
Terms for subject Electronics containing peak- to -peak | all forms | in specified order only
nominal peak-to-peak deviationnominale Kamm-zu-Kamm-Abweichung
peak to average ratioVerhältnis Spitzenwert/Mittelwert
peak to peakvon Spitze zu Spitze
peak-to-peak amplitudeSpitzen-Spitzen-Amplitude
peak-to-peak frequency deviationmaximaler Frequenzhub
peak-to-peak frequency deviationSpitze-zu-Spitze-Frequenzhub
peak-to-peak frequency deviationSpitze-Spitze-Frequenzschrittweite
peak-to-peak luminance amplitudeSpitze-Spitze-Luminanzamplitude
peak-to-peak phase difference between related informationSpitze-Spitze Phasenunterschied zwischen verwandter Information
peak-to-peak valueSpitzen-Spitzen-Amplitude
peak-to-peak voltmeterSpitze-zu-Null-Voltmeter
ratio of peak to average powerVerhältnis der Spitzenleistung zur Mittelleistung
the peak of the anode curve corresponds to the maximum current in the active stateder Scheitelpunkt der anodischen Kurve entspricht der Hoechstwirkstromstaerke
Volts Peak to PeakVolt Spitze-Spitze