
Terms for subject Medical containing oil | all forms | exact matches only
animal oilstierische Fette (Öle)
aqueous solution of essential oilswaessrige Loesung aetherischer Oele
Arkansas oil stoneArkansasabziehstein
camphorated oilOel mit Zusatz von Kampfer
cedar wood oilZedernholzöl
chaulmoogra oilChaulmoograöl
clove oilNelkenöl (aetheroleum caryophylli, oleum Caryophyllorum)
croton oil dermatitisKrotonöldermatitis
essential oilEssenz
flaxseed oilOleum Lini
Gwathmey oil-ether anaesthesiaGwathmey Anästhesie
henna oilHennaöl
iodized oilJodöl
iodized oilIodöl
lemon oil dermatitisZitronenöldermatitis
light white mineral oilParaffinum liquidum leve (petrolatum liquidum leve)
linseed oilFlachssamenöl
linseed oilOleum Lini
oil acneÖlakne
oil acneÖlkrätze
oil acneSchmieröldermatitis
oil-aspiration pneumoniaLungenlipoidose
oil-based vaccineImpfstoff in oeliger Suspension
oil blueÖlblauNA
oil bodyÖlkörper
oil bodySphärosom
oil clysmaÖlklysma
oil cystÖlzyste
oil dermatitisÖlkrätze
oil dermatitisVaselinoderm
oil dermatitisSchmieröldermatitis
oil dietÖldiät
oil dressingÖlkappe
oil embolismÖlembolie
oil embolismFettembolie
oil folliculitisSchmieröldermatitis
oil folliculitisÖlakne
oil folliculitisÖlkrätze
oil glandTalgdrüse (glandula sebacea)
oil glandFettdrüse (glandula sebacea)
oil glandSchmierdrüse (glandula sebacea)
oil gland hair glandTalgdrüse
oil gland hair glandHaarbalgdrüse
oil of aniseAnisöl
oil of cinnamonZimtöl
oil of mustardSenföl
oil of sesameSesamöl
oil of tarTeeröl
oil of thujaThujaöl
oil of wormseedWurmsamenöl
oil plantÖlpflanze
oil shieldÖlhaube
oil spot phenomenonÖlfleckphänomen
oil stoneOleolith
oil testÖlprobe
oil tubeshieldÖlhaube
olive oil enemaOlivenölklysma
olive-oil enemaÖlklysma
Pearse method of oil red-O-staining of lipidsPearse Fettfärbung
phenolated oilOel mit Zusatz von Phenol
psoriatic oil spotÖltropfenphänomen
psoriatic oil spotpsoriatischer Ölfleck
sandal-wood oilSandelöl
savin oilSabinaöl
soluble in oilöllöslich
volatile oiletherisches Öl
white mineral oilParaffinöl
wintergreen oilWintergrünöl