
Terms for subject Microsoft containing physical | all forms | exact matches only
physical address expansionphysische Adresserweiterung (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
physical computerphysischer Computer (A hardware-based computer, as opposed to a software-based virtual machine)
physical datetatsächliches Datum (The date a transaction physically occurred, such as the date that an item was received)
physical datephysisches Datum (The date a transaction physically occurred, such as the date that an item was received)
physical designphysischer Entwurf (The third major stage in the design process, in which the project team determines how to specifically implement the logical design. Physical design addresses the technology that will be used by the end user. The goal is to apply real-world technology constraints to the logical design, such as implementation and performance considerations. Physical design corresponds to a contractor's blueprints for the physical elements of a structure-wiring, plumbing, heating, and ventilation. The contractor's plans add detail to the architect's plans and reflect real-world construction constraints)
physical disk resourcephysische Datenträgerressource (A disk on a cluster storage device. Physical disks are supported as cluster resources by a Resource DLL)
physical environmentphysische Umgebung (An environment composed of physical machines)
physical inventoryphysischer Bestand, Inventur (The actual count of inventory on hand)
physical machinephysischer Computer (A hardware-based computer, as opposed to a software-based virtual machine)
physical memoryphysischer Speicher (The amount of RAM memory in a system, as distinguished from virtual memory)
physical namephysischer Name (The name of the path where a file or mirrored file is located. The default is the path of the Master.dat file followed by the first eight characters of the file's logical name)
physical pathphysischer Pfad (The physical location of a directory or file. May be either a path on the local computer or a universal naming convention (UNC) path on a remote computer)
physical percent completephysisches Prozent abgeschlossen (An alternative value to Percent [%] Complete or Percent [%] Work Complete that you enter per task. This may be useful when analyzing project performance through such means as variance analysis or earned value analysis)
physical presence interfacephysische Anwesenheitsschnittstelle (An interface to run device operations that require physical presence)
physical resourcephysische Ressource (A file (for example, .vhd files or script) that can be imported into or exported from the Virtual Machine Manager library)
physical storephysischer Speicher (The physical databases that comprise the Data Warehouse)
physical-to-virtual machine conversionPhysical-to-Virtual-Konvertierung (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
physical vulnerabilityphysisches Sicherheitsrisiko (Failure to provide physical security for a computer, such as leaving an unlocked workstation running in a workspace that is accessible to unauthorized users)