
Terms for subject Law containing notary public | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
authenticated by a notary publicnotariell beglaubigt
certified by a notary publicnotariell beglaubigt
instrument drawn up by a notary publicechte,beweiskräftige Urkunde
notary publicNotariat
notary publicNotar
Notary PublicÖffentlicher Notar
power of attorney executed before a notary publicöffentlich beurkundete Vollmacht
power of attorney executed before a notary publicnotarielle Vollmacht
public will dictated by testator, executed by two notaries in the presence of two witnesses, or by one notary public with four witnessesöffentliches Testament
public will dictated by testator, executed by two notaries in the presence of two witnesses, or by one notary public with four witnessesTestament mit öffentlicher Beurkundung
signed before a notary publicvomvor einem,durch einenNotar abgefaßt
signed before a notary publicnotariell beurkundet
the profession of notary publicNotariat