoexposition
risk exposureRisikoexposition
risk exposure plan A scheme or method of acting that takes effect if the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal levelRisikoexpositionsplan
risk exposure planRisikoexpositionsplan
risk indicatorRisikomeldung
risk management The process of evaluating and selecting alternative regulatory and non-regulatory responses to prepare for the probability of an accidental occurrence and its expected magnitude of damage, including the consideration of legal, economic and behavioral factorsRisikomanagement
risk mapRisikokarte
risk of a contaminated siteRisiko bei Altlasten
risk of a contaminated siteRisiko einer Altlast
risk of a contaminated siteRisiko
risk of avalanchesLawinengefahr
risk of contamination by exogenic leadKontaminationsgefahr durch exogenes Blei
risk of damage to hearing resulting from noise emitted by toysLärmgefährdung durch Spielzeug
risk of floodingÜberflutungsgefahr
risk of landslidesErdrutschgefahr
risk perception A subjective appreciation by individuals which will more often than not bear little relation to the statistical probability of damage or injuryRisikowahrnehmung
risk perceptionRisikowahrnehmung
risk perceptionRisikoerkennung
risk priority moduleModul über die Risikopriorität
risk reduction Any act, instance or process lowering the probability that harm will come to an area or its population as the result of some hazardRisikominderung
seismic riskseismisches Risiko
seismic riskseismische Gefahr
UN Office for Disaster Risk ReductionUN‑Büro für Katastrophenvorsorge
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk ReductionUN‑Büro für Katastrophenvorsorge
Vulnerability and risk mapping for the protection of carbonate karst aquifers COST action G 6Gefährdungs- und Risikokartierung für den Schutz von Karstgrundwasserleitern COST-Aktion G 6