
Terms for subject Microsoft containing product | all forms | exact matches only
co-productCo-Produkt (An item produced jointly with another item)
distinct producteindeutig identifizierbares Produkt (A uniquely identifiable product)
Electronic Product CodeElectronic Product Code, elektronischer Produktcode (A standard for electronically marking products so that they can be tracked by using radio frequency identification (RFID). An EPC is 96 bits divided into four partitions: header, manager number, object class, and serial number)
expense productUmlaufvermögen (A received product that is a current asset, not held for sale or consumed in production, and for which there is no stock control policy requiring quantity tracking or inventory control policy requiring stock value tracking, and for which there is an accounting policy requiring the recording of the cost as an expense)
Help improve this productBeitrag zur Produktverbesserung (A button related to the Customer Experience Improvement Program)
Improve This Productdieses Produkt verbessern (Menu item related to the Customer Experience Improvement Program)
invoice product A line item in an invoice containing detailed billing informationRechnung (Produkt)
kanban product quantityKanban-Produktmenge (The number of item requirements that are carried on a kanban based on a kanban rule)
Microsoft productMicrosoft-Produkt (Goods or services developed by Microsoft and offered for sale or for use. Each product contains a unique key or registration number)
Microsoft product imageMicrosoft-Produktabbildung (A photo of a Microsoft product box)
Microsoft SharePoint Products and TechnologiesMicrosoft SharePoint-Produkte und -Technologien (A set of products and technologies that allow users in an organization to create, manage, and build their own collaborative Web sites and make them available throughout their organizations)
output productHergestelltes Produkt (The physical products that result from an activity)
Product and Service ItemsProdukte und Dienste (A dialog box that allows a user to add a new product to an Opportunity or the Product and Service Items list)
Product and Service Items listListe der Produkte und Dienste (A tabulation of goods and services that one purchases or sells, or offers for purchase or sale)
product attributeProduktattribut (A representation of a product property)
product catalogProduktkatalog (A compilation of all products that are available for sale)
Product CatalogProduktkatalog (A site template that is designed to manage product catalogs for publishing purposes)
product catalog mappingProduktkatalogzuordnung (A link between a product catalog and an inventory catalog that determines which inventory catalog is used to hold SKU data for the product catalog)
Product Catalog resourceRessource "Produktkatalog" (A Commerce Server resource with site-level properties, managed through Commerce Server Manager. Use the Product Catalog resource to configure the connection string to the database containing catalog data)
product componentProduktkomponente (A part of a product)
product connectorProduktconnector (A software component that is used to synchronize data between Operations Manager and other management systems)
Product Development PlanningProduktentwicklungsplanung (A template that outlines a strategic approach for product development. By understanding your business position in the marketplace, establishing product infrastructure, and a knowledge of your targets and competitors, this template establishes a framework to begin product development)
product dimensionProduktdimension (The size, color, or configuration product attributes that are used for dimension-based configuration)
Product Evaluation Post LaunchProduktbewertung nach der Einführung (A template that will walk you through key areas of evaluating a product's performance after it has been placed in the marketplace)
product familyProduktfamilie (A group of functionally equivalent products or items that share similar features and that are grouped for planning purposes)
product groupProduktgruppe (A collection of products used for presentation, sales campaigns, or e-business)
product IDProdukt-ID (A unique manually created alpha-numeric label that is used to identify a product)
product identifierProduktidentifikation (A required property that uniquely identifies products within a catalog, such as a stock-keeping unit (SKU). A product identifier cannot be removed from the product definition)
product identifierProduktbezeichner (A required property that uniquely identifies products within a catalog, such as a stock-keeping unit (SKU). A product identifier cannot be removed from the product definition)
product itemProduktionsartikel (An item that is a type of product)
product keyProduct Key (A sequence of 25 letters and numbers. To activate some software, you must enter a product key during the activation process)
product knowledgeProduktwissensquelle (Content, embedded in rules and monitors, that contains information from the management pack author about the causes of an alert and suggestions on how to fix the issue that caused an alert to be raised)
product lineProduktlinie (A set of related products grouped together due to technical or marketing considerations)
product masterProduktmaster (A standard or functional product representation that is the basis for configuring product variants)
product modelProduktmodell (A specification of how items are to be customized. A product model can be used for sales orders, purchase orders, or production orders)
product poolProduktpool (A pool of related offerings)
product propertyProdukteigenschaft (One of the properties that forms a product definition)
product receiptProduktzugang (A source document that documents the receipt of products ordered, the receipt of products returned, or the receipt of products received on consignment)
product relationshipProduktbeziehung (" A relationship that associates one product in a catalog with another product or category. For example, printers may be related to printer ribbons or ink cartridges, but these products would be in different categories. A product relationship has a name, indicating the type of relationship (for example, "Accessory"), and it has a source product or category and a target product or category.")
product sequencingProduktsequenzierung (The practice of classifying and managing characteristics of items so that products with similar characteristics can be scheduled to be produced together)
product variantProduktvariante (A specific item that is grouped with related variants that together form a product. Variants usually vary from each other in one or more properties. For example, a medium-sized, green shirt with a stock-keeping unit (SKU) of 14678 is one product variant of the Shirt product; together size, color, and SKU form one variant. A product variant always includes a unique identifier, such as an SKU, and a price. Each product variant is based on the same product definition)
product variant propertyProduktvarianteneigenschaften (A property that varies among product variants. For example the product variant medium-sized green shirt has two product variant properties: size and color)
qualifying productberechtigendes Produkt (During software upgrades, the product that is already installed on the machine, i.e. the version to be upgraded)
regulated productreguliertes Produkt (A product that is regulated by a government authority that requires compliance and audit reporting)
restricted producteingeschränktes Produkt (A product whose distribution is limited or constrained by a government authority)
root productStammprodukt (A product that is contained in a catalog, but is not associated with any category)
SharePoint Products and TechnologiesSharePoint-Produkte und Technologien (A set of products and technologies that allow users in an organization to create, manage, and build their own collaborative Web sites and make them available throughout their organizations)
software factory productSoftware Factory-Produkt (The instance of a specific type of software system, application, or component built by the software factory)
substitute productErsatzprodukt (An item that can take the place of another item)
taxable productsteuerpflichtiges Produkt (A product that is subject to taxation)
volume license product keyVolumenlizenz-Product Key (A product key that is provided to Microsoft customers who choose a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for their organizations and that allows multiple installations of a particular product. The key is assigned to a company or institution intended for their sole use and only for distribution to employees or third parties who are authorized to install and distribute licenses pursuant to the terms of their license agreement)
work productArbeitsprodukt (A discrete deliverable or artifact, such as a document, spreadsheet, changeset, and so forth)
write-in productmanuell einzutragendes Produkt (A product that is manually added to quotes, orders, and invoices rather than selected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product catalog)