
Terms for subject Microsoft containing parent | all forms | exact matches only
parent accountübergeordnete Firma (An account that is above other accounts in the hierarchy to which any action taken on the main account entity can propagate to)
parent businessübergeordnetes Unternehmen (A business in which any action taken on the main business can propagate to the subordinate business)
parent business unitübergeordnete Geschäftseinheit (A business unit that is immediately above another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
parent cache serverübergeordneter Cacheserver (In a multi-tiered cache hierarchy, a disk-based cache proxy/server that sits between the edge cache node and the origin server)
parent categoryübergeordnete Kategorie (An entity used in catalogs to group a set of products in a hierarchy. For example Music is a parent category and Rock Jazz and Classical are child categories)
Parent: Child Business UnitsÜbergeordnet: Untergeordnete Unternehmenseinheiten (A security access level that allows a user access to record types in the user's business unit and all business units subordinate to the user's business unit)
parent companyMuttergesellschaft (A company that owns more than one separate subsidiary)
parent content type templateübergeordnete Inhaltstypvorlage (A type of content that exists prior to the association with an actual Windows SharePoint Services list. This distinction is made since items cannot use a type until it is associated with a WSS list)
parent customerübergeordneter Kunde (An account that is immediately above a contact entity. Any action taken on the account entity can propagate to the child contact entity)
parent domainübergeordnete Domäne (For DNS and Active Directory, domains that are located in the namespace tree directly above other derivative domain names (child domains))
parent elementübergeordnetes Element (In a tree structure, an element that contains subordinate elements called child elements)
parent host groupübergeordnete Hostgruppe (" A host group that contains another host group, which is known as a "child host group.")
parent keywordübergeordnetes Stichwort (A keyword that is associated with one or more subordinate keywords)
parent nodeübergeordneter Knoten (A node with subordinate node(s), called children)
parent objectübergeordnetes Objekt (The object in which another object resides. A parent object implies relation. For example, a folder is a parent object in which a file, or child object, resides. An object can be both a parent and a child object. For example, a subfolder that contains files is both the child of the parent folder and the parent folder of the files)
parent partitionübergeordnete Partition (The partition that manages the virtual machines)
parent picklistübergeordnete Auswahlliste (A drop-down list control that determines the values of another drop-down list (also known as a picklist) or a check box)
parent projectübergeordnetes Projekt (A project that has one or more subprojects)
parent recordübergeordneter Datensatz (The highest-level container of one or more work items that includes new and changed configuration items)
parent siteübergeordneter Standort (A site that has one or more child sites)
parent solutionübergeordnete Lösung (A solution to which a component belongs to. A component can have only one parent solution)
parent tableübergeordnete Tabelle (A table that assumes a parent role when it participates in an integrity relationship with another table and whose attribute values migrate to foreign key attributes in the table assuming the child role in the relationship)
parent Webübergeordnetes Web (In a hierarchical structure, the Web site that contains the active site)
parent Web siteübergeordnete Website (In a hierarchical structure, the Web site that contains the active site)
parent windowübergeordnetes Fenster (A primary window that provides window management for a set of child windows. See also child window and multiple-document interface)
parent workflowübergeordneter Workflow (A workflow that starts a child workflow. The child workflow communicates its outcome back to the parent workflow)
primary parent categoryprimäre übergeordnete Kategorie (The parent category of a product or category that is used to determine the canonical path to that product or category, or to apply category level pricing rules to the category or product)