
Terms for subject Microsoft containing pc | all forms | exact matches only
Complete PC BackupComplete PC-Sicherung (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the entire computer (OS, settings, and files))
Complete PC RestoreComplete PC-Wiederherstellung (A tool in Windows Vista that restores the entire computer (OS, settings, and files))
device PCverwendeter PC (A computer that is part of a OneCare circle but is not a hub PC or a monitor PC. A device PC has no privileges to monitor or make changes to any other computer in the OneCare circle)
hub PCHaupt-PC (The computer that manages the OneCare settings for all computers in a OneCare circle)
Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows XP Tablet PC EditionMicrosoft Touch Pack für Windows XP Tablet PC Edition (A collection of programs and accessories that are designed to enhance the touch experience on a Tablet PC with a touch-sensitive screen)
mobile PCmobiler PC (A portable computer that runs a full version of Windows)
monitor PCÜberwachungscomputer (A computer that is not the hub PC but that monitors the activity of other computers in the OneCare circle. The OneCare subscription administrator designates which, if any, computers in the circle have monitoring privileges. A monitor PC cannot make changes to any other computer in the OneCare circle)
PC CallPC-Anruf (A feature that enables customers to make voice calls from one computer to another)
PC CardPC-Karte (A removable device, approximately the size of a credit card, that can be plugged into a PCMCIA slot in a portable computer. PCMCIA devices can include modems, network adapters, and hard disk drives)
PC settingsPC-Einstellungen (A collection of Windows and device settings that users can change grouped into one location)
PC sitePC-Website (The Windows Mobile footer link to the site that is built for viewing from a PC)
PC-to-PC cablePC-zu-PC-Kabel (A type of cable that connects two PCs directly)
PC-to-PC SyncPC-zu-PC-Synchronisierung (The process of reconciling the differences between a file stored on one PC and a copy of the same file stored on another PC)
refresh your PCPC auffrischen (To reset a system using a method that restores PC settings to defaults but retains a user's files and personalization touches)
refurbished PCwiederaufbereiteter PC (A used computer that has been repaired and/or tested in order to ensure conformance with certain functional requirements and to allow it to be resold or repurposed)
reset your PCPC auffrischen (To reset a system so that all user customizations are removed)
sealed case PCComputer mit versiegeltem Gehäuse (A chassis type that can be reported by the Win32_SystemEnclosure class in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and that refers to a computer whose case is not meant to be opened by anyone but the original equipment manufacturer)
tablet PCTablet PC (A portable computer that allows you to write on or interact with the screen)
Tablet PC Input PanelTablet PC-Eingabebereich (A Tablet PC accessory that enables you to use handwriting, speech, or an on-screen keyboard to enter text, symbols, numbers, or keyboard shortcuts. You can use it to interact with any Windows-based program)
Tablet PC Input Panel iconTablet PC-Eingabebereichsymbol (The icon that you tap to open Tablet PC Input Panel. The icon appears in the taskbar. It also appears next to a text entry area when Input Panel is undocked)
target PCZielcomputer (" A computer that receives an action specified by the OneCare administrator. For example, a computer that is the designated the place for file backup would be considered to be the "target PC" of the backup function. ")
trusted PCvertrauenswürdiger PC (A computer that a customer adds to their Windows Live account security information from which they can reset a forgotten password without providing further information)
ultra-mobile PCultramobiler PC (A class of mobile PCs that has a touch screen no larger than 7 inches and a tablet pen)
Windows PC AcceleratorWindows-PC-Beschleuniger (A performance-enhancing technology in Windows Vista)