
Terms for subject Medical containing parts | all forms | exact matches only
abdominal partBauchabschnitt (pars abdominalis)
anal part of rectumAnalkanal (canalis analis)
anterior border of petrous partAngulus anterior pyramidis
anterior partvorderer Teil (pars anterior)
anterior part of cerebral peduncleGroßhirnschenkel (pars anterior pedunculi cerebri, crus cerebri)
anterior part of inferior parietal lobuleGyrus parietalis medius
anterior part of inferior parietal lobuleGyrus supramarginalis
anterior part of inferior parietal lobuleGyrus circumflexus
anterior part of palatine archvorderer Gaumenbogen (arcus palatoglossus)
anterior surface of petrous partFacies anterior pyramidis
anterior surface of petrous partanterior interna pyramidis
anterior surface of petrous partFacies cerebralis
anterior surface of petrous partFacies anterior partis petrosae
anterior talotibial part of the deltoid ligamentPars tibiotalaris anterior ligamenti deltoidei
anterior talotibial part of the deltoid ligamentLig.talotibiale ant.
anular partringförmiger Abschnitt (pars anularis)
apex of petrous partPyramidenspitze (apex partis petrosae)
apex of petrous partFelsenbeinspitze (apex partis petrosae)
apparition of leading partEinschneiden
ascending part of aortaaufsteigende Aorta (aorta ascendens, pars ascendens aortae)
autonomic part of peripheral nervous systemANS (systema nervosum autonomicum, divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici, pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici)
autonomic part of peripheral nervous systemvegetatives Nervensystem (systema nervosum autonomicum, divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici, pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici)
autonomic part of peripheral nervous systemautonomes Nervensystem (systema nervosum autonomicum, divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici, pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici)
basilar part anglePars-basilaris-Winkel
basilar part of occipital bonePars basilaris ossis occipitalis
basilar part of occipital bonePars basialis
basilar part of the peduncle of the mamillary bodyPedunculus corporis albicantis
basilar part of the peduncle of the mamillary bodyPars basilaris fasciculi pedunculomamillaris
to be divided into equal partsDivide in partes aequales
blind part of the retinaPars caeca retinae s.oculi
bone part of the ribOs costale
bony part of auditory tubeknöcherner Tubenabschnitt (pars ossea tubae auditivae)
bony part of the pharyngotympanic tubePars ossea tubae auditivae s.pharyngotympanicae
buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars buccopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis superior
buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars bucipharyngica
buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxMusculus buccopharyngeus
calcanotibial part of the deltoid ligamentPars tibiocalcanearis ligamenti deltoidei
calcanotibial part of the deltoid ligamentLig.calcaneotibiale
canalicular partPars canalicularis
cardiac part of stomachMagenmund (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardiac part of stomachMageneingang (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardiac part of stomachPars cardiaca ventriculi (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardiac part of stomachKardia (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardial part of stomachPars cardiaca ventriculi (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardial part of stomachMagenmund (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardial part of stomachMageneingang (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cardial part of stomachKardia (pars cardiaca gastricae)
cartilaginous partKnorpelabschnitt (pars cartilaginea)
cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tubePars cartilaginea tubae auditivae s.pharyngotympanicae
cartilaginous part of the nasal septumSeptum cartilagineum
cartilaginous part of the nasal septumPars cartilaginea septi nasi
caudal part of the duodenumPars caudalis duodeni
caudal part of the test areahinteres Teil des Applikationsbereichs
central part of lateral ventricleParietalhöhle (pars centralis ventriculi lateralis)
central part of lateral ventriclePars parietalis v. telencephali (pars centralis ventriculi lateralis)
central part of lateral ventriclePars centralis ventriculi lateralis (pars centralis ventriculi lateralis)
central part of lateral ventricleCella media (pars centralis ventriculi lateralis)
central part of nervous systemZNS (systema nervosum centrale, pars centralis systematis nervosi)
central part of nervous systemZentralnervensystem (systema nervosum centrale, pars centralis systematis nervosi)
cephalic and cervicale parts of sympathetic systemPars cephalica et cervicalis systematis autonomici s.sympathici (pars cephalica et cervicalis systematis autonomici s.sympathici)
ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxPars ceratopharyngea s.ceratopharyngica musculi constrictoris pharyngis medii
ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxMusculus ceratopharyngeus
cerebral partzerebraler Abschnitt (pars cerebralis)
cervical partHalsabschnitt (pars cervicalis)
cervical part of oesophagusPars cervicalis oesophagi
cervical part of spinal cordZervikalmark (pars cervicalis medullae spinalis)
cervical part of spinal cordPars cervicalis medullae spinalis (pars cervicalis medullae spinalis)
cervical part of sympathetic systemHalssympathicus
cervical part of the spinal columnHalswirbelsäule
cervical soft partsHalsweichteile (Andrey Truhachev)
chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxPars chondropharyngea s.chondropharyngica musculi constrictoris pharyngis medii
chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxMusculus chondropharyngeus
ciliary part of retinaPars ciliaris retinae
clavicular part of pectoralis major musclePars clavicularis musculi pectoralis majoris (pars clavicularis musculi pectoralis majoris)
cochlear part of the auditory capsulePars cochlearis (pars cochlearis)
compact part of the trigeminus nervePars compacta nervi trigemini
compact pulvinar partPars compacta pulvinaris
condylar part of occipital bonePars lateralis ossis occipitalis
convoluted part of the renal cortexPars convoluta renis (pars convoluta renis)
costal part of diaphragmPars costalis diaphragmatis
craniosacral part of autonomic nervous systemparasympathisches System (pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, pars parasympathetica systematis nervosi autonomici)
craniosacral part of autonomic nervous systemparasympathisches Nervensystem (pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, pars parasympathetica systematis nervosi autonomici)
cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars cricopharyngica musculi constrictoris pharyngis inferior
cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars cricopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis inferior
cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxMusculus cricopharyngeus
crucial part of fibrous flexor sheat of hand and footPars cruciformis vaginae fibrosae manus et pedis
crucial part of fibrous flexor sheat of hand and footLigamenta cruciata s.cruciformia digitorum
cupolar part of epitympanic recessPars cupularis recessus epitympanica
dentigerous part of the mandibleDentale
descending partabsteigender Abschnitt (pars descendens)
descending part of aortaabsteigende Aorta (aorta descendens, pars descendens aortae)
descending part of duodenumabsteigender Duodenumabschnitt (pars descendens duodeni)
diaphragmatic part of the pericardiumPars diaphragmatica pericardii
diencephalic part of the third ventriclePars diencephalica ventriculi tertii
dorsal part of the diencephalonPars dorsalis diencephali
dorsal part of the medulla oblongataPars dorsalis medullae oblongatae (pars dorsalis medullae oblongatae)
dorsal part of the ponsTectum pontis
dorsal part of the ponsPars dorsalis pontis
early part of pregnancyFrühschwangerschaft
early part of pregnancyFrühgravidität
early part of puerperiumFrühwochenbett
elevation pain in vaginal part of uterusElevationsschmerz
elevation pain in vaginal part of uterusPortio-Lüftungsschmerz
encephalic part of the parasympathetic systemPars encephalica systematis parasympathici
epididymic part of the deferent ductPars epididymica ductus deferentis (pars epididymica ductus deferentis)
excess of blood in a partHyperämie
exocrine part of pancreasexokrines Pankreasteil
exocrine part of pancreasexokrines Pankreas
facial part of the platysmaPars facialis platysmatis
first part of the duodenumPars superior duodeni
first part of the duodenumPars cranialis duodeni
flaccid partShrapnell-Membran
flaccid partPars flaccida
flaccid part of tympanic membraneRivinus-Membran (pars flaccida membranae tympanae)
flaccid part of tympanic membraneFlaccida (pars flaccida membranae tympanae)
flaccid part of tympanic membraneShrapnell Membran (pars flaccida membranae tympani)
flaccid part of tympanic membranePars flaccida membranae tympani (pars flaccida membranae tympani)
flaccid part of tympanic membraneMembrana flaccida (pars flaccida membranae tympani)
flaccid part of tympanic membraneShrapnell-Membran (pars flaccida membranae tympanae)
foramen of flaccid part of tympanic membraneRivinus Foramen (foramen membranae flaccidae)
foramen of flaccid part of tympanic membraneForamen membrane flaccidae (foramen membranae flaccidae)
foramen of flaccid part of tympanic membraneForamen Rivini (foramen membranae flaccidae)
free part of the anterior column of fornixPars libera columnae fornicis (pars libera columnae fornicis)
free part of the deferent ductPars libera ductus deferentis (pars libera ductus deferentis)
front part of radiation of the corpus callosumCornu frontale Sappey
frontal part of the corona radiataPars frontalis
funicular part of the deferent ductPars funicularis ductus deferentis (pars funicularis ductus deferentis)
geniculate part of the optic radiationPars geniculata radiationis tractus optici
haptic part of contact lensHaptik
horizontal partHorizontalabschnitt (pars horizontalis)
hyoid part of the petrous portion of the temporal bonePars hyoidea s.hyalis ossis temporalis
iliac part of the terminal linePars iliaca lineae terminalis (pars iliaca lineae terminalis)
inactive part of drugTrägersubstanz
inferior part of the middle frontal gyrusPars inferior gyri frontalis medii
inferior part of the parotid spaceinferiorer Pol der Parotisloge
inferior part of the vestibular ganglionPars inferior ganglii vestibularis
inferior part of vestibulocochlear nerveAkustikus (nervus cochlearis)
inferior part of vestibulocochlear nerveHörnerv (nervus cochlearis)
inferior surface of petrous partFacies inferior pyramidis
inferior surface of petrous partFacies inferior partis petrosae
inferior surface of petrous partFacies basialis pyramidis
infraclavicular part of brachial plexusinfraklavikulärer Brachialnervenplexusteil (pars infraclavicularis plexus brachialis)
infralobar part of the posterior branch of the right pulmonary veinPars intersegmentalis
infralobar part of the posterior branch of the right pulmonary veinPars infralobaris
infrasegmental part of the anterior branch of the left superior pulmonary veinPars intersegmentalis
infrasegmental part of the anterior branch of the left superior pulmonary veinPars infrasegmentalis
inguinal part of the deferent ductPars inguinalis ductus deferentis (pars inguinalis ductus deferentis)
intercartilaginous part of rima glottidisGlottis interc.s.respiratoria
intercartilaginous part of rima glottidisPars intercartilaginea rimae glottidis
intercartilaginous part of rima glottidisPars interarytaenoidea
intercartilaginous part of rima glottidisArytaenoidwinkel
intercartilaginous part of the glottic openingPars interarytaenoidea
intercartilaginous part of the glottic openingGlottis interc.s.respiratoria
intercartilaginous part of the glottic openingPars intercartilaginea rimae glottidis
intermedial part of the rhomboid fossaPars intermedia
intermediate part of adenohypophysisHypophysenmittellappen (pars intermedia adenohypophyseos)
intermembranous part of the rima glottidisPars intermembranacea rimae glottidis
intermembranous part of the rima glottidisGlottis intermembranacea s.ligamentosa s.phonatoria s.vocalis
intraclavicular part of the brachial plexusPars infraclavicularis plexus brachialis (pars infraclavicularis plexus brachialis)
intracranial partintrakranieller Abschnitt (pars intracranialis)
intralobar part of the posterior branch of the right superior pulmonary veinPars intralobaris rami posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae (pars intralobaris rami posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae)
intramural partintramuraler Abschnitt (pars intramuralis)
intramuscular part of the urethraPars intramuscularis urethrae
iridical part of the retinaPars iridica retinae
iridical part of the retinaArnold Membran
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi musclePars lacrimalis musculi orbicularis oculi Horneri
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi musclePars sacci lacrimalis
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscleHenke-Horner Muskel
laryngal part of pharynxLaryngopharynx
laryngal part of pharynxPars laryngea s.laryngica pharyngis
laryngal part of pharynxHypopharynx
laryngeal part of pharynxHypopharynx (pars laryngea pharyngis)
laryngeal part of pharynxLaryngopharynx (pars laryngea pharyngis)
lateral partlateraler Teil (pars lateralis)
lateral part of the longitudinal arch of the footPars lateralis arcus longitudinalis pedis (pars lateralis arcus longitudinalis pedis)
lateral part of the longitudinal arch of the footKleinzehenbogen (pars lateralis arcus longitudinalis pedis)
length of the basilar partPars-basilaris-Länge
lumbal part of the spinal cordPars lumbalis medullae spinalis (pars lumbalis medullae spinalis)
lumbar part of the spinal columnLendenwirbelsäule
lumbar partsLumbalsegmente (segmenta lumbalia)
main part of mucousMukolytikum
main part of nephronHauptstück
marginal part of the sulcus cinguliPars marginalis sulci cinguli
mastoid part of temporal boneWarzenbein
mastoid part of the temporal bonePars petromastoidea mastoidea et petrosa
mastoid part of the temporal bonePars mastoidea ossis temporalis
maxillar part of the margin of the orbital openingPars maxillaris marginis aditus orbitae
medial part of the branch of the right middle lobe of the pulmonary veinPars medialis rami lobi medii venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae (pars medialis rami lobi medii venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae)
medial part of the longitudinal arch of the footPars medialis arcus longitudinalis pedis (pars medialis arcus longitudinalis pedis)
medial part of the longitudinal arch of the footGroßzehenbogen (pars medialis arcus longitudinalis pedis)
mediastinal part of parietal pleuraMittelfellpleura (pars mediastinalis pleurae parietalis, pleura mediastinalis)
membranous partmembranöser Abschnitt (pars membranacea)
membranous part of the atrial septumPars membranacea septi atriorum
membranous part of the male urethraPars membranacea urethrae masculinae s.virilis
membranous part of the male urethraPars diaphragmatica
membranous part of the septum of the nosePars membranacea septi nasi
membranous part of the septum of the noseSeptum membranaceum
membranous part of the septum of the nosePars cutanea
membranous part of the ventricular septumSeptum membranaceum s.ventriculorum
membranous part of the ventricular septumPars membranacea septi interventricularis s.ventriculorum
mesencephalic part of the optic radiationPars mesencephalica radiationis tractus optici
mesencephalic part of the parasympathetic systemPars mesencephalica systematis parasympathici (pars mesencephalica systematis parasympathici)
middle part of inferior parietal lobuleLobus tuberis cerebri
middle part of inferior parietal lobuleLobulus posteroparietalis tuberis Huschke
middle part of inferior parietal lobuleGyrus parietalis inferior,Wagner
middle part of inferior parietal lobuleGyrus angularis
motor part of the facial nervePars motorica nervi facialis (pars motorica nervi facialis)
movable part of the septum of the noseSeptum mobile nasi
movable part of the septum of the nosePars mobilis septi nasi
movable part of the septum of the nosePars cutanea
multiple-part bonesMischknochen
multiple-part bonesGroßknochen
muscular partmuskulärer Abschnitt (pars muscularis)
muscular part of the atrial septaPars muscularis septi atriorum
muscular part of the ventricular septumSeptum musculare ventriculorum
muscular part of the ventricular septumPars muscularis septi interventricularis s.ventriculorum
mylopharyngeal part of the superior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars mylopharyngica musculi cephalopharyngici
mylopharyngeal part of the superior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars mylopharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis superioris
mylopharyngeal part of the superior constrictor muscle of pharynxM.mylopharyngeus
nasal partnasaler Abschnitt (pars nasalis)
nasal part of pharynxNasenrachen (pars nasalis pharyngis)
nasal part of pharynxRhinopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis)
nasal part of pharynxNasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis)
nasal part of pharynxEpipharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis)
nasal part of the frontal bonePars nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal part of the pharynxEpipharynx
nasal part of the pharynxPars nasalis pharyngis
nasal part of the pharynxRhinopharynx
nodulofloccular part of the cerebellumPars nodulofloccularis cerebelli
oblique part of the cricothyroid musclePars obliqua musculi cricothyreoidei
occipital part of radiation of the corpus callosumCornu occipitale Sappey
ocular part of the conjunctivaConjunctiva sclerae
ocular part of the conjunctivaConjunctiva bulbi
olfactory part of the mucous coat of the nosePars olfactoria tunicae mucosae nasi
optic part of the hypothalamusPars optica hypothalami
optic part of the retinaPars optica retinae (pars optica retinae)
oral part of pharynxPars oralis pharyngis
oral part of pharynxMesopharynx (oropharynx, pars oralis pharyngis)
orbital partorbitaler Abschnitt (pars orbitalis)
orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrusPars orbitalis gyri frontalis inferioris
orbital part of the lacrimal glandsPars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis (pars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis)
orbital part of the lacrimal glandsGl.lacr.sup. (pars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis)
orbital part of the lacrimal glandsGl.innominata Galeni (pars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis)
osseous part of auditory tubeknöcherner Tubenabschnitt (pars ossea tubae auditivae)
outer part of lower nasal cartilageCrus laterale cartilaginis alaris majoris (crus laterale cartilaginis alaris majoris)
outer part of lower nasal cartilageCrus laterale (crus laterale cartilaginis alaris majoris)
palpebral partAugenlidabschnitt (pars palpebralis)
palpebral part of the conjunctivaConjunctiva tarsi (tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum)
palpebral part of the conjunctivaConjunctiva palpebrarum (conjunctiva palpebralis)
pancreatic part of the visceral surface of the spleenPars pancreatica faciei visceralis lienis
parasympathetic part of autonomic division of peripheral nervous systemparasympathisches System (pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, pars parasympathetica systematis nervosi autonomici)
parasympathetic part of autonomic division of peripheral nervous systemparasympathisches Nervensystem (pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, pars parasympathetica systematis nervosi autonomici)
part of a cellZytoplasma
part of blood pressurediastolisch
part of blood pressure readingsystolisch
part of cancer treatmentAntibiogramm
part of central nerve systemextrapyramidal
part of heart monitor readoutQRS-Komplex
part of the bloodPlasminogen
part of the brainThalamus
part of the heartAtrium
part of the small intestineJejunum
part-time doctorArzt in Teilzeitbeschaeftigung
part-time physicianPart-time-Arzt
parts of the fetal bodyKindsteile
parts of the foetal bodyKindsteile
parts per millionTeil per Million
pectineal part of inguinal ligamentLigamentum lacunare Gimbernati (ligamentum lacunare Gimbernati)
pelvic partBeckenabschnitt (pars pelvica)
pelvic part of the deferent ductPars pelvina ductus deferentis (pars pelvina ductus deferentis)
pelvic part of the ureterPars pelvina ureteris
pelvic part of the urogenital sinusPars pelvina sinus urogenitalis
pericardiac part of the pleuraPars pericardiaca pleurae
peripheral part of nervous systemPNS (systema nervosum periphericum, pars peripherica systematis nervosi)
peripheral part of nervous systemperipheres Nervensystem (systema nervosum periphericum, pars peripherica systematis nervosi)
petromastoid partPars petrosa ossis temporalis s.pyramis s.petromastoidea
petromastoid partFelsenbeinpyramide
petrosal part of the temporal bonePyramis
petrous part of temporal boneFelsenbeinpyramide (pars petrosa ossis temporalis)
petrous part of temporal boneFelsenbein (pars petrosa ossis temporalis)
phallic part of the urogenital sinusPars phallica sinus urogenitalis
pharyngeal part of the hypophysisPars pharyngea hypophyseos
phlegmon of soft cervical partsHalsphlegmone
phrenicogastric part of the dorsal mesogastriumPars phrenicogastrica mesogastrii dorsalis
phrenicogastric part of the lesser omentumPars phrenicogastrica omenti minoris
plate part of leg primordiumFußplatte
posterior parthinterer Abschnitt (pars posterior)
posterior part of liverSpieghel-Leberlappen (lobus caudatus hepatis)
posterior part of palatine archhinterer Gaumenbogen (arcus palatopharyngeus)
posterior part of the anterior commissurePars posterior commissurae anterioris cerebri rostralis
posterior part of the anterior lunate lobulePars posterior lobuli quadrangularis
posterior part of the interior frontal gyriPars opercularis gyri frontalis inferioris
posterior part of the temporomandibular capsuleSappey Band
posterior part of the temporomandibular capsulePars posterior capsulae temporomandibularis
posterior surface of petrous partFacies posterior interna pyramidis
posterior surface of petrous partFacies posterior pyramidis
posterior surface of petrous partFacies posterior partis petrosae
posterior surface of petrous partFacies cerebellaris pyramidis
posterior talotibial part of the deltoid ligamentPars tibiotalaris posterior ligamenti deltoidei
posterior talotibial part of the deltoid ligamentLig.talotibiale post.
preceding part of fetusvorangehender Teil
pre-urethral part of the prostatePars präurethralis prostatae
privy partsSchamteile
prostatic part of the urethraPars prostatica urethrae
pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars pterygopharyngea s.pterygopharyngica musculi constrictoris pharyngis superioris
pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxM.pterygopharyngeus
pubic part of the arcuate line of the pelvisPars pubica lineae terminalis (pars pubica lineae terminalis)
purulent inflammation of soft partsWeichteil-Phlegmone
pyloric part of stomachPylorusabschnitt (pars pylorica gastris)
removal of any part of the bodyResektion
retrocardiac partRetrokardialabschnitt
retrolentiform part of the internal capsulePars retrolentiformis capsulae internae (pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae)
rhombencephalic part of the parasympathetic systemPars rhombencephalica systematis parasympathici (pars rhombencephalica systematis parasympathici)
sacculocochlear partPars sacculocochlearis
sacral part of the parasympathetic nervous systemPars sacralis systematis parasympathici
sacral part of the spinal cordPars sacralis medullae spinalis (pars sacralis medullae spinalis)
sacral part of the terminal linePars sacralis lineae terminalis (pars sacralis lineae terminalis)
second part of duodenumabsteigender Duodenumabschnitt (pars descendens duodeni)
second part of duodenumPars descendens duodeni
second part of the facial nerve rootPars secunda radicis nervi facialis (pars secunda radicis nervi facialis)
spare part surgeryTransplantation
spinal partspinaler Abschnitt (pars spinalis)
spongy part of female urethraPars cavernosa
spongy part of the male urethraPars spongiosa urethrae masculinae
spongy part of the male urethraPars cavernosa
squamous part of temporal boneSchläfenbeinschuppe (pars squamosa ossis temporalis)
squamous part of the occipital boneSquama occipitalis
squamous part of the temporal boneSquama temp. (squama temporalis)
squamous part of the temporal boneossis temporalis (squama temporalis)
squamous part of the temporal bonePars squamosa s.squamalis (squama temporalis)
square partPars quadrata
static part of the membranous labyrinthPars statica labyrinthi membranacei
sternocostal part of pectoralis major musclePars sternocostalis musculi pectoralis majoris
sternocostal part of the pericardiumPars sternocostalis pericardii
straight part of the cricothyroid musclePars recta musculi cricothyreoidei
striosubthalamic part of the radiation of the corpus striatumPars striosubthalamica radiationis corporis striati
subfrontal part of the sulcus cinguliPars subfrontalis sulci cinguli
sublentiform part of the internal capsulePars sublentiformis capsulae internae (pars sublenticularis)
sublentiform part of the internal capsulePars sublenticularis (pars sublenticularis)
superficial partoberflächlicher Abschnitt (pars superficialis)
superior part of the lingular branch of the pulmonary veinPars superior rami lingularis venae pulmonalis superioris sinistrae
superior part of the middle frontal gyrusPars superior gyri frontalis medii
superior part of the parotid spacesuperiorer Pol der Parotisloge
superior part of the rhomboid fossaPars superior fossae rhomboideae
superior part of the vestibular ganglionPars superior ganglii vestibularis
superior part of vestibulocochlear nerveGleichgewichtsnerv (nervus vestibularis)
superior part of vestibulocochlear nervePars vestibularis nervi vestibulocochlearis (nervus vestibularis)
supraclavicular part of brachial plexussupraklavikulärer Brachialnervenplexusteil (pars supraclavicularis plexus brachialis)
supraclavicular part of the brachial plexusPars supraclavicularis plexus brachialis (pars supraclavicularis plexus brachialis)
sympathetic part of autonomic division of peripheral nervous systemsympathisches Nervensystem (pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, systema nervosum sympathicum)
sympathetic part of autonomic division of peripheral nervous systemSympathicus (pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, systema nervosum sympathicum)
sympathetic part of autonomic division of peripheral nervous systemSympathikus (pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, systema nervosum sympathicum)
tectorial part of the column of the fornixRadix ascendens
tectorial part of the column of the fornixPars tecta columnae fornicis
tectorial part of the duodenumPars tecta duodeni
tegmental part of the mamillopeduncular tractPars tegmentalis fasciculi pedunculomamillaris
temperature of clothed body partsKleiderklima
temporal part of the corona radiataPars temporalis coronae radiatae
temporal part of the temporoparietal epicranius musclePars temporalis musculi epicranii temporoparietalis
temporal parts of the middle cranial fossaPartes temporales fossae cranii mediae (partes temporales fossae cranii mediae)
tense partPars tensa
tense part of tympanic membranePars tensa membranae tympani (pars tensa membranae tympani)
tense part of tympanic membraneMembrana tensa (pars tensa membranae tympani)
third part of the duodenumPars inf.
third part of the duodenumPars horizontalis duodeni
third part of the duodenumPars caud.
thoracic part of aortaBrustschlagader (aorta thoracica, pars thoracica aortae)
thoracic part of esophagusBrustabschnitt der Speiseröhre (pars thoracica oesophagi)
thoracic part of the oesophagusPars thoracica s.thoracalis oesophagei
thoracic part of the spinal columnBrustwirbelsäule
thoracic part of the spinal cordPars thoracica s.thoracalis medullae spinalis (pars thoracica s.thoracalis medullae spinalis)
thoracic part of the spinal cordDorsalmark (pars thoracica s.thoracalis medullae spinalis)
thoracic part of the sympathetic systemPars thoracica systematis autonomici s.sympathici
thoracic part of the sympathetic systemPars thoracalis systematis sympathici
thoracolumbar part of autonomic nervous systemsympathisches Nervensystem (pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, systema nervosum sympathicum)
thoracolumbar part of autonomic nervous systemSympathicus (pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, systema nervosum sympathicum)
thoracolumbar part of autonomic nervous systemSympathikus (pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi, systema nervosum sympathicum)
thyreopharyngeal part of the inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxPars thyreopharyngea s.thyreopharyngica musculi constrictoris pharyngis inferioris
thyreopharyngeal part of the inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxM.thyreopharyngeus
tibionavicular part of the deltoid ligamentLig.tibionaviculare
tibionavicular part of the deltoid ligamentPars tibionavicularis ligamenti deltoidei
transverse part of the left brach of the portal veinPars transversa rami sinistri venae portae
triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrusPars triangularis gyri frontalis interioris
triangular part of the temporoparietal epicranius musclePars triangularis musculi epicranii temporoparietalis
tuberal part of hypophysis cerebriPars tuberalis lobi glandularis hypophyseos
tuberal part of hypophysis cerebriPars infundibularis lobi anterioris hypophysis
tuberal part of hypophysis cerebriHypophysentrichterlappen
tuberal part of the hypophysis cerebriPars tuberalis lobi glandularis hypophyseos
tympanic part of temporal bonePaukenbein (pars tympanica ossis temporalis)
tympanic part of the temporal bonePars tympanica ossis temporalis
umbilical part of the left branch of the portal veinPars umbilicalis rami sinistri venae portae
upper part of greater sciatic foramenForamen suprapiriforme
uterine part of the placentaPlacenta uterina s.materna
uterine part of the placentaPars uterina placentae
uterine part of the uterine tubePars uterina tubae uterinae
uterine part of the uterine tubePars interstitialis
utriculo ampullar partPars utriculoampullaris
vaginal part of cervixPortio vaginalis cervicis
vaginal part of cervixEktozervix
ventral part of the crus cerebriHirnschenkelfuß (pes pedunculi)
ventral part of the diencephalonPars ventralis diencephali
ventral part of the medulla oblongataPars ventralis medullae oblongatae (pars ventralis medullae oblongatae)
vertebral part of the diaphragmPars lumbalis diaphragmatis
vestibular part of vestibulocochlear nerveGleichgewichtsnerv (nervus vestibularis)
vestibular part of vestibulocochlear nervePars vestibularis nervi vestibulocochlearis (nervus vestibularis)
vital parts of the bodyedle Körperteile
zygomatic part of the margin of the orbital openingPars zygomatica marginis aditus orbitae (pars zygomatica marginis aditus orbitae)