
Terms for subject Medical containing right | all forms | exact matches only
anterior basal segment of inferior lobe of the right left lungSegmentum basale anterius pulmonis (segmentum basale anterius pulmonis)
anterior cusp of right atrioventricular valveCuspis anterior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae (cuspis anterior)
anterior cusp of right atrioventricular valveCuspis anterior (cuspis anterior)
anterior segment of the right liver lobeSegmentum anterius hepatis
anterior segment of the superior lobe of the right lungSegmentum anterius pulmonis (segmentum anterius pulmonis)
apex of the right suprarenal glandApex suprarenalis glandulae dextrae
apical bronchus of lower lobe of right or left lungBronchus segmentalis superior
apical bronchus of upper lobe of right lung and apical bronchus of lower lobe of left or right lungBronchus segmentalis apicalis
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasiaARVCM
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasiaARVD
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasiaarrhythmogene rechtsventrikuläre Kardiomyopathie
auricle of right atriumrechtes Vorhofohr
auricle of right atriumrechtes Herzohr (auricula atrii dextra, auricula dextra, auricula atrii dextri)
auricle of right atriumAuricula dextra
branch of hyparterial bronchus to middle lobe of right lungBronchus lobaris medius dexter
breadth of right wrist jointrechte Handgelenkbreite
corpus cavernosum of clitoris right and leftCorpus cavernosum clitoridis
corpus cavernosum penis right and leftCorpus cavernosum penis
deviation to the rightRechtsverschiebung
dilatation of the right ventricleRechtsherzdilatation
dilatation of the right ventricleRechtsdilatation
double outlet right ventricleDouble outlet
dyspraxia of left or right handsympathische Dyspraxie
dyspraxia of left or right handDyspraxie der linken oder rechten Hand
height of right wrist jointHandgelenkhöhe
horizontal fissure of right lungFissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri
horizontal fissure of right lungFissura accessoria pulmonis dextri
infralobar part of the posterior branch of the right pulmonary veinPars intersegmentalis
infralobar part of the posterior branch of the right pulmonary veinPars infralobaris
insufficiency of the right ventricleRechtsherzdekompensation
insufficiency of the right ventricleRechtsversagen
insufficiency of the right ventricleRechtsherzversagen
insufficiency of the right ventricleRechtsdekompensation
intralobar part of the posterior branch of the right superior pulmonary veinPars intralobaris rami posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae (pars intralobaris rami posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae)
lateral segment of middle lobe of the right lungSegmentum laterale pulmonis dextri (segmentum laterale pulmonis dextri)
left-to-right shuntLinks-Rechts-Shunt
length of right dorsum manus back of the handrechte Handrückenlänge (dorsum manus)
lower right lobe bronchusBronchus lobaris inferior dexter
medial cusp of right atrioventricular valveCuspis septalis valvae atrioventricularis dextrae (cuspis septalis)
medial cusp of right atrioventricular valveCuspis septalis (cuspis septalis)
medial part of the branch of the right middle lobe of the pulmonary veinPars medialis rami lobi medii venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae (pars medialis rami lobi medii venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae)
medial segment of middle lobe of the right lungSegmentum mediale pulmonis dextri (segmentum mediale pulmonis dextri)
middle lobe bronchus of right lungBronchus lobaris medius dexter
myocard hypertrophy of the right ventricleRechtshypertrophie
myocard hypertrophy of the right ventricleRechtsherzhypertrophie
patient's right of decision on medical treatmentBestimmungsrecht
patient's right of self-determinationindividuelle Sebstbestimmung des Untersuchten
pectoral bronchus of upper lobe of left or right lungBronchus segmentalis anterior
physician's or patient's right to refuse medical treatmentBehandlungsablehnung
posterior basal segment of inferior lobe of the right left lungSegmentum basale posterius pulmonis (segmentum basale posterius pulmonis)
posterior cusp of right atrioventricular valveCuspis posterior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae (cuspis posterior)
posterior cusp of right atrioventricular valveCuspis posterior (cuspis posterior)
posterior segment of superior lobe of the right lungSegmentum posterius hepatis (segmentum posterius hepatis)
posterior segment of superior lobe of the right lungSegmentum posterius pulmonis (segmentum posterius pulmonis)
preferential use of right or left legBeinigkeit
right abdominal syndromerechtsseitiges gastrales Bauch-Syndrom
right and left atrioventricular orificesOstia venosa s.atrioventricularia
right and left atrioventricular orificesOstia atrioventricularia
right and left gastro-epiploic lymph glandsNodi lymphatici gastroepiploici dextri et sinistri
right and left hepatic ductDuctus hepaticus dexter et sinister
right anterior oblique projectionFechterstellung
right anterior oblique projectionerster Schrägdurchmesser
right anterior oblique projectionerster schräger Durchmesser
right arch of aortaArcus aortae dexter
right atrial contourrechter Vorhofbogen
right atrioventricular auriculoventricular valverechte Vorhofkammerklappe
right atrioventricular auriculoventricular valvedreizipfige Segelklappe
right atrioventricular auriculoventricular valveTrikuspidalklappe
right atrioventricular auriculoventricular valverechte Atrioventrikularklappe
right atrioventricular valveTrikuspidalklappe
right atriumrechtes Atrium
right atriumrechter Herzvorhof (atrium cordis dextrum, atrium dextrum)
right atrium and ventricleCor venosum
right atrium of heartrechter Herzvorhof (atrium cordis dextrum, atrium dextrum)
right atrium of the heartrechter Vorhof des Herzens
right auriclerechtes Herzohr (auricula atrii dextra, auricula dextra, auricula atrii dextri)
right auricular appendagerechtes Herzohr (auricula atrii dextra, auricula dextra, auricula atrii dextri)
right auricular arteryrechte Koronararterie (arteria coronaria dextra)
right bronchusrechter Hauptbronchus
right bronchusBronchus principalis dexter
right bronchusBronchus dexter
right bundlerechter Schenkel (crus dextrum)
right bundle-branch blockRechtsschenkelblock
right bundle-branch blockrechtsseitiger Schenkelblock
right bundlebranch blockRechtsschenkelblock
right bundle-branch heart blockRechtsschenkelblock
right colic arteryrechte Dickdarmarterie (arteria colica dextra)
right colic arteryrechte Kolonarterie (arteria colica dextra)
right colic arteryArteria colica dextra (arteria colica dextra)
right colic arteryrechte Grimmdarmarterie (arteria colica dextra)
right colic flexurerechte Kolonflexur (flexura coli dextra)
right colic veinrechte Kolonvene (vena colica dextra)
right common iliac arteryrechte gemeinsame Hüftarterie (arteria iliaca communis dextra)
right coronary arteryrechte Koronararterie (arteria coronaria cordis dextra)
right coronary arteryArteria coronaria cordis dextra (arteria coronaria cordis dextra)
right coronary artery of stomachrechte Magenarterie (arteria gastrica dextra)
right coronary cusp of the aortic valverechte Semilunarklappe (valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae, valvula semilunaris dextra)
right crusCrus dextrum partis lumbalis diaphragmatis
right crusCrus dextrum
right crus of diaphragmCrus dextrum partis lumbalis diaphragmatis
right crus of diaphragmCrus dextrum
right external carotid arteryrechte äußere Kopfarterie (arteria carotis externa dextra)
right eyeO.D.
right flexureFlexura coli hepatica
right flexure of colonFlexura coli hepatica
right flexure of colonFlexura hepatica
right flexure of colonFlexura coli dextra
right flexure of colonrechte Kolonflexur (flexura coli dextra)
right for consentEinwilligungsrecht
right frontoanterior positionrechte vordere Stirnlage
right frontoposterior positionrechte hintere Stirnlage
right frontotransverse positionrechte Stirnquerlage
right gastric arteryrechte Magenarterie (arteria gastrica dextra)
right gastric arteryArteria gastrica dextra
right gastric veinrechte Magenkranzvene (vena gastrica dextra)
right gastro-epiploic arteryrechte Magen-Netzarterie
right gastro-epiploic arteryArteria gastro-epiploica dextra
right gastroepiploic arteryrechte Magennetzarterie (arteria gastroomentalis dextra, arteria gastroepiploica dextra)
right gastro-epiploic lymph glandsLymphonodi g.caudales
right gastro-epiploic lymph glandsNodi lymphatici gastrici dextri
right gastro-epiploic lymph glandsLymphoglandulae g.inf.
right gastroomental arteryrechte Magennetzarterie (arteria gastroomentalis dextra, arteria gastroepiploica dextra)
right hand lengthrechte Handlänge
right heartrechte Kammer (cor dextrum, cor venosum)
right heartrechtes Herz (cor dextrum, cor venosum)
right heart hypertrophyRechtshypertrophie
right hepatic ductrechter Gallengang (ductus hepaticus dexter)
right hepatic veinrechte Lebervene (vena hepatica dextra)
right inferior epigastric veinrechte untere Bauchwandvene (vena epigastrica inferior dextra)
right inferior gastric arteryrechte Magennetzarterie (arteria gastroomentalis dextra, arteria gastroepiploica dextra)
right inferior lobar bronchusrechter unterer Lappenbronchus (bronchus lobaris inferior dexter)
right inferior pulmonary veinuntere rechte Lungenvene (vena pulmonalis dextra inferior)
right internal carotid arteryrechte innere Kopfarterie (arteria carotis interna dextra)
right kidneyrechte Niere (ren dexter)
right lateral ligamentMesohepaticum laterale dextrum (ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis)
right lateral ligamentLigamentum triangulare dextrum (ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis)
right/left preferenceSeitigkeit
right loberechter Lappen (lobus dexter)
right lobe of liverrechter Leberlappen (lobus hepatis dexter)
right lungrechte Lunge (pulmo dexter)
right lymphatic ductTruncus lymphaceus dexter
right lymphatic ductDuctus lymphaticus dexter
right lymphatic ductDuctus thoracicus dexter
right lymphatic ductrechter Hauptlymphgang (ductus lymphaticus dexter)
right main bronchusrechter Hauptbronchus (bronchus principalis dexter)
right mentoanterior positionrechte vordere Kinnlage (des Föts)
right mentoposterior positionrechte hintere Kinnlage (des Föts)
right mentotransverse positionrechte Kinnquerlage
right mentotransverse positionrechte quere Kinnlage (des Föts)
right middleNodi lymphatici colici
right middleLymphonodi mesocoli
right middleLymphoglandulae mesocolicae
right middle lobar bronchusrechter mittlerer Lappenbronchus (bronchus lobaris medius dexter)
right middle loberechter Lungenmittellappen
right not to be subjected to mental harmRecht auf psychische Unversehrtheit
right oblique diameterDiameter obliqua dextra
right occipito-anterior positionrechte vordere Hinterhauptslage
right of the unborn childrenRecht der Ungeborenen
right of treatmentBehandlungsberechtigung
right ovarian veinrechte Eierstockvene (vena ovarica dextra)
right ovaryrechtes Ovarium (ovarium dextrum)
right primary bronchusrechter Hauptbronchus (bronchus principalis dexter)
right pulmonary arteryrechte Lungenarterie (arteria pulmonalis dextra)
right pulmonary veinsrechte Lungenvenen (venae pulmonales dextrae)
right renal arteryrechte Nierenarterie (arteria renalis dextra)
right renal veinrechte Nierenvene (vena renalis dextra)
right sacroanterior positionrechte vordere Steisslage
right sacroposterior positionrechte hintere Steisslage
right sacrotransverse positionrechte quere Steisslage
right scapuloanterior positionrechte vordere Schulterlage
right scapuloposterior positionrechte hintere Schulterlage
right semilunar cusprechte Semilunarklappe (valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae, valvula semilunaris dextra)
right semilunar cusp of the aortic valverechte Semilunarklappe (valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae, valvula semilunaris dextra)
right semilunar cusp of the pulmonary valverechte Semilunarklappe (valvula semilunaris dextra valvae trunci pulmonalis, valvula semilunaris dextra)
right-side endocarditisEndokard-Fibroelastose (Gross)
right-side endocarditisEndocarditis fibroelastica
right splicing junctionrechte Spleißstelle
right splicing junctionAkzeptorspleißstelle
right subclavian arteryrechte Unterschlüsselbeinarterie (arteria subclavia destra)
right superior lobar bronchusrechter oberer Lappenbronchus (bronchus lobaris superior dexter)
right superior pulmonary veinobere rechte Lungenvene (vena pulmonalis dextra superior)
right surface of liverPars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
right testicular veinrechte Hodenvene (vena testicularis dextra)
right thoracic ductrechter Hauptlymphgang (ductus lymphaticus dexter)
right to be looked after by the parentsRecht auf elterliche Sorge
right to consentEinwilligungsrecht
right to inviolability of the personRecht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit
right to own genetic identityRecht auf eigene genetische Identität
right-to-left shuntRechts-links-Shunt
right typeRechtstyp
right umbilical arteryrechte Nabelarterie (arteria umbilicalis dextra)
right ureterrechter Ureter (ureter dexter)
right ureterrechter Harnleiter (ureter dexter)
right ventriclerechter Ventrikel
right ventriclerechte Herzkammer (ventriculus cordis dexter)
right ventricle of heartrechter Ventrikel (ventriculus cordis dexter)
right ventricle of heartrechte Herzkammer (ventriculus cordis dexter)
right ventricle RV Rrechter Ventrikel
right ventricularrechtsventrikulär
right ventricular extrasystolerechtsventrikulaere Extrasystole
right ventricular failureRechtsherzinsuffizienz
right ventricular heart failureRechtsversagen
right ventricular heart failureRechtsinsuffizienz
right ventricular hypertrophyrechtsventrikuläre hypertrophie
right vertebral arteryrechte Wirbelarterie (arteria vertebralis dextra)
shift to the rightRechtsverschiebung (Arnethsche Formel)
slowed impulse of the right bundle-branchRechtsverzoegerung
slowed impulse of the right bundle-branchRechtsverspaetung
subapical bronchus of lower lobe of right or left lungBronchus segmentalis subapicalis
subapical bronchus of upper lobe of right lungBronchus segmentalis posterior
sulcus terminalis of the right atriumSulcus terminalis cordis sive atrii dextri
sulcus terminalis of the right atriumSulcus terminalis cordis
syndrome of hypoplasia of the right ventricleRechtshypoplasie-Syndrom
syndrome of hypoplasia of the right ventricleRechtsherzhypoplasie-Syndrom
terminal sulcus of right atriumSulcus terminalis atrii dextri (sulcus terminalis cordis)
union rightsGewerkschaftsrechte