
Terms for subject Microsoft containing node | all forms | exact matches only
b-nodeB-Knoten (A NetBIOS implementation that uses broadcast NetBIOS name queries for name registration and resolution)
child nodeuntergeordneter Knoten (A subordinate node)
cluster nodeClusterknoten (An individual computer in a server cluster)
component nodeKomponentenknoten (A node in the Application Flow panel of a SketchFlow prototype that represents a screen)
compute nodeServerknoten (A server that is added to a cluster to run jobs)
head nodeHauptknoten (A server that provides management and job scheduling services to compute nodes in an HPC cluster)
leaf nodeBlattknoten (A node with no child objects represented in the tree)
MessageBox nodeMessageBox-Knoten (In the BizTalk Administration console, the node used to view a list of the currently running MessageBox databases)
navigation nodeNavigationsknoten (A node in the Application Flow panel of a SketchFlow prototype that represents a point in the application flow)
NetBIOS Node TypeNetBIOS-Knotentyp (A designation of the exact mechanisms by which network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) names are resolved to IP addresses)
node groupKnotengruppe (A named collection of nodes in an HPC cluster)
Organization Configuration nodeKnoten "Organisationskonfiguration" (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
p-nodep-Knoten (A NetBIOS implementation that uses point-to-point communication with a WINS server to resolve names as IP addresses)
parent nodeübergeordneter Knoten (A node with subordinate node(s), called children)
Root nodeStammknoten (The location where the exception was raised, which provides information about entry points (external call) for an application: ASP page, web service method, Remoting methods, and so on)
Server Configuration nodeKnoten "Serverkonfiguration" (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that enables administrators to view a list of all the servers in their Exchange organization and perform server role-specific tasks. The Server Configuration node contains the following sub-nodes: Mailbox, Client Access, Hub Transport, and Unified Messaging)
server nodeServerknoten (An individual computer in a server cluster)
single node server clusterEinzelknoten-Servercluster (A cluster configuration that has one node and that can be configured with or without external cluster storage devices. For a single node cluster without an external cluster storage device, the local disk is configured as the cluster storage device. There are advantages and limitations for each cluster configuration (single node server cluster, single quorum device server cluster, and majority node set server cluster))
snap-in root nodeSnap-In-Stammknoten (The top node in any snap-in, whether stand-alone or extension)
template nodeVorlagenknoten (The design-time access point to the Items Collection Editor for a ToolStrip, MenuStrip, ContextMenuStrip, or StatusStrip control)
temporary nodetemporärer Knoten (A node that is created as a result of an administrator action and that displays in the navigation pane for the current console session only)
watcher nodeWatcher-Knoten (A specific agent-managed computer that is designated to monitor a feature on another computer such as a database or a web application)